SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS SERVING DETROIT'S JEWISH COMMUNITY JANUARY 3, 1992 / 27 TEVET 5752 AMY J. MEHLER Staff Writer I t is apparent to Bernard Davis that American Jewish organizations who scorned Rabbi Meir Kahane in life have deserted the former Kach leader in death. Mr. Davis, 29, president of the Detroit chapter of the Jewish Defense Organiza- tion (JDO), held meetings at his Oak Park home this week to discuss ways of pressing the U.S. Depart- ment of Justice into bringing El Sayyid Nosair, acquitted Dec. 22 of the Nov. 5, 1990, assassination of Rabbi Kahane, back to court. The JDO joins the Anti- Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL) and the Jewish Community Relations Coun- cil of New York in asking the Assistant Attorney Gen- eral's office to review Mr. Nosair's conduct and charge him with violating Rabbi Kahane's civil rights. "We're sending postcards to the judge, to local and na- tional Jewish organizations and rabbis for help," said Mr. Davis, an electrical technician and U.S. Marine Reserve officer. "We demand the maximum sentence." Mr. Davis said he'd receiv- ed little if any response from Detroit area Jewish organ- izations. "A Jew was murdered and no one comes out to fight for his rights," he said. "I think they're glad the rabbi is dead and buried." The 3 6-year-old Mr. Nosair, a native of Egypt, was cleared of the three major counts in his indict- ment. He was found not guil- ty on the charge of second degree murder for the kill- ing of Rabbi Kahane and not guilty on two counts of at- tempted murder for woun- ding a postal officer. The jury found Mr. Nosair guilty of assaulting the postal officer, Carlos Acosta, and guilty of assault against an elderly man who was a member of the audience where Rabbi Kahane was speaking. He was also found guilty of coercion, for put- ting a gun to the back of the head of a cab driver and commandeering the cab minutes after the rabbi was murdered. New York State Supreme Court Judge Alvin Schles- inger set Jan. 29 as the Photo by Craig Te rkowitz Detroiters React To Kahane Case Rabbi Meir Kahane: Controversial in death. sentencing date. Maximum sentences, if run con- secutively, could total 36 years behind bars. "Where is the justice for Rabbi Kahane?" asked Mr. Davis. Ever since the trial, Mor- dachei Levy, head of JDO's New York office, has staged angry demonstrations out- side the Greenwich Village home of William M. Kunstler, defense counsel for Mr. Nosair. "We will con- tinue to demonstrate until the killer of Meir Kahane is brought to justice," he said. Mr. Levy, once a member of the Jewish Defense League, founded in 1968 by Rabbi Kahane, created JDO in the 1980s when Rabbi Kahane started the Kach Party (banned from the Knesset in 1988), a move- ment advocating the expul- sion of Arabs from Israel. "The American Jewish es- tablishment should be rais- ing hell at this (not guilty) verdict," Mr. Levy said. "Instead, they're just sitting around like the cowards they are." Laurence Imerman, vice president of the Detroit chapter of American Jewish Committee, responded diff- erently. "I'm bothered by decisions taken by political considerations," Mr. Imer- man said. "And I'm not in the position, 800 miles away, tc second-guess a jury." Mr. Imerman, an attorney involved in criminal ap- pellate defense work, said the prosecution failed to produce enough evidence against Mr. Nosair to con- vince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt. "Just be- cause the outcome (of the trial) wasn't what you want- ed, doesn't mean there was cause for anti-Semitism," Mr. Imerman said. Despite the five-week trial, in which 51 prosecution and six defense witnesses were called to the stand, the jury apparently accepted defense arguments that Rabbi Kahane was killed by un- named JDL leaders or other followers of the rabbi, over politics or money supposedly missing from a fund to sup- port Rabbi Kahane's yeshiva in Israel. Mr. Imerman doesn't think the federal govern- ment should pursue the case. "I think the federal Justice Department should intervene only when the state judicial system is un- fair or biased, where due process of law has not been exercised," he said. Spokesmen for the Jewish Community Council and Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit declin- ed to comment. At the moment, ADL is the only major Jewish organiza- tion leading the federal civil rights suit against Mr. Nosair. "A thorough in- vestigation by the U.S. Justice Department would underscore the govern- ment's commitment to pro- tecting our fundamental civil rights," said ADL Na- tional Chairmen Melvin Continued on Page 16