I NEWS l'""11"..m."mmml '91 MODEL CLOSEOUT!!! Coup Failure Is Net Gain For Jews Buy a new 1991 Cadillac and receive a set of wallet-size Presidential portraits. 4.7f-riggE -214-- 1915 A 1 0 - - J. I 1 9 100001215 h \ITHH1 WM 8003296GS A 2 13167.0ARIE. isomalicio r- Pial"Veuiv 2 800329665A 1991 Brougham. as n, h any CASH ,t2,50 A Grover %./ BONUS* (That's rover Clevelands plus on:William McKinley.) on any new 1991 DeVille BONUS* $2,000 CASH Plus huge dealer discounts! Save up to $7000 (That's a pair of Clevelands) Hurry . . . offer ends Sept. 25 SHOWROOM OPEN MON. & THURS. 9 AM•9 PM 1-696 &.s. Dreisbach Sons 531-2600 GRAND RIVER ■ 9 MILE 8 MILE 7 MILE - ilE., 6 MILE S ilft MILE MICHIGAN'S CADILLAC SERVICE DEPT. I 10 MILE 96 JUST W. OF TELEGRAPH MO - 4 : TAKE THE PATH TO HEALTHIER FEET PARKSIDE FOOT CARE Now Open at the New Orleans Mall DR. SCOTT A. TRAGER • Medical Treatment For the Foot & Ankle • Office & Hospital Surgery Available • Diabetic Foot Care • Transportation Available • Foot Care For The Elderly * FREE * INITIAL CONSULTATION MOST INSURANCE PLANS ACCEPTED Call Today For An Appointment 443-0027 174 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1991 15622 West 10 Mile (1 Blk. West of Greenfield) Washington (JTA) — The failure of the coup staged this week by hard-liners in Moscow is likely to be a net gain for the country's sizable Jewish minority, Soviet ex- perts and advocates for Soviet Jewry agree. It is likely to embolden the restored government of Pres- ident Mikhail Gorbachev to crack down on the same ultra- conservative elements within the Communist Party that have opposed emigra- tion reform and other lib- eralized policies that have generally benefited Jews. Martin Wenick, executive director of the National Con- ference on Soviet Jewry, said the episode will "probably increase the potential for emigration" from the Soviet Union. There is a much greater likelihood that "the au- thorities will fully live up to their constitutional and international obligations" relating to emigration, Mr. Wenick said. Activists point out that Soviet Jews will feel polit- ically secure in the short term, but will wonder when such a coup attempt might occur again. Soviet Jews will "start asking if there will be next time," said Rabbi A. James Rudin of the American Jew- ish Committee, and who was a co-founder of the Inter- religious Task Force on Soviet Jewry. Pamela Cohen, president of the Union of Councils for Soviet Jews, said the nerve- racking events of this week would confirm that "the fears of Soviet Jews are justified, and I think that this will serve to spur on the aliyah and the emigration." But Adam Garfinkle, senior analyst at the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia, said that if Soviet Jews emigrate in larger numbers, it will likely have more to do with con- cern about basic survival this coming winter than any fallout from the coup. He said Soviet Jews are having more difficulty than other Soviet citizens in "hoarding" necessities in expectation of supply shor- tages this winter. Such hoarding is often done by bribing those who transport goods throughout the country. But "it's harder for Jews to make bribes in the Soviet Union because (suppliers) just don't trust them," Mr. Garfinkle said. On the other hand, he said, some Soviet Jews "will imagine that there is a pro- spect for fundamental reform" that would make the Soviet Union "a more habitable place." A State Department ex- pert on Soviet Jewry called the failed coup an "absolute watershed in Soviet politics, basically because the bad guys were exposed and defeated." As a result, the Soviet government will move in a more "peaceful, democratic direction," which will be "better for everybody," the official said. But in the aftermath of the coup, the country's republics may be granted greater autonomy, and that may unleash a new outpouring of ethnic nationalism. Mr. Wenick of the Nation- al Conference said he ex- pects Soviet Jews to -"get caught up in the middle of that," and is especially con- • cerned about anti-Semitic sentiment in the Ukraine and Moldavia. Soviet Jewry analysts were divided in their assessment of the failed coup's 'impact on anti- Semitic groups, such as Pamyat, that emerged as Mr. Gorbachev lifted restric- tions on free expression. Mr. Cohen of the Union of Councils said that Jews won't feel more secure until the Soviet courts impose tough penalties for "hate crimes" committed against Jews. He said that aside from a two-year prison sentence given to one Pamyat mem- ber for disrupting a January 1990 meeting of liberal writers in Moscow, there have been no attempts to prosecute members of the anti-Semitic group. The State Department of- ficial said Soviet Jews, like other minorities, could eas- ily remain targets of hatred if the country's enormous economic, political and so- cial problems are not solved. "Non-official targeting of violence is possible," he said. But Jack Matlock, who just stepped down as U.S. ambassador to Moscow, told ABC News that if the re- stored Soviet government con- tinues "to move toward con- stitutional rule, you will find that the ability of these right- wing forces to stir up people and to appear to be a threat will be reduced. "