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June 14, 1991 - Image 108

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1991-06-14

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1-900 / 896-2837
Access code (64)

To listen & respond to Jewish
Singles from Detroit as well as
from different cities around the
country, wanting to meet you!

(The call will cost 95' a minute)

DJF, 37, exciting personality,
not your run of the mill dull
date, requests non-smoker, tall
and educated for this
challenge. #646422?

31 y/o, handsome SJM, at-
torney. New to social scene. In-
terests: athletic participation
and Judaism. Seeking to meet
attractive, intelligent, sociable
woman with similar interests.
Photo and brief biography ap-
preciated. #64643

Here's your chance to meet
your one and only Mr. Right.
This sincere, honest, compas-
sionate, romantic SJM seeks
same in SJF, 26-32, for ex-
citing, spontaneous possible
relationship. #646442:

Romantic, handsome, in-
telligent, adventurous SJM,
30, M.D., 6'1, seeks attractive,
elegant, slender, energetic
SJF, non-smoking, who enjoys
watersports, dancing, dining,
travel, romance and more.
Hoping to meet that special so-
meone. #64645

Liberal, cultivated, 60ish
SJM, seeks intelligent,
cultivated lady with equally
numerous interests including
artists and drama, humor,
tolerance, togetherness, friend-
ship, Judaic community.

Pretty blond professional, 35,
seeking exceptional S/DJM:
smart, attractive, balanced,
witty, fun loving, considerate,
romantic. Enjoy adventure,
restaurants, picnics, movies,
jazz, workouts, relaxing, dogs.
Finally ready to trade up
singlehood. #646482:

Vivacious, feisty, 60 years
young, DF - seeks male, 55-65
to share theatre, dining, shop-
ping, traveling, bridge,
laughter, music and fun. You
should be intelligent, com-
municative, witty, adven-
turous, energetic and roman-
tic. #64650



Fabulous find! Foxy and fun!
Educated, attractive,
energetic, slim female (no
children) enjoys movies, travel,
sports, good food, and conver-
sation. Seeking JM, 43-57, fit,
affectionate, communicative,
successful and intelligent.

Attractive, energetic, SJF
physician, 48, but looks con-
siderably younger - seeks
SJM, 38-55, for companion-
ship, caring. Like jazz,
classical, swimming, scuba,
travel, gardening. Serious rela-
tionship possible. #646522.:

Take your pick - Joyce Daven-
port, Grace Van Owens,
Abigail Perkins or this real
life stylish SJF attorney, 39,
5'8. Looking for a tall, hand-
some, intelligent JM to share
life's ups and downs. #64653

Attractive, petite, DJF, 30 -
seeks JM, non-smoker, 28-40,
who loves life, new experiences
to be shared and is beyond
game playing. My interests
are many. Please write, let's
meet. #64636 lir

Sincere, SJF, 61, wishes to
meet a Sabbath observant,
conservative, non-smoking, in-
tellectual gentleman, 60-70.
Take a chance - an infor-
mative reply and photo would
be most welcome. #646372:

Me: DJF, 46, 52, 118, very at-
tractive, charming, warm,
cultured, professional with
multiple interests, sense of
humor. You: 55 or under, male
counterpart, physically, emo-
tionally secure, intelligent,
sensitive, kind, non-smoker.

SJM, 28, 5'6, Israeli profes-
sional employed unconven-
tional - seeks companionship
with JF, 22-30, who likes shar-
ing, caring and spoiling. In-
terests include biking, scuba
diving, traveling. Photo if
possible. #64639

, ,.:..i7777.711„,..




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dating service
courteous, professional attention
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FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1991

Tall, trim, SJM, 35, Flint area,
great sense of humor - look-
ing for a vibrant, eclectic
woman, possibly involved in
the arts: someone intelligent
and simply nice. #646712:

Two SJFs, 23, attractive, grad
students - seek two down to
earth SJMs, ages 23-28, for a
casual evening out. Do you
like movies, athletics, dinners,
concerts? We do! #64689s.

