BACKGROUND The Peace Talks: Are They Doomed? The talks don't seem to be going anywhere: Israel shot itself in the foot; Syria wants Palestinians to be tougher, and the U.S.-may be getting distracted. HELEN DAVIS Foreign Correspondent A up 0'• o-- Or' fter suffering a self- inflicted public rela- tions wound by refus- ing to accept the United States' invitation to attend peace talks in Washington on Dec. 4, Israel's negotia- ting teams traveled to Wash- ington last weekend in a bid to salvage some of their tat- tered credibility. But there was little expec- tation that fences would be quickly mended with the Bush administration. Nor was there any serious expec- tation that the Israeli dele- gates' late arrival in Wash- ington would signal a diplo- matic breakthrough. Jerusalem insisted that its delegates return home by this weekend after no more than three meetings in Washington to agree on a venue in or near the Middle East for future talks. By rejecting the invitation to start talks last week, Israel was protesting not only the refusal of the Arab parties to meet in the region itself, but also the United States' intrusive role at the pre-negotiating stage. Jerusalem's foot-dragging was intended to convey the message that deadlock with its Arab neighbors would not — could not — be broken by a diktat from Washington, which is increasingly perceived as pro-Arab. But Israel's refusal to at- tend last week's talks was an empty protest, and when its delegates flew into Wash- ington, their balance sheet showed a net loss. Israel had failed to con- vince the Arabs to move the talks to the region and it had failed to convince the United States to butt out and leave the parties to sort out their own problems. It had lost valuable PR capital without the compen- sating benefits of diplomatic gains. Most ominous, the Bush administration is suffering no discernible political damage from acting tough with Israel. This lesson will not be lost on the Democrats, who have little enthusiasm for defending Israel keeping the territories. What should now be ob- vious, .if it were not already so, is that all parties' room to maneuver has been reduced, perhaps permanently, to a low-stakes diplomatic poker game in which there can be no real winners. The game evokes and prompts intemperate outbursts, impotent rage and political petulance. Ultimately, however, it is an empty test of wills that pro- duces only continued stalemate. The United States' un- questioned supremacy and its firm resolve means that none of the parties can afford to bang the table and say "No!" They can still bang the table, but their rhetoric now is restricted to "Maybe The only credible pressure on the parties comes from the threat of retaliation by Washington _against those perceived to be thwarting the peace process. State Department gurus seem driven by the assump- tion that the mere act of br- inging the parties to the ne- gotiating table will unblock a half-century of embedded suspicion and hostility. Such an assumption is likely to prove naive, if not actually dangerous. So far, the process has served simp- ly to emphasize differences and provoke confrontation. It has inspired no new con- fidence and has achieved no positive movement. Now, six weeks after the historic face-to-face meetings in Madrid, the Arabs and the Israelis have still not broken the "psychological barrier" which is considered to be the first step to successful Mid- dle East peace-making. There have been no groundbreaking Sadat-like gestures that address Israel's fundamental con- cerns over security, recogni- tion and legitimacy; no re- ciprocal Begin-like gestures that address the basic Arab concern for territorial con- cessions. More pertinent than ever is the question: Will the peace process succeed? There is no definitive an- swer, but any response must be hedged with qualifica- tions: Yes, if the Arabs want it to. Yes, if the Israelis want it to. Yes, if all parties are prepared for the long haul. Yes, if the United States re- mains determined. There are already indica- tions that Washington, beset by domestic political and The United States' unquestioned supremacy and its firm resolve means that none of the parties can afford to bang the table and say "No!" economic concerns in an election year, will let its at- tention drift and allow the momentum to be lost. There are also signs of unease among the Arabs, notably Syria, about strik- ing a deal with Israel, a reluctance likely to grow in direct proportion to any decline in Washington's Artwork been Noyesclay by Coey • Copyngh, 1991. Newsday. Dettnhoo0 by Los Angola, Toon Syndicate_ resolve to pursue the peace process. At the same time, however, there are indica- tions that both Jordan and the Palestinians, - the weakest and most vulnerable links in the Arab chain, are ready to cut a deal. Jordan's King Hussein, rocked by political, economic and social problems since the Gulf War, is anxious to restore stability and end the nightmare of Palestinian violence spilling over from the West Bank and unsettl- ing his throne. Weakening the Palestin- ians was PLO chairman Yassir Arafat's support for Iraq. This returned them to the diplomatic deep-freeze and devastated the PLO's fi- nancial base as Gulf states turned off their cash taps. One indication of Palestin- ians' predicament can be found in their willingness to abandon cherished dogma and accept virtually all of Israel's demands for negotiations. They are prepared to forego PLO rep- resentation in the negotia- ting chamber, and are ready to accept Israel's Camp David terms for autonomy. It is likely that Israel will try to detach Jordan and the Palestinians from Syria, which is least enthusiastic about the peace process and with whom the prospects of a settlement are slim. At the same time, however, Syria is working hard to keep the Arab dele- gations in line and stop Pa- lestinian representatives from racing ahead in the ne- gotiating process. Much of the future direction of the peace process will be dic- tated by deals between Syria and the Palestinians. Syrian President Hafez al- Assad is working two tracks to pressure Palestinian leaders in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to dampen their passion for compromise with Israel: One is through the main- stream PLO leadership in Tunis, with whom Mr. Assad has a rapprochement after a 10-year breach; the second is via the Lebanese govern- ment, which Damascus effectively controls. Palesti- nians fear that if they displease Mr. Assad at the negotiating table, he may exact revenge through the 500,000 Palestinians living in Lebanon. By coincidence, the puppet government in Beirut re- cently served notice that it may expel from Lebanon about 200,000 Palestinians it considers "illegal immi- grants." Washington's determina- tion to drag the parties to the table without prior agreements or understan- dings involves a great gamble: If diploinacy fails, the cure could be more dras- tic than the complaint. ❑ THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 33