ARTHUR J. MAGIDA Special to The Jewish News W ith Israel bogged down in serial wars and surrounded by hostile neighbors since its founding, the phrase, "Israel at peace," may seem like an oxymoron. Yet three little words —"Mideast," "peace" and "negotiations" — now being trumpeted in headlines are boosting hopes that some form of peace may prevail in the Middle East in the next few years. If the peace efforts being orchestrated by the United States and the Soviet Union are ultimately fruitful, op- timists say that something novel may be in store for the region: cooperation, har- mony and, most important, a future void of the seemingly- constant tensions and com- bat that have wracked the area. Others caution that, for now, such a vision has little bearing in reality: All the parties invited to the Oc- tober peace conference haven't even agreed to at- tend; and if the opening gavel ever does announce that the conference has ac- tually started, there will be an unenviable thicket of issues to be settled before there is peace in our time. "At this point," cautioned Shoshana Cardin, president of the Conference of Presi- dents of Major American Jewish Organizations, "a real peace is still a wish and, I'm afraid, an illusion. We're dealing with a region with a preponderance of dictator- ship and a heritage of hate and vengeance. A real peace — one that truly transforms belligerency — will take several generations." Yet, with at least the no- tion of a peace making the rounds, it may be instructive to look toward a distant future in which an Israeli/Arab peace prevails. Spirits in this new Israel are high; a swarm of Nobel Arthur J. Magida is senior writer for the Baltimore Jew- ish Times. Artwork from the Los Angeles Times by Matt Mahurin. Copyright c 1989. Matt Mahurin. Distributed by Los Angeles Tunes Syndicate. Beyond A Peace Although a Mideast peace is still far away, some experts speculate what the region would be like after armistice. Peace Prizes has been awarded • to peace talk par- ticipants; and the world has issued a collective sigh that this seething cauldron of re- gional volatility has finally been stilled. For this scenario, specifics of a Middle Eastern peace are deliberately fuzzy. Such details are for statesmen and politicians. For now, just imagine a Middle East with safe and secure borders, with free and unimpeded trade and travel, with some semblance of trust. Utopia the region is not: Arms have not been beaten into plowshares and the Messiah has not arrived. But a transformation is in the works, one rooted in hope and, maybe, even in outright euphoria that the "garrison state" mentality that has burdened Israel since its creation can finally be aban- doned. With this hypothetical peace, Israel has been offi- cially welcomed to its neigh- borhood, and, as Mrs. Cardin said, Israel's potential for good can finally be realized: "Israel could finally become a light unto the nations. Until now, she hasn't been permitted to be. One cannot focus on peace and the more beautiful aspects of life when struggl- ing to survive." But if peace does come, cautioned Marvin Hier, dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, "we are in for a lot of introspec- tion." American Jews, he said, might reconsider their obligations to an Israel that is no longer beleaguered. "Israel would lose its place as Number One on the Jewish charity circuit." Marvin Her And in Israel itself, tensions from certain domestic disputes, such as those bet- ween the religious and the secular, might be unleashed in all their fury. Yet, reflected Rabbi Hier, such bickering may be in- nate to both Jews and to a Jewish nation. Jews, he said, "are biblically called_ a stiff- necked people: (Deuteronomy 9:6 and 10:16). By their very nature, the Jewish people are not meant not to have problems." 'Vacation' Time? Most experts expect an Arab/Israeli peace to poten- tially alter almost every aspect of Israeli life, from the way Israelis relate to each other to new priorities placed on their economic and social institutions. As Deborah Lipstadt, ad- junct professor of religious studies at Los Angeles' Oc- cidental College, said, "There will be a lot less of being held 'hostage.' Israelis are always citing the matzav (the 'situation') for their country's shortcomings." And as Rabbi Hier said, "In the past five decades, Jews' greatest fear has been our fear of others. There have been the Nazis and the Soviets and the Arabs. With peace, we might have to fear ourselves. Jews know how to survive in an alien society, but do they know how to take a vacation? If there is a stable peace, would they know what to do?" The Arab threat has forced Israel to create a massive military establishment. About 24 percent of the government's budget goes toward defense. While this is down from roughly 36 per- cent during the late 1970s, it is still almost 12 percent of Israel's gross national pro- duct. The average Israeli male spends two years on active duty in the military, then serves in the reserves for 30 days each year until he is 55. With citizens' military obligations diminishing in peacetime, there would be "a happier Israeli public;" ac- cording to Marvin Feuerwerger, a senior stra- tegic fellow at the Washing- ton Institute for Near East Policy. Yet no one envisioned even a partial dismantling of the country's defenses or its defense industry. Kenneth Stein, director of Middle Eastern programs at Emory University's Carter Center, anticipated some minor shifts in resources and governmental allocations from military to domestic programs, "just as there was no great reduction in U.S. arms after we got out of Vietnam." Although the United States may sign "as iron- clad a security treaty with Israel as possible," Prof. Stein said Israel would en- trust its security to no other nation. It -will continue to put its money into high-tech weapons, of which the Arrow anti-missile-missile (being developed by Israel) is but the first generation." Mellow Israelis? One drawback as military life becomes less essential to Israel's survival, said Prof. Lipstadt, is that an element common to many Israelis' life would disappear. "On the one hand," she said, "lack of Army service would be wonderful. Most- people go into it hating it and they leave tolerating it. But it's a great leveler, a great democratizer." Peace could be an econ.- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 29 TERNATIONA BACKGROUND