Like to laugh? Me too. SJM,
35, intereted in theater,
literature and film, would like
to meet non-yuppie SJF, young
not into material things.

Lovely to look at, delightful to
know, pretty, smart, on the go,
needs accomplished male,
55-65, to ease lonely heart, for
fun and romance, let's make a
fresh start. #646322:

SJM, 29, attorney. Interests in-
clude music, movies, theatre,
sports and travel. Seeks SJF,
21-33, attractive, romantic,
playful, non-smoker to share
adventure, laughter, romance
and lifetime of happiness.
Photo appreciated. #64672s.

Exciting, attractive, SJM, 34,
professional - seeks Lois Lane
for adventures in dining,
sports, travel, movies and
romantic evenings. If you are
25-32, 5'6 + , thin, attractive,
please write to this superman.

Shomer Shabbos. Attractive,
weight proportionate, in-
telligent, down to earth,
stable, 38 year young, DJF,
Desires to meet Shomer Shab-
bos 30s to 40s man with in-
tegrity and smiles. Letters on-
ly. #64716

SJF, 42, petite, attractive,
quiet and pleasingly plump -
seeks sincere and honest JM,
37-47, for companionship at
movies, concerts, sporting
events, quiet evenings at
home. Take a chance and
write. #64633

SJM, 28, 5'8, slim, profes-
sional, MSU grad, sport-
saholic, adores children,
feeding ducks and long drives.
Looking for that special so-
meone who is comfortable
with herself and can radiate it!

Beautiful mermaid at play,
medical professional by day
desires professional, attractive,
fitness minded, non-smoking,
nautical gentleman, 32-40.
Make a big splash with this
slender, attractive, athletic 34
y/o . . . drop a line. #64606

Pretty JF, 45, looks 30,
brunette, 5'5 - seeks JM, 40s,
good looking, slim, affec-
tionate, good sense of humor,
financially secure for relation-
ship/commitment. #64634

Hello - I'm a slim, attractive,
SJF, mid-sixties, looking for a
companion to share common
interests, music, dancing, art,
travel conversation and taking
long walks. Caring, sharing
romantic times. #64674s.

Blond, beautiful, Bette Midler
sense of humor, thirty some-
thing SJF, would like to meet
a professional, attractive, in-
telligent man who is ready for
a relationship. #64691s•

SJF, athletic, bright, compas-
sionate, delightful, efferves-
cent, fun, giving, happy, in-
dependent, joyful, kind, loving,
mysterious, naughty, outgoing,
playful, quick, romantic, silly,
34, unconventional, vivacious,
warm, exciting. Yours with
zest. And you? #647182:

SJM, 35, Ph.D, caring, down to
earth, fun loving. Enjoys
cultural activities, movies, golf
and ethnic dining. Seeks well
educated, attractive, easy go-
ing, SJF, 27-35, for lifetime
relationship. Letter please.


Attractive blonde, young look-
ing 50ish, 5'5 1/2, European
born, refined, intelligent,
many interests, sense of
humor - seeks tall male,
50-65, non-smoking profes-
sional for meaningful relation-
ship. #64660

SJF, 31, attractive, adven-
turous and fun - seeking
SJM, 30-40, tall, dark -and
handsome with sense of
humor. Get rid of the "shiksa"
and take a chance!! #646612:

You: JF, 25-45, bright, playful,
sensual, spirited, believe in
commitment, family, love. Me:
DJM, 49, successful, romantic,
passionate, sensitive, adven-
turous, lovable mensch. Us:
happy cuddly times, best
friends, maybe more?
#64662 s•

Athletic, exciting and adven-
turous. SJM, 22, tall, dark and
handsome business student -
seeks attractive, affectionate
student/career minded JF,
19-24, who likes the night life,
movies and concerts. Don't
hesitate! #64663 s.

