`A RAT IS A PIG IS A DOG IS A BOY' Is Animal Rights a Jewish Issue? N obody is afraid of the big, bad wolf at Linda Gale's home. That's be- cause the concept of the big, bad wolf does not exist there — not in songs, not in storybooks, not in bedtime stories. Instead, the Gale children learn that wolves are graceful animals and loving, protecting parents — much like humans. They learn that rats feel pain and should not be regarded as appropriate for medical ex- perimentation. They learn, in their mother's words, that animals "have the right to live a life free of suffering and to exist regardless of having any value to humans." Mrs. Gale's 5-year-old son, Eric, a vegetarian, recently expressed concern about his leather shoes. He asked, "Why do we wear dead animals on our feet?" OCTOBER 4 1991 For Mrs. Gale, the issue is not animal welfare as pur- ported by institutes like the Humane Society. The issue is animal rights. Animals, activists believe, are no less a life form than humans, and consequently deserve the same civil rights as man: the right to a peaceful life free from molestation and ex- ploitation, the right to self- expression, the right to be regarded worthy in and of themselves. Increasingly, Jews play a prominent role in the animal rights movement. They are active in organizations like PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). With 280,000 members, PETA is the largest animal rights organization nation- wide; its members last week began picketing General Motors because of the com- pany's use of animals in vehicle safety tests. Altogether, animal rights advocates are said to number some 11 million. A number of specifically Jewish groups for animal rights — including CHAI (Concern for Helping Animals in Israel) and JAR (Jews for Animal Rights) — also exist. There are numer- ous Jewish vegetarian societies in most Western nations, and British Jews publish a quarterly newsletter, The Jewish Vegetarian, whose logo reads "For a Vegetarian World." Peter Singer, author of Animal Liberation, the bible of the animal rights cause, is Jewish. So are the heads of the Vegetarian Resource Group, the Farm Animals Reform Movement and Psy- chologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Jews also hold top positions in the Animal Legal Defense Fund, ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM Assistant Editor the Student Action Corps for Animals, In Defense of Animals, Trans-Species Unlimited and the Medical Research Modernization Committee. Linda Gale calls animal rights "the cause of the 1990s." Roberta Kalechof- sky, who in 1986 founded Jews for Animal Rights, labels animal rights "a Jew- ish issue." Both agree it is a cause that has influenced and been accepted by gen- eral society. "Maybe years ago people thought it was strange when I talked about animal rights," Mrs. Gale said. "But it's not a fringe group anymore." Friends eagerly attend her "no-fur parties" and never question her fre- quent trips around the coun- try to attend animal rights rallies, she said. A 1990 Parents Magazine poll confirms Mrs. Gale's statement. Eighty percent of those surveyed said they believe animals have rights. Activists trace the modern- day animal rights movement to the 1975 publication of Animal Liberation by Peter Singer. The book advocates vegetarianism, offers gruesome details about how chickens, cows and other animals are raised for human consumption, and denounces the use of animals in laboratory ex- periments. Mr. Singer, an Australian professor, likens the animals' situation today to the plight of Jews in Nazi Germany. "Then, as now, subjects were frozen, heated, and put in decompression chambers," he writes. "Then, as now, these events were written up in dispassionate scientific jargon." Animal rights is an issue which rarely elicits a lukewarm response. People