NOTEBOOK Studio In Harvard Row Mall 1 -1 ' When Will We Accept The Torah? 50%-70% OFF GARY ROSENBLATT Editor ALL NAME BRANDS • • • • Vertical Blinds Levolor Blinds Pleated Shades Wood Blinds 21728 W. Eleven Mile Rd. Harvard Row Mall Southfield, MI 48076 Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10-5 Free Professional Measure at No Obligation Free in Home Design Consulting WE NEED YOUR HELP 10 FEED OUR HUNGRY Food Bank of Oakland County NOVI VACANT LAND SITES • INDUSTRIAL • RETAIL • OFFICE Jonathan Brateman Properties 474-3855 Maxie Collision, Inc. The only name you need to know for insurance work • restoration • unibody repair 737-7122 32581 Northwestern Highway Farmington Hills, MI 48108 32 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1991 If the organ- ized Jewish com- munity would only act on 2 per- cent of what's recommended at a General As- sembly, our troubles would be over. This year, as in past years, I heard a number of excellent presentations by Jewish leaders on the need to counter the trend of assimilation, intermarriage, Jewish ignorance and Jew- ish indifference. But that's the problem. Every year the speeches get better, and more pas- sionate, because little is done to combat these prob- lems in the intervening 12 months. Or, as Barry Shrage, the chief executive of the Boston Jewish federa- tion put it, "the American Jewish community is guilty of criminal negligence." He was complaining, in a session on whether or not our grandchildren will be Jewish, that we have failed to heed the warnings of past years. He and other speakers suggested that the only way to reverse the trend of in- creasing assimilation is to do something about it. That means, in practical terms, that federations and synagogues need to stop viewing each other as adver- saries, squabbling over turf issues, and work together. "If we don't include syn- agogues in our federation community, we will both fail," asserted Mr. Shrage, who often sounded more like a rabbi than a federation ex- ecutive. He called the synagogue the "key gateway to Ameri- can Jewish life" and "our last best hope." He even in- voked God's help and quoted from the Bible. In advocating the training of federation professionals to work within synagogues, as youth workers and family education specialists, Mr. Shrage was making a radical departure from past federation philosophy. Fed- erations have always shied away from becoming too in- volved in synagogues, for po- litical and ideological reasons. Or rather, for non- ideological reasons, since federation has not wanted to be in a position of choosing between more traditional and more liberal approaches to Judaism. Now, Mr. Shrage was call- ing for federations to become involved, and Joy Levitt, a Reconstructionist rabbi from Roslyn, New York, was call- ing on federations to train rabbis to serve on college campuses. Even more radical was the suggestion from the third panelist at the forum, Pro- fessor Arnold Eisen of Stan- ford University, who said that American Jews must live Jewish lives if they want their children and grandchildren to be Jewish. It's that simple, and that complicated. Trips to Israel enhance Jewish identity for many of us, particularly young people, but how long can we rely on Israel to build the future of American Jewry? The key, as several speakers said, is to stop pass- ing the buck and transform our own lives, to become Now, faced with the fear of extinction, federation stands poised to engage not only in Jewish community but in Judaism. more committed to Jewish study and practice. Our children learn more through example than through directives. Telling them to be more Jewish, without giving them reasons to want to live Jewish lives, is meaningless. The problem we face is the end of American Jewry, not through persecution but through indifference. Each year the leaders of our national community come together to share their statistical data, and their fears, and to call for action — both personal and collective. Until now, there has been too little of either. Federations go back to do- ing what they do best, rais- ing funds and supporting important institutions and causes. And as individuals, lay and professional leaders go back to seeing a distinc- tion between being a good Jew and being a religiously serious Jew. The message, though, is painfully clear. It's not 4 working for most Jews. They don't feel a connection bet- ween their daily concerns and being Jewish. The social work framework of building com- munity is vital, and federa- tions have done a magnifi- cent job of creating and sus- taining a network of institu- tions, helping Jews in Israel, the Soviet Union and in one's own hometown. But while federation can keep the body thriving, it does not speak to the soul. The civil religion of American Judaism — fund raising for Israel and Jewish causes — is powerful, but limited. Now, faced with the fear of extinction and ir- relevance, federation stands poised to bridge that gap, to engage not only in Jewish community but in Judaism. To do that, the consensus- minded leaders of American Jewry must realize that, for all of our differences, we Jews have one common text, and that is the Torah. But Torah is not just a scroll in an ark or words to reflect on. Torah is a what Jewish people do, a way to live. How each of us interprets the words of Torah may differ, but until we accept that an American Jewish enterprise without Torah as its core cannot exist, we are doomed to go on hearing the warnings with deaf ears. ❑ mi•immiii NEWS im'•° 4 4 - 4 Narkiss Shifts To North America Jerusalem (JTA) — Uzi Narkiss, since 1982 the head of the World Zionist Organ- ization's Information Department here, will be transferred to the United States to head the WZO and Jewish Agency operation in North America, the agency announced. Mr. Narkiss will replace Amira Dotan, who is corn- pleting a three- year tour of duty there. Mr. Narkiss' duties in Jerusalem will be assumed temporarily by WZO Chair-. man Simcha Dinitz, who will hold the information port- folio until the Zionist Con- gress in June, when a new director will be appointed. Mr. Narkiss will continue to serve as a member of the Zionist Executive during his North American mission. 4 4