EDITORIAL Israel's Choice The pressure on Israel from the United States to take part in a Mideast conference has been intense, unrelenting and, to some degree, unnecessary. Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir cannot say "no" at this point, having been outflanked by Secretary of State Baker and his constellation of Arab leaders, including Syria's Haffez al-Assad. But the Israeli leader could have forestalled this predica- ment by issuing a statement some weeks ago to the effect that while the Israeli government fully supports the right of Jews to settle anywhere in Israel, funding for new settlements on the West Bank would be delayed during the current econ- omic crisis. This face-saving gesture would have been economically prudent as well as diplo- matically wise. Instead, Mr. Shamir finds himself with little room to maneuver in a game that, for Israel, means life itself. Israel has always advocated direct negotiations with its Arab neighbors as the only solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Today, the prospect of such negotiations is closer than at any other time, as Foreign Correspondent Helen Davis reports on Page 1. It is easy for us, caught up in the drama of this historic moment, to urge Jerusalem to take the plunge. One might ask: why worry about seemingly minor details — the composition of the Palestinian delegation, the role of the United Nations observer, the timing for the reconvening of a conference — when the larger issue seems to be that the Arabs are, at last, ready to resolve their differences through words rather than wars. But there are powerful reasons to be cautious, and it is only the resolution of detail upon detail that opens the path to wider possibilities. Jerusalem does not believe that Syrian President al-Assad has been transformed into an Anwar Sadat, or that he and his Arab colleagues have given up their goal of eliminating the Jewish state. And Israel is wary of Washington's coziness with Arab leaders and its testiness with the dem- ocratic process in Jerusalem, not to men- tion the administration's threat to withhold a $10 billion loan guarantee. Still, Israel has always yearned for peace with its Arab neighbors, and the prospect of direct negotiations, despite the pitfalls, is compelling. Israel must move forward, and make good its long-expressed convic- tion that once talks between the parties are held face to face, every issue is open to discussion. Along the way, Jerusalem has every reason to be suspicious and paranoid. Israel's leaders are not beholden to James Baker or George Bush, Haffez al-Assad or King Hussein. Instead, the Shamir government must answer to its own citizens, especially its youth, for that is what democracy is all about. We can only empathize with Israel's predicament, support its cause and pray for its leaders' wisdom. LETTERS Hidden Children Of Holocaust We want to give credit to Amy Mehler for an article written with sensitivity on the children who were hiding during the Holocaust (Jewish News, July 12). However, as a matter of record there were some inaccuracies that need to be corrected. First, the statements at- tributed to Ina Silbergleit in regard to the "common psychological and emotional characteristics among child survivors" were in fact made by Francine Rosemberg who had been particularly in- terested in that aspect of the workshops at the New York Conference for Hidden Children on May 27-28. Also, Ina Silbergleit's fami- ly stayed together for almost a year after the Warsaw Ghet- to Uprising and were separated, and her ather and brother were killed during the Warsaw uprising of 1944. Her mother never left her in a convent and there were never any questions in Ina's 6 FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1991 mind about her Jewish identity. Francine Rosemberg, on the other hand, was separated from her parents for a year and a half, but then was taken to a seminary in Lyon, in southern France, where she joined her parents in hiding. She was not told she was Jewish until after the war, and the comment at- tributed to Mrs. Silbergleit about deciding not to wear either a mezuzah or a cross because her mother would not let her wear both together belongs to Francine. She also made the point that for the hidden children there had been two separa- tions: one from their parents; the other from the rescuers they had become attached to. The effects of this had been stressed at the New York conference. Finally, in relation to the passage about hidden sur- vivors' tendency to discount their experience, the first comment was stated by Erma Gorman ("I felt I didn't deserve to be acknowledged because I wasn't tortured like other Jews were"); the second ("I existed," and "I am a human being too) was made by Helen Bennett. We want to thank The Jew- ish News for helping publicize the experiences of the hidden children, a subject that heretofore has not been delv- ed into. It is important for people to continue to learn about the history of the Holocaust, of which the hid- den children are a part, and the article is a good contribu- tion in that direction. Francine Rosemberg Ina Silbergleit The Lessons Of Synagogue Merger So, then what? The propos- ed merger between Congrega- tions Beth Achim and B'nai Moshe will be voted on next month. Whether the proposal passes or fails, it will send a message that some changes are necessary. If the proposal passes, it ap- pears that there will be a suf- ficiently large contingent of 1AKE A LETIWR) INE.SiDESIT PAR GORGE ,-/a PER MA PEACE CoNFERENCE, sYRIA Aart5 WM ONE CANS*, FERic0- AN MOM- AGREES, CUR REFINE. or cam, BE mizniamikki , PERiOD! LAS, HARZ AZZAD,elt,Erc--- /1 , 4116 r 11 I LETTERS the membership of Beth Achim who are opposed to the merger to start another con- gregation. If the proposal fails, the continued existence of Beth Achim will depend on increasing its membership. In either case, the following points should be noted: A recent Jewish Federation survey indicated a large por- tion of the metropolitan Detroit Jewish population resides in the Southfield, Oak Park and Huntington Woods area. A Southfield based synagogue must seek new members from this area in ad- dition to areas further west. A congregation should be able to utilize the skills and resources of its congregants to reduce expenses. Members should be actively solicited for their help and advice, and of- fers of these would be accepted. Many successful congrega- tions have frequent youth and family programming ac- tivities throughout the year. They involve the entire fami- ly, from small infants to great-grandparents. This type of programming must be ex- panded to retain current and attract new members. Ritualistic changes regar- ding women should be made in accordance with the desires of the membership, rather than be driven by a proposed merger. Such changes could attract members, but should be decided by the congregation. To be interested in a synagogue, one must first know it exists. This requires positive exposure to the public (by increased use of local newspapers) to inform and invite them to our ac- tivities. A congregation can- not afford to not pursue new members. Since a shul requires finan- cial stability, feasible fund- raising activities must be planned and carried out. If done properly, these activities can also be used to excite the interest of potential members. We believe that a lot can be learned from this entire ex- perience. It will be a wiser, more financially sound and better-informed Southfield- based synagogue that will result. Steven and Sherri Kass Huntington Woods Mr. Bush And Jewish Settlements Jordan, in 1948, drove out all Jews who could flee and killed the rest when they took over Judea-Samaria and Jerusalem's Old City. Its desecration of places sacred to the Jewish people was obscene. Israel, in 1967, did not drive out the Arab population and left Arab holy places untouched. Now, Mr. Bush insists it is an "obstacle to peace" for Jews to return to again live in the heartland of the 4,000-year-old Jewish homeland liberated from the Arab occupation. His ad- ministration demands that Arabs, and only Arabs — no Jews — be allowed to live there .. . For a real peace, little 40-mile-wide Israel should not be made any smaller. Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Jerusalem must remain an inseparable part of Israel with its borders at the great Jordan River rift. Jordan must be recognized as the Arab Palestine state, home for all those called "Palestinians." that to President Bush. Hymie Cutler Michigan Committee for a Safe Israel