INI ■ 11 NEWS Rabbinical Court Voids Marriage Jerusalem (JTA) — A Jerusalem rabbinical court set a notable precedent re- cently when it voided the marriage of an American couple performed by a Reform rabbi. The ruling, which has po- litical as well as halachic, or Orthodox religious, significance, could affect future cases involving per- sonal- status that reach Israeli courts. The three-man panel of re- ligious court judges decided 2-1 to dissolve the marriage of some years' standing, declaring the wife free to remarry without obtaining a get, a Jewish divorce. The married couple were Americans living in Israel who had been in the process of obtaining a divorce. The husband left the country before it became final. The rabbinical court, headed by Rabbi Shilo Rafael, acted to protect the woman from the status of "agunah," or abandoned wife, which would leave her ineligible to remarry under religious law. The judges determined that her marriage was in- valid, even though the cou- ple had lived together for years as husband and wife. The judges made their rul- ing after questioning people who had been present at the wedding ceremony. It was discovered that the bride's relatives had been the offi- cial witnesses to the wed- ding, which Halachah does not recognize as valid. They also found that the groom did not pronounce the "harei at" (behold thou art consecrated to me) ritual declaration when placing the ring on the bride's finger. The majority opinion may have been influenced by the late American Orthodox sage, Rabbi Moshe Feins- tein. In a responsum authored in the 1950s, Rabbi Feins- tein suggested that all Reform marriages could be presumed invalid. In that way, a woman would escape the Talmudic burden of mamzerut —illegitimacy — if the wife in a Reform mar- riage has children from a se- cond marriage without hav- ing obtained a halachic divorce from her first hus- band. That approach has never been applied in Israeli courts, and it has prompted considerable interest in both judicial and rabbinic circles. COATS - SUITS • 25%-50% OFF EVERYDAY THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS al