BACKGROUND The $10 Billion Fue•Off Washington has upped the ante considerably by linking Soviet resettlement loan guarantees with Middle East peace talks. Foreign Correspondent S ecretary of State James Baker is ex- pected to arrive in Jerusalem this weekend amid a deepening crisis over Israel's request for a $10 billion loan guarantee to help absorb Soviet immi- grants. The application was lodged by Israeli Ambassador to the United States Zalman Shoval last Friday despite a request. by President Bush and Mr. Baker to delay it until after the proposed Oc- tober start of the planned Middle East peace con- ference. The administration was clearly hoping to use the issue of the loan guarantee to ensure Israel's attendance at the conference and to freeze settlement activity in the occupied territories. Equally clearly, Israel was hoping to rally its forces and draw on its deep support in Congress to override the administration. President Bush and Mr. Baker, however, moved swiftly to preempt this move, issuing strenuous ap- peals to congressional leaders to delay considera- tion of the application for 120 days. "We will take no chance of unraveling the peace pro- cess," said President Bush. "I know it is in the interest of world peace to have this deferred." Mr. Baker said he sought the delay because of the "very sensitive diplomatic efforts" underway as part of the peace process. He did not want these efforts to be "undercut," he said, and he urged Congress "to give us the time we need to study and explore this re- quest and deal with it." But Prime Minister Yit- zhak Shamir insisted that Israel would not bend. "I hope he does not mean to put pressure on us. Our Ameri- can friends know we are more forthcoming in an at- mosphere of cooperation than confrontation," Mr. Shamir said. Then, in a reference to the fragile arrangements that Mr. Baker has put in place for the peace talks, Mr. Shamir interjected an ominous note. "Israel is anx- ious for the conference to start as soon as possible, but only if its terms are fulfilled to ensure a fair and objective [forum]in which an anti- Israeli result is not a forgone conclusion. "As Secretary Baker said, everything has an impact. This may have an impact as well," Mr. Shamir warned. The prime minister in- sisted there should be no linkage between assistance for the absorption of Soviet immigrants and Israel's set- tlement policies: "American aid to absorb immigration is a human- itarian enterprise of the highest order and should not be affected by, or hinge on, any political conditions." Asked if he would consider suspending settlement ac- tivities in advance of the peace conference, he said:. "I do not see settlements as a violation of order, justice or rights in any way." Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was also quick to accuse Mr. Baker of creating an "unjustifiable link" bet- ween humanitarian and po- litical issues. "I hope America does not renege on its traditional efforts to absorb the Soviet Jews in Israel," he said. "We cannot hold hostage the hu- manitarian task of absorb- Washington's move may have been aimed at preventing Housing Minister Ariel Sharon from scuttling the peace conference. ing these people, who are effectively refugees, to some political demand coming from Arab quarters. "I also hope people under- stand that such an attempt would be totally counter- productive. If the Arabs believe that America will put pressure on Israel, what possible incentive will they have to make corn- promises?" The most dire warning came from Knesset Speaker Dov Shilansky, who said that "a government which stops settling the West Bank signs its own death war- rant." Soviet immigrants were not encouraged to settle in the West Bank, but he said it was inconceivable that an Monday's announcement of a four-month delay may ease tension between Yitzhak Shamir, above, and George Bush, below left. Israeli government would prevent Jews from settling in the territories. "What would international public opinion say if blacks were not allowed to settle in parts of the Bronx?" he asked. Washington's move may well be aimed at preventing Israeli Housing Minister Ariel Sharon from attemp- ting to torpedo the peace conference planned for next month, sources noted. Mr. Sharon, who controls the pace and scope of set- tlement \ activities, recently used his cabinet vote to op- pose Israeli participation in the proposed peace con- ference, which he described as a "historic mistake." He knows that conspicuous settlement in the weeks leading up to the conference will poison the negotiating atmosphere, and, possibly, scuttle the peace conference itself. On two occasions earlier this year, Mr. Sharon deliberately set out to em- barrass Mr. Baker and undercut his initiative by announcing the estab- lishment of new settlements in the occupied territories during critical stages in his diplomatic shuttles to the region. Such settlements are regarded in Washington as major obstacles to peace THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 29 1011MNi HELEN DAVIS