ISRAEL Prescription For Conflict Turn Your Summer Gold ... -1 Soviet doctors in Israel feel they are the target of unfair discrimination. ALYSSA GABBAY Special to The Jewish News M As warm as the sun. As dazzling as a summer's day... nothing makes you feel as good as gold. Flexible links of 14 karat gold are beautifully hand- crafted in Italy. Bracelet, $700 Collar, $1200 ChAR1ES W. WARREN JEWELERS SINCE 1902 SOMERSET MALL, (313) 649-3411 "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow... Bet Your Bottom Dollar!" Y ear- Round Seasonal Specials AIR COND ITIONING LraamL $5 95 (Plus installation) Financin g as low as $12 per mo.-$0 (In. WE SERVICE • SELL • INSTALL ALL MAJOR BRANDS 24-HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE RADIO DISPATCH 642-4555 • 335-4555 Ask About PMPTM • Call For Free Estimates The Bright Idea: Give a Gift Subscription 40 FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1991 THE JEWISH NEWS ore than a year after leaving the Soviet Union for Israel, Ilya Gorelick still feels persecuted. But today the source of the oppression isn't the Soviet government. It's the Israeli Health Ministry, which is requiring immigrant physi- cians like Dr. Gorelick, a pulmonary specialist, to pass a medical exam before they can be licensed to practice in the Jewish state. Dr. Gorelick, who is supposed to take the exam in July, sees it as a malicious tool used by the ministry to limit the number of doctors in the country. He's also offended by the derogatory comments he often hears in the media about Soviet doc- tors. "Every day there's news on the television that the level of doctors in the Soviet Union is so low, and that in Israel it's so high," said Dr. Gorelick, who emigrated to Jerusalem from Crimea, a region in the southern Soviet Union, last April. "Now people here don't understand what's going on. They're afraid of Soviet doc- tors." Dr. Gorelick, 43, isn't alone. Many recent Soviet emigre physicians feel as though they're at war with the Israeli government, if not with Israeli society. In fact, about a thousand Soviet Jewish physicians demonstrated in front of the Knesset April 22 to protest the Health Ministry's poli- cies. About 10 held a hunger strike during the last two weeks of April. The doctors' plight is an emotional issue that's at- tracted much media atten- tion in the country. And it's one that epitomizes the struggle Israel faces in ab- sorbing a huge number of immigrants in a short period of time and placing these immigrants in appropriate jobs. Absorbing physicians is a particularly daunting challenge. Even before the current huge wage of Soviet aliyah began in 1990, Israel boasted one of the highest doctor-patient ratios in the UI -0 Wty‘, ... • Artwork from the Los Angeles Times by Barbara Cummings. Copyright. , 1990, Barbara Cummings. Distributed by Los Angeles Times Syndicate. world: about one doctor per 375 patients. With approximately 600 doctors now arriving every month from the Soviet Union, those numbers are increasing rapidly. It's wide- ly accepted that the country will not be able to employ all the doctors in its midst. Yet many Soviet doctors don't seem worried by the lack of available jobs. In- stead, they see the exam they're required to pass to obtain a medical license as their biggest obstacle to pro- fessional success. In 1988, the Israel Health Ministry implemented a policy requiring foreign physicians who wish to prac- tice medicine in Israel to pass a multiple choice exam. Those who have practiced for more than 20 years, and cer- tain specialists, are exempt from taking the exam, which tests knowledge of basic medicine. Prior to 1988, any doctor could obtain a license without passing an exam. "The question is not why the exam was instituted, but why Israel did not have an exam until 1988," said Peter Vardy, an executive in the Israeli Health Ministry who is in charge of distributing licenses. "It was a bad situa- tion. In many cases you had doctors who were not really giving good standards of care to patients." Dr. Vardy didn't state that the exam policy was in- stituted specifically to weed out poor Soviet doctors. But he characterized the levels of practice in the Soviet Union as generally inferior to Israel's. "It doesn't mean that there aren't excellent people coming from Russia," he said. "But if you have to generalize, standards there are low." Doctors like Ilya Gorelick, many of whom rose to the top of their fields in their na- tive country, bristle at such remarks. They also accuse the ministry of increasing the exam's level of difficulty in recent years to limit the number of doctors who are able to practice in Israel. This action, they charge, represents a concession to the influence of Israeli doc- tors who wish to prevent competition for their jobs. "This test is being used as a weapon against us," said Dr. Leo Zlotkevick, a pediatric surgeon from Tashkent. Dr. Zlotkevick, who emigrated to Israel last year with his wife and two children, is also studying to take the exam this July. The Israeli Health Min- istry vehemently denies these accusations. Dr. Vardy agreed that only 30 percent of those physicians who took the December 1990 exam passed — about half the amount that succeeded a year earlier. But he at- tributed the low pass rate to the fact that many of the December test-takers did not enroll in a free, five-month refresher course offered by \