(DSeekers A N lE 11:wr of the Sabbath Prayer Book. Relationships between Or- thodox and Reconstruc- tionist Judaism have been shaky ever since. Perhaps the most wide- spread misconception about Reconstructionism is that Reconstructionists don't be- lieve in God. "Frankly, I'm always a lit- tle baffled when I hear that;' says Rabbi Mordechai Liebling, FRCH executive director. "We're extremely invested in ritual; worship is the central part of most synagogue life. I mean, God appears on every other page of every thing we've ever published!' What confuses many is that Rabbi Kaplan believed in a naturalist or trans- natural God rather than a supernatural one. He believ- ed God was not an indepen- dent, conscious being able to reverse the course of nature at will; instead, he thought of God as an impersonal force that existed in and through nature and mankind. He described God as a process, or as a source of inspiration, rather than as an anthropomorphic diety. "Reconstructionists main- tain a piece of that," Rabbi Gluck explains. "Few Recon- structionists believe in a supernatural deity who can alter the course of nature at will. But in the last 20 years there's been a new under- standing of religious sym- bolism and imagery. "Many Reconstructionists, while not believing in a per- sonal God, are nevertheless more comfortable with traditional God-language. We can talk about God in personal, almost super- natural-sounding terms, not meaning that there is some- one sitting on a throne in Heaven, but thinking of all those prayers and phrases as religious metaphors, as the traditions 1 Jewish way of ex- pressing the inexpressible?' According to a new bro- chure produced by the move- ment, Reconstructionists "believe in a God who in- habits this world and especially the human heart. 28 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1991 God is the source of our generosity, sensitivity, and concern for the world around us . . . the power within us that urges us toward self-fulfillment and ethical behavior." Sharon Musher is a 19-year-old Reconstruc- tionist from Manhattan, currently studying at the University of Michigan. She is also the great-grand- daughter of Mordecai Kaplan, whom she remem- bers as "great-grandpa Mark?' Like most Recon- structionists, Ms. Musher frequently struggles with her ideas about God. "Great-grandpa Mark talked about prayer as a way of drawing on a spirit within you," she says. "I have some trouble with that; I'm un- comfortable with the idea of praying to something inside myself. "My brother Abe prefers to think of God as a higher concept, like truth or justice, and in praying to God we discover something of it in ourselves. I find myself much more comfortable with that interpretation of prayer?' Rabbi Kaplan himself was as uncomfortable with Reform Judaism's tendency to abandon tradition as he was with Orthodoxy's in- sistence on blind obedience to it. His goal, and the goal of the Reconstructionist movement, was to balance tradition and innovation and to actively involve the Jewish community in creating new meanings for old rituals — "putting new wine in old bottles?' ■ atfi"--= Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan: A kind of "dual citizenship." Because of his half- century association with the JTS, and because of the Movement's 30-year history of anti-denominationalism, for many years Reconstruc- tionism was viewed as simp- ly a liberal tendency within the Conservative move- ment. Today clear dif- ferences exist between the official positions of the two movements. The main difference bet- ween Reconstructionist and Conservative Jews is in their approach to Halachah (Jewish law). Conservative Judaism considers Hala- chah a binding code of law and makes changes only if there is a solid halachic justification. Reconstruc- tionists do not consider Halachah binding. As Rab- bi Kaplan put it, "the past has a vote, not a veto?' "Unlike Conservativism, we are a post-halachic move- ment, and consequently we place the locus of authority not in a small group of rab- bis in the seminary but within each community;' Rabbi Liebling says. "Reconstructionists understand that every generation of Jews needs to take responsibility for their Judaism," he says. "We need to study the past, and know our traditions, and make the necessary adaptations for the present. Halachah is an important part of those deci- sions, but it is not the sole criterion. Contemporary ethics, the teachings of democracy, and science all inform our decisions." Consider, for example, the way the Conservative, Reform and Reconstruc- tionist movements deal with divorces. The Conservative movement still uses the traditional male-initiated get (legal annulment). Reform Judaism, for the most part, has abandoned the use of gittim and simply accepts a civil ceremony as sufficient. Reconstructionism has in- stituted the use of an egalitarian get that can be initiated by either men or women. In addition, the movement is in the process gittim of developing ceremonies, so that the divorce itself becomes a more personally meaningful experience. "We have ceremonies for birth, bar and bat mitzvah, weddings, and death. Divorce should be added to that list;' Rabbi Liebling says. "Ritual has very im- portant teachings, and we need to take those teach- ings, evolve them, recon- struct them and tailor them to our contemporary needs and sensibilities?' Most Reconstructionist synagogue practices are not that different from Conser- vative or Reform congrega- tions, but the differences that do exist are significant. Reconstructionists are more likely to sit in a circle, and Reconstructionist rabbis are less likely to stand in a pulpit. Instead of delivering a sermon, most Reconstruc-