.101111100, ANN ARBOR Top A two-term member of the City Council has (\= taken over as Ann Arbor's mayor, Ann Arbor Mayor Liz Brater. MELANIE KOFF Special to The Jewish News F rom her small, far- from-majestic office on the third floor of City Hall, Ann Arbor Mayor Liz Brater acknowledges the responsibility she has as the city's first woman mayor. A wall on the second floor is dotted with pictures of past Ann Arbor mayors and city administrators, almost all white males. "It is important to move ahead with getting more women in these positions because it makes it look possi- ble to younger people coming along," said 40-year-old Ms. Brater. Change is the hallmark of Democrat Liz Brater's ad- ministration, which was ushered into office April 9. Ms. Brater captured 55 per- cent of the vote_to upset two- term Republican Mayor Jerry Jernigan. Her election pledge: in- crease efficiency in City Hall, reinvest in Ann Arbor's physical facilities, and move the city decisively into the 21st century. "This city has sort of been stuck in a rut the last 50 years, doing things the same old way," Ms. Brater said. "There are a lot of new ideas out there waiting to be im- plemented and a lot of net- working that can be done with other cities." Ms. Brater has already followed through on a promise to make better use of tax- payers' money. The fiscal year's budget was recently adopted, giving residents and businesses a small tax cut. An Arm Arbor City Council member since 1988, Ms. Brater was elected to her se- cond term as a member of the City Council last spring. Dur- ing her first term, she co- chaired a commission set up to establish a Holocaust memorial in Ann Arbor. With a string of successes on issues such as the environ- ment and solid waste, Ms. Brater decided running for the city's highest office would be the next logical step. Ellen Offen, Ms. Brater's campaign director, said, "Liz Increased efficiency at City Hall was her campaign pledge was always very good with constituents whenever they called and had an issue to discuss. People realized she is responsive and hard working and that she. cares!' Ms. Brater officially threw her hat in the ring in December. Her mayoral cam- paign spent 15 percent less than her opponent, and held a $2-a-head rally, which was attended by Sen. Carl Levin, to mock Mayor Jernigan's $200-a-person fund-raiser that featured Gov. John Engler. Enoch Brater, the mayor's husband, said the family took a very active role throughout the campaign. Enoch Brater worked as a campaign fund- raiser and their 13-year-old daughter, Jessica, mobilized a group of friends to work in the campaign office. Hundreds of supporters attended Ms. Brater's election night vic- tory party at Bird of Paradise, a jazz club in downtown Ann Arbor. As the mayor's husband, Enoch Brater proudly casts himself in the role of "first man" and welcomes the responsibilities that have been given to the wives of former Ann Arbor mayors. He explained, "It is impor tant for children to see their female parent in a leadership role. One of the most impor tant things is for each parent to be mutually supportive of the other's career!' Ms. Brater grew up in a Conservative Jewis h household in Philadelphi a and graduated from Univers ty of Pennsylvania with a bachelor's and master's in history. She moved to Ann Ar- bor in 1975 when Enoch Brater was hired by the English department at the University of Michigan. The Braters have two children Jessica, and Jonathan, 7. Ms. Brater worked as a freelance writer and copy editor in Ann Arbor until "I became reactivated locally (in politics) in the mid-80s on historical preservation issues!' A priority of her a d- ministration will be 0