PURELY COMMENTARY I' Persian %its PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus SALE SAVE ca f t 0/ OFF retail and receive UP TO 6JV /0 a BUY BACK GUARANTEE* We think you'll always want to have , the hand-awoven, one-of -a-kind rug you get from us. But in case you don't want to keep it, remember this on the first anniversary of yOUT purchase, tue'll buy the Tug back from NOU for three percent more than you paid us for it.* More than you paid? Well, that shouldn't surprise you. As you probablN know, unique, fine - quality Persian rugs have continually increased in value over time. Come and talk with us about the rig you'd love to own. Forever or , , itmter . „, 1-en4P1 , (1,(:(41, 269 SOUTH WOCDWARD AVENUE • BIRMINGHAM, MICHIGAN 48009 • 642.3930 Wednesday-FridaySaturdaY 1 0 - 3 DESIGNS IN DECORATOR LAMINATES For High Quality Formica Always At A Great Discount W aidette l% ON THE MAYFAIR "FASHIONS FOR THE FULL FIGURED WOMAN WITH STYLE" Come In and Compare Our Prices SPECIALIZING IN: • • • • • • Wall Units Bedrooms Dining Rooms Credenzas Tables Offices 26317 W. 12 Mile just E. of Northwestern ALSO SPECIALIZING: Southfield Mayfair Shops • Woods • Glass • Stones • Lucite 353-7773 IT DOESN'T HAVE TO COST A FORTUNE . . . ONLY LOOK LIKE IT! CALL LOIS HARON 851-6989 . Allied Member ASID Wage PAINTS .G0 cs DON'T LET HOUSEHOLD PESTS HOLD YOU HOSTAGE! CALL THE ERADICO PROFESSIONALS! \\\G. • Wall Coverings • Carpeting • Window Treatments The Friendliness Of The New Own- ers Is More Than Just Decoration. Hours: M& Th 7::30-8;1 W, F7:30-5.:30,• Sol 10-5 4185 Orchard Lake Rd. 626-0609 Eradico's safe and proven methods keep your home free of insects, rodents and other pests. Trust Eradico for an honest assessment of your needs and dependable, affordable service. Cockroaches • Ants • Fleas • Bees • Hornets • Wasps • Rats • Mice and any other pests. For a FREE inspection and estimate, Call Today! Mw MI MM. IMP /Mb. IlLAMNIV Nmor Ell maim sw-- sr= or- Iona =MI - - ate ` MAN CONTROL Eradicate With Eradico Michigan's Largest Independent Pest Control Company For Service Throughout Southeastesi Michigan Call: (313) 546 - 6200 38 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1991 DESIGNS UNLIMITED THE FINEST IN CUSTOM CABINETS FOR HOME OR OFFICE" 624-7300 Protecting The Cradle Of Americanism F rom the time when the Statue of Liberty was brought to American Shores as a French inspira- tion, the sculpture carried with it an immortalization of the "Cradle of Liberty" that was the very root of Ameri- can idealism. This became a force of idealism for the mill- ions who kept aspiring for freedom under the Stars and Stripes. The great spiritual force that was thus animated and sent forth admiration from all mankind became prayer and hope as an American ideal in the words of Ameri- can poetess Emma Lazarus. Her "New Colossus", affixed to the Statue of Liberty, is a greeting never forgotten. It keeps elevating our spirits: Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightn- ing, and her name Mother of exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she with silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" Emma Lazarus had written many poems as an associate of Ralph Waldo Emerson and other great Americans of the time. She turned to the American theme when she was shock- ed into consideration of the horrors that were perpetrated in the pogroms of Russia and Romania from 1879 to 1882. That's how the idealism of Emma Lazarus became a perma- nent factor in American principles. We now witness adherence to this ideal in the deter- mination of the State of Israel and the Jewish people to rescue Jews threatened with pogroms — again in Russia and wherever there is a menace to our people. The American ideal must never be besmirched. Emma Lazarus: American idealism. How disgustingly horrify- ing is the abuse resorted to by a cartoonist and publish- ed in the Detroit Free Press Sept. 24. It went so far as to misuse the nobility of the "New Colossus" by applying quoted words as a means of encouraging political disputation about Israel. These are corruptions that must never be tolerated. We appeal to cartoonists and editors never to endorse and thereby encourage the drag- ging of American idealism into the gutter. ❑ 'Penny A Day' To Reality From the very day of the in- auguration of Keren Kyemeth —the Jewish National Fund — as a philanthropic task to realize the Zionist ideal, there were many who resorted to a slogan, "A Penny a Day is the JNF Way." There were many who at the time of this introductory effort, which is now marking its 90th anniversary, who believed that if all Jews re- sponded to it with "a penny a day" the aim for the redemption of the national homeland would be speedily recognized. The fact is that the idealists were not as numerous as hoped for. Nevertheless, adherents to the cause later multiplied into the millions, and the cause became the means of state building and one of the major means of realizing a dream. Volumes have been written on the Keren Kayemeth and now more are being appended. Scores of forests have been planted to make Eretz Israel fruitful, productive and the welcom- ing rescuer of millions of suf- ferers from persecution. Moshe Rivlin, who heads this important movement, has indicated the continuity of Keren Kayemeth com- mitments. Even in brief ex-