Been I've Independent, Daughter Understan That. If you're like most people at The Trowbridge, you have your own life and your children have theirs. Here, you'll enjoy an active, in- dependent retirement in your own apartment. You'll enjoy the com- panionship of others, while at the same time, have your privacy when you want it. And since we take care of chores like cleaning and home main- tenance, you'll have more leisure time for family and friends. zp-x. Best of all, The Trowbridge is quite affordable and a real value. There's no endowment fee or unex- pected expenses. All of the services are included in your monthly rent. To find out more about an indepen- dent retirement, mail the coupon or call (313) 352-0208. Name Address State City Phone ( Zip JA0920-43 Mail to: 24111 Civic Center Dr., Southfield, MI 48034 \7 4-4GX., -r