nobody really likes paying in- come tax, however necessary it may be. Consequently, rival fund- raising organizations flour- ished at Keren Harysod's ex- pense, because donations could be earmarked for specific projects rather than disappearing anonymously into a massive fund. More- over, in many countries where Keren Hayesod is active, as much as half of the income raised remains in that coun- try for Jewish cultural and educational facilities. This deters donors who want all their money to go to Israel. These problems were part- ly overcome during the 1980s by devising programs by which contributors could specify where their donations would go. Nowhere was this more successful than with Project Renewal, where Dias- pora communities adopted disadvantaged Israeli com- munities. Not only did this help to improve the standard of living in poorer neighbor- hoods in Israel, but it also strengthened Isarel-Diaspora relations. The current wave of new immigrants is a severe test for Keren Hayesod's fund- raising abilities. With an estimated 200,000 newcomers arriving in Israel this year, Keren Hayesod's donors around the world are being asked to double their regular annual contributions from $70 million to $140 million. It is true that Diaspora Jewry has rallied around Israel in previous times of need, especially during the Six Day War in 1967 and the Yom Kippur War in 1973, but during the controversial war in Lebanon, fund-raising fell flat. Whether Israel will con- tinue to receive unquestion- ing financial support from Diaspora Jewry is uncertain, even on a consensus issue like the immigration and absorp- tion of Soviet Jews. In addition, growing af- fluence in Israel itself makes Diaspora Jewry more reluc- tant to make financial sacri- fices. Declining Jewish aware- ness also has an adverse effect on fund-raising. But according to Keren Hayesod fund-raisers, con- tributions are surpassing all expectations. Phil Granovsky, chairman of Keren Hayesod — United Israel Appeal in Canada, reported that dona- tions pledged are above and beyond their target figure. Keren Hayesod at 70, it would seem, is alive and well and enjoying a new lease on life. ❑ WZPS EVERY YEAR, A NURSE IN NEW YORK FINDS THE TIME TO CARE FOR OVER 76,000,000 PEOPLE nurse who just keeps on giving. She works as an independent medical consultant. She lectures on a variety of clinical subjects to experienced nurses nationwide. She's even travelled abroad as an invited dele- gate by China's medical association. So where does Jo Stecher—who's also a full-time nurse at a New York City hospital—get the energy to volunteer free time to City of Hope, a renowned medical and research center in California? From her heart. Because while Jo remains en- couraged by our increasing number of medical breakthroughs in the fight against cancer, she's alarmed by an- other growing number: over 76 million Americans will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime. So today, Jo serves as president of A Sante East: a City of Hope chap- ter comprised exclusively of young professionals. Together, they host numerous fund-raising events and raise thou- sands of dollars. Donations that support our national medical center in its care and treatment of cancer patients, and fund extensive research efforts to find cures for life-threatening diseases. More and more people are choosing to give us their time to help those whose time is running out. Please join them. Call 1-800-835-5504. With everything in your busy schedule, it just may be the most rewarding commitment you make. Without your help,there is no Hope. 208 West 8th St., Dept. H, Los Angeles, CA 90014 1-800-835-5504 Photo: Rick Oyama Film to Video Transfer Transfer Movies 8mm-16mm to VHS or Beta • 401-600 FEET $39.00 • 1-200 FEET $20.00 201400 FEET $26.00 • 601-800 FEET $52.00 • 801-1000 FEET $65.00 Film over 1,000 feet add 6c a foot. Tape $8.00 Additional C E RA BUY—SELL—TRADE 3017 N. Woodward (3 Blks. South of 13 Mile) Daily & I tYa1 1 0 ° -:, k Fri. 10-8 288-5444 1 Bloom BIM) sod • • Registered Electrologists • Come and let us remove your unwanted hair problem and improve your appearance. Near 12 Mile Rd. bet. Evergreen & Southfield 559-1969 Appt. Only. Ask For Shirlee or Debby THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 45