OPINION /71 Trying To Explain Why Israel Feels Safe GARY ROSENBLATT Editor N My 10 year-old son was more than reluctant to visit Israel with us earlier this month. Televi- sion images of the Gulf war and Arab terrorism were fresh in his mind. But half way through our 10-day trip, having spent time in Jerusalem, Haifa and the Galilee, Dov an- nounced that he may move to Israel some day. I was pleased with his positive feelings and wondered whether to tell him how close we came to experiencing the dangerous side of Israeli life. Last Monday afternoon, driving south from Haifa, we stopped in Netanya for lun- ch. After all, how often does one have the opportunity to dine at a Shomer Shabbat, strictly kosher Pizza Hut? After lunch, we strolled along the beautiful beach area and the town pro- menade, commenting on how pleasant and relaxed the setting was. It was not until the next morning that I read the front-page headlines of an Arab man's axe-wielding at- tack in Netanya, which critically injured a 65-year- old woman and wounded two men who sought to subdue the attacker. The incident took place where we had strolled, less than 15 minutes after we continued our drive south. My immediate concern: should I tell Dov what happened? If we had been in the United States, chances are we would have never known of the attack, just another incident of Arab-Israeli hostility. Yet there are reports every day in the Israeli press concerning such attacks or infiltrations of the borders with Lebanon or Jordan. And with it all, as mad- deningly illogical as this might sound, one feels a greater sense of safety in an Israeli city than in an American one. If there is a point to be made, it is that the equilibrium of Israeli life is so finely tuned. You are never more than a moment away from epiphanies of Jewish spiri- tuality — or the seething hatred of Mideast confronta- tions. The reminders are cons- tant: an idyllic scene of Jews praying at the Western Wall, until one notices the sentries posted atop the wall, and the increased presence of soldiers in the area. Hundreds of people at a bustling Jerusalem street fair shudder, but only momentarily, at the sound of an explosion. It is either the The same youngsters who are conditioned to being carpooled by adults in America are free to roam the streets of Israeli . sonic boom from an Israeli jet, we are told, or the police bomb squad destroying a package left unattended. Talk of another round of war with Iraq, and the pos- sibility of more Scud attacks from Saddam Hussein, evoke anger more than fear. War is bad for business, Israelis explain, and those gas masks are a royal pain. Most difficult to explain to one who has not been to Israel is the sense of well- being that transcends security while walking down a street in a Jewish city there. Perhaps it is a spirit of amcha, or Jewish peoplehood, the unique realization that at the core, these strangers all around me are my brethren, and that I have more in common with them in outlook and fate than with my non- Jewish neighbors back in America. A case in point: arriving in a coastal city, I ask a middle- aged man wearing a kippah where I might find a kosher restaurant. Rather than at- tempt to give me com- plicated directions, he tells me to follow him, leads our car to the spot and waits un- til we have negotiated a legal parking spot. Ironically, this sense of safety is felt most profoundly by children. The same youngsters who are condi- tioned to being carpooled by adults in America, who are held captive by parental fear in big cities, are free to roam the streets of Israeli cities, to take a bus with other youngsters, even after dark. This liberating in- dependence is as pervasive as it is difficult to explain. It's just a way of life in Israel. And yet the underside of the Arab-Israeli equation is ever present. One plans one's driving trips according to the safest, rather than the most direct, route. And the intermingling between Arabs and Jews, particular- ly in Jerusalem, is increas- ingly less evident. Throughout Israel, the contrasts are sharp. Small as it is, the country has an energy and vitality in its city life that is unmatch- ed in much larger American cities. Citizens are well-read, opinionated and outspoken about politics, but seem fatalistically indifferent to the latest machinations of their nation's leaders. Everywhere there is a sense of history about the tremen- dous influx of Soviet and E- thiopian Jews, yet people go about their daily chores as always. For all the signs in Rus- sian, the young hotel bellhops named Vladimir, and reports of overcrowded apartments, the average Israeli responds to the huge aliyah with characteristic ambivalence: it's creating a The city of Jerusalem. terrible mess now, but in the end, everything will be good. Can one say the same about Israel? There is a sense that the world does not understand Israel's predicament, or worse, does understand and doesn't care. Even America is pressuring Israel to make sacrifices in dealing with the Arab world, which infuriates a nation that has not known a day of peace. And with it all, there is confidence that somehow, Israel will survive and flourish. My son, Dov, says that, having been to Israel, he's less afraid now —even after being informed of the Netanya violence. "Bad things can happen anywhere," he said, "but Israel makes you feel good." I heartily concur. ❑ A Case Of Summertime Blues PHIL JACOBS Managing Editor H ey, you over there. Help me with this volleyball net, okay? Can you believe how quickly this summer is go- ing? The first seven months of this year have gone by in a blur. And don't even talk to me about the lunar calendar with the High Holidays just weeks away. The pop and the beer are in the ice chest. It's hard sometimes to believe that we're even able to enjoy this summer based on the way the year started for all of us. Weren't we just glued to our television sets watching the Persian Gulf war unfold? The eerie feel- ing of Israel's vulnerability after the Scud attacks on Tel Aviv is still with us. Speaking of taste, let's get this grill fired up over here. This was a year when the State Department advised Americans against travel to Israel, forcing the Jewish Federation to cancel its mis- sion there. This was also the year when 3,500 of us rallied to the call of the Jewish Community Council and Federation to show support for Israel and the allied co- alition. Remember how angry and committed we all were? Remember how angry and committed we were? Pass the barbecue sauce. Barbecue sauce? No prob- lem. I love the sound of that sizzle. Then for seven months we were in a recession, and now we're out of one. Still, every- one is being cautious, in- cluding the organized Jew- ish community, choosing to carefully budget itself. Sinai Hospital, meanwhile, is clos- ing one day, merging the next and then being taken over by physicians after that. Federation is taking over the finances of the Home for Aged after mill- ions of dollars of over expen- ditures. Potato salad? Over there on the picnic table. Justice Marshall an- nounces his resignation. And now we have to concern ourselves whether the leading candidate for the Supreme Court is too right wing, a marijuana smoker and a Farrakhan supporter. Beth Achim might move to West Bloomfield. The Fed- eration is leaving Detroit for Bloomfield Township. And who knows where the Tigers might go. The House Majority Whip has some questionable leanings away from Israel. There are now 15,000 new Ethiopian olim in another miracle exodus to Israel. And the Soviets keep on coming. Ice? What do you mean we're running out of ice? Now, Syria's leadership sends our president a letter Continued on Page 10 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 7