BACK TO SCHOOL Parent Action Groups Local parents join forces to prevent teen problems. Artwork by Catherine Kanner. Copyright© 1990, Catherine Kanner. Distributed by Los Angeles Times Syndicate. RUTHAN BRODSKY Special to The Jewish News Parents' Pledge I will provide adult supervi- sion for all children visiting my home. I will provide a secure place for the storage of all forms of alcohol, firearms, toxic chemicals, and other potential- ly hazardous items. I will not allow young peo- ple under legal age to use • tobacco, alcohol or other drugs in my home or on my property. From Troy Families For Safe Homes at Gilberg of Novi is not satisfied with let- ting schools do all the educating. She is one of an in- creasing number of moms and dads who are involved in what happens to their children inside and outside school walls. Mrs. Gilberg heads up a fledgling group of parents called the Novi Council of Substance Abuse. They raise money and put together pro- grams and projects to inform parents, children and teachers about the dangers of alcohol and other drugs. In September they'll distribute hundreds of red ribbons that will decorate cars reminding us about the dangers of drink- ing and driving. The organi- zation also helps sponsor the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) program p in which police officers visit each Novi 6th grade class once a week for 17 weeks and teach kids how to say "no" to drugs. "I'm very aware of the pro- blem because we've had a son who was chemically addic- tive," Mrs. Gilberg explains. "He's recovering and he's suc- cessful, but it's groups . like ours which may prevent other families from enduring the kind of pain we've lived with. We're working very hard to improve our association with the Novi School District because it's the best way to get to our children, especial- ly when they're young." The statistics tell part of the story: • Children are using alcohol at an early age, the average being 12.5 years. • One-half of high school students are classified as regular drinkers. • One of three drinks heavi- ly at least once a week. • One of four students in high school has a serious drinking problem. • Approximately 4 million youth under the age of 17 are alcoholics. • Children as young as 9 years old are being treated for alcoholism. • Teen drinkers account for nearly 50 percent of all fatal automobile accidents. • Some 80 percent of high school seniors have used marijuana, and two-thirds of American children will have used an illegal drug other than marijuana and alcohol before they graduate. "Our efforts in the school and the community begin early," says Barbara Everett, recently retired president of the parent organization, West Bloomfield Families in Ac- tion. "Preventing abuse is easier than controlling it and understanding that drug use of any kind is dangerous and unacceptable must be told when children are young." Parents such as Ms. Everett understand that because alcohol use is implanted in our society, their efforts to prevent substance abuse among children means pro- grams directed at mobilizing the community. New pro- grams and curriculum pack- ages aren't going to have much meaning if youngsters don't get the same message that use of alcohol and other drugs is not expected or ac- cepted in the school and community. A program for the preven- tion of alcohol use and substance abuse is now part of the formal curriculum, K-12, for the West Bloomfield school district. Some of these programs, originated by the 8-year-old parent organiza- tion, have been expanded and changed to meet the com- munity's growing needs. "Kids are smart and sophisticated these days," ex- plains Ms. Everett, "which makes preaching ineffectual. We look for more innovative ways to implement abuse prevention and try a variety of approaches including peer counseling." One very successful pro- gram recently launched in the middle and high schools is the national program, Youth to Youth. In these adult-sponsored and student- led groups, older students are trained to recruit younger students to join a club that meets weekly (after school for high school, during school for middle school) to learn how to have a good time without alcohol and other drugs. This year there are over 200 children participating in the 4th annual Oakland county convention of Youth to Youth groups, a 24-hour convention in which students learn how to say no to alcohol and to help others say no to peer pressure. The strongest club has been at the middle school level says Ms.Everett, who thinks it's good because a large number of 8th-graders from this group entered high school this fall, which means the high school group should become more influential. What's more, the middle school club plans to do some recruitment at the elemen- tary level. The Birmingham-Bloom- field Families in Action (BBFA) has geared its efforts to support parents in raising healthy, drug-free children through networking and education for the past 10 years. Working with 'the school districts, programs reach students of all ages in public and private schools. Ac- tivities include the Youth to Youth program plus other undertakings such as the Hotel Project , Project Graduation and Parent to Parent programs. For the fourth consecutive year, BBFA's award-winning Hotel Project was conducted last spring. BBFA and 17 other community prevention organizations in Oakland County asked hotels in the THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 61