UP FRONT After 14 Years, A Mg To Israel Says Commitment, Connection NANCY HANDELMAN Special to The Jewish News F ourteen years is too long to be away from Israel. I remembered the golden glow of Jerusalem and the glorious coastline in Tel Aviv and the beauty of Haifa. I knew Israel had changed a lot during the years I had been away. I came to Israel in July as one of the 1,803 delegates to the National Hadassah Con- vention, the largest delega- tion to visit Israel since the Gulf War. Hadassah orchestrated a fabulous mission featuring many of the national board members who brought their energy and love of Israel to each and every one of the 33 buses that formed the Hadassah caravan (seemed more like an invasion of Hadassah members and associates). This was not their first trip to Israel for many of the delegates. For some it was the 6th, 12th, 18th; one na- tional board member said it was her 60th. Now she chooses to count how many times she goes to Israel each year. I signed up for this conven- tion because of the itinerary. I also had my own agenda. Many of my friends gave me scraps of paper with phone numbers of people to be sure to call. The recent excava- tions in and around the Old City were among the top priorities on my list. I also was advised to visit new sites and installations that have gone up since my last visit. My camera was loaded, my notebook was open to page one, and I had my most com- fortable shoes on. kept ticking. I wanted the two weeks to last much longer. After all, I had a long agen- da and I wanted the time to do everything at a leisurely pace. At home, my life is at a hectic pace. This would be my two weeks to go at a slower pace. That's a joke! I needed two weeks to recover from this trip when I returned home. The nice part about this trip, is that I returned home re- newed and deeply connected to Eretz Yisrael. A cab driver said, "The Syrians want land for peace. Israel will give the Syrians peace; they will give us land." Whenever I entered a cab, I always asked the driver, "How long have you been in Israel?" The responses: three generations in Jerusalem; my grandparents came over on Operation Magic Carpet; se- ven generations in Jerusa- lem; and one recent American oleh said„ "I arrived here six weeks ago and I will be here for the rest of my life!" I could have been on the plane filled with Soviet o/im, immigrants, that the Hadassah delegates greeted at 2:30 a.m. My great-grand- parents made the decision to leave Russia early in the 20th century. We greeted these new ohm as we sang "Shalom Aleichem" and presented them with Israeli flags. They cried when they descended What I did not expect was my reaction to being back in Israel. The sunshine was hot- ter than I expected (95 degrees each day), armed soldiers were wandering around and banners had been hung all along the route from the airport to the hotel welcoming the Hadassah con- vention. From the minute the plane landed to the moment the plane left Israel the clock Nancy Handelman with Yefet Ozeri in Jerusalem. the stairs of the airplanes. We cried as we greeted them. Absorbing the Ethiopian olim is also a major topic of discussion. Yefet Ozeri, former shaliach in Detroit, took us on a private tour of the Diplomat Hotel. This hotel was rented by the Jewish Agency and remodel- ed to house 1,800 Ethiopian o/im. We visited the classrooms and saw Rabbi Daniel Polish of Temple Beth El assisting these 5-6-year-old newcomers. No one knows for sure if they are 5-6 years old because they don't have birth certificates, but no matter, these youngsters looked the right size. The tour guide on the bus talked about why he chose to make aliyah. The child of sur- vivors, he simply couldn't stand living with anti- Semitism in his hometown. When we discussed Secretary of State James Baker's peace talks and the shuttle diplomacy going on during the convention, he explained the situation to me like this: The Syrians want land for peace. "That's what we'll give them," he said. "The Israelis will give the Syrians peace; the Syrians will give the Israelis land." One of the most important details of the trip was the view from my hotel window. ROUND UP Mending Jewish, Ukrainian Ties Kiev — News about the wonderful world of Cossacks, Chernobyl updates and ar- ticles on "Why Foreign Wo- men Don't Like Our Men" usually fill the pages of a small paper direct from the Soviet Union called News from Ukraine. The paper is published monthly in Kiev, in English (well, sort of English. A typical sentence: " 'Our two peoples that suffered a lot' said in conclusion Boris S.") Last month, News from Ukraine included an article that never would have been seen in such a publication years ago. It was called "To promote the rapprochement between Israel and Ukraine." The story focused on a talk given by Yakiv Suslensky, who emigrated from the Ukraine and settled in Israel 15 years ago. Speaking at a Kiev conference on "The Problems of Ukrainian- Jewish Relations," Mr. Suslensky said that "Zionism" is not a dirty word as for years the Com- munist regime insisted. In- stead,it represents the yearning of Jews to return to Zion. Similarly, he said, "you might be called Dniprovites as you want to live near the Dnieper (River)." Mr. Suslensky, head of the Haifa-based Society for Jew- ish-Ukrainian Relations, told his audience that Jew- ish children know one thing about the Ukraine: It was the site of numerous pogroms. He said the pogroms must be spoken about openly because, in the words of News from Ukraine, "It is the complete truth that will help establish good con- tacts based on mutual truth." For a book he is writing, Mr. Suslensky is searching for Jews whose lives were saved by Ukrainians. More than 400 such persons al- ready have been found. Two Arab Countries Allow Israeli Visas Washington, D.C. — Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., recently became the first American allowed to use a passport marked with an Israeli visa to enter Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Congress is now consider- ing legislation in response to the policy of numerous Arab countries which denies entry to anyone carrying a pass- port bearing the Israeli stamp. Several months ago, Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., was refused entry to Saudi Arabia because of the Israeli visa on his passport. Previously, he and other American officials used two passports — one for travel- ing to Israel, the other for trips to Arab nations. According to Sen. Lieber- man's office, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait will no longer bar entry to anyone whose passport carries an Israeli visa. Oily to bed, oily to rise: These ol- ives' oil is good for you! Avocado And Almond Joyful News New York — An almond — or olive oil or an avocado — a day helps keep cholesterol away, according to a study just published by Hadassah- Hebrew University Medical Center in Jerusalem. The report shows that diets enriched with the mono-unsaturated fats found in avocados, almonds and ol- ive oil can lower by 12 per- cent the amount of bad cholesterol, Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL), in the blood. LDL causes heart and vascular diseases. Dr. Yechezkiel Stein, head of the center's department of internal medicine who directed the research, noted that while residents of Mediterranean countries consume a great deal of fat in their diets, they have a low proportion of heart disease. "So we began to in- vestigate the effects of the fats in this culture's diet," he said. The study was conducted at a local yeshiva, where boys were divided into four groups. Each group ate a standard diet of 2,500 calories a day. However, the type of fat allowed each was different. One group con- sumed olive oil, avocados and almonds; a second ate safflower oil or soya; the third had butter or cream; the fourth received extra carbohydrates. Compiled by Elizabeth Applebaum THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 11