SJF, 23, with a good sense of
humor. Enjoys sports, dancing,
movies, looking for SJM,
22-30, with the same interests
and is willing to take a chance!

Petite, blue eyed blonde, 28
loves Paris in the spring, golf,
working hard, boating, skiing,
being treated like a lady. Seek-
ing debonair, tall, professional,
sensitive, bright, 29-36, SJM
for summer adventures.

SJM, 33, 5-8, well educated,
nice looking, seeks slim, at-
tractive SJF, for dancing,
movies, Pine Knob, Tiger
games, travel, art shows and
theatre. Responses to all
replies. #64666 s•

Single Jewish male, profes-
sional, understanding, caring,
good natured whose interests
include preserving the green,
movies, theatre and travel
seeks female over 30 with
similar interests. #646672:

Widow, early 50s, warm, down
to earth, sports fan, enjoys all
music, movies, walks and talks
- looking for man with
similar likes - let's get
together. #64641

I'm DJM, 5'11, 175, fit active.
You: slender and personable. I
like to sail, play tennis. We
both like reading, music, dogs,
kids. I hope to hear from you
soon. #646752:

Successful attorney - sen-
sitive, compassionate. Seeks
happy, warm, at peace with
herself female, age 55-65, for
a dream fulfilling Liebestram.

Do you want to be alone?
Dating is cozier. I'm a DJF
looking for JM in late 40s-
early 50s, to enjoy the flowers
and long June evenings.

My life reads like a good book.
SJF professional, 30, seeks
creative SJM collaborator,
28-32, to write the best
chapters. Humor mandatory.
Neatness counts! Write only!

SJM, 41, 6'1, creative, fit,
stylish, sense of humor. In-
terests include music,
metaphysics, and life. In-
terested in meeting female,
30-40, with similar interests.
#64679 2:

Not wild about Shlomo? Com-
patible media professional,
late 30ish, has backstage
passes to summer oldies con-
certs, fun and friendship for
SJF with non-smoking life-
style. Make a change that
counts. #64680 Ss

Attractive, SJF, 31, profes-
sional, enjoys theatre exercise,
dining out/in, adventure ready
- willing to meet attractive
SJM, 27-35, with similar in-
terests and more. For more
details respond now. Photo en-
couraged. #646812.,

My brother is 36, handsome,
generous, outgoing, sensitive,
loving, caring and romantic.
His assets are many; his faults
are few. I'm lucky to have him
- you could be lucky, too!

SJM, 31, sophisticated, yet
easily understood; avid reader,
excellent speaker, yet no
bachelor's degree; loving and
very gentle, yet with a boxer's
build. Very attractive, athletic,
female chess player wanted.
#64656 s•

Promises of fullfillment, fun,
adventure, love. That's my gift
to you. 5'2, vibrant, great look-
ing, professional DJF - seeks
male, 50-65, bright, witty, car-
ing, considerate, who desires a
lifetime of happiness.

Two professinal SJMs, 30 and
31, need companionship now
that basketball season is over.
Seeking warmth, sensitivity
and a sense of humor. Call or
write to one or both. #64720s.

Attractive, sensitive, romantic,
DJF, 52, looking for romance
with that special man 50-60.
Enjoy dining out, traveling
and fun and games. Please
write so we can meet.
#64722 S.

SJF, 30ish, down to earth,
redhead, seeks the company of
a sensitive, caring, intelligent
man, taller than 5'8, older
than 32 - for romance and to
share life's great adventures.
#64693 S•

DJM looking for Ms. Right
28-35 who enjoys theatre, din-
ing, dancing, sports-oriented
and is looking for good-
natured individual, take a
chance with this romantic 40
year old. #64724 ce.

37 y/o, 5'7, educated, suc-
cessful, attractive JF - wants
to become focal point of an am-
bitious, successful man's life.
Interested in arts, theatre, fine
dining, fun! I could be girl of
your dreams! #64694s•

SJM, brown hair, brown eyes,
5'11, 36 years old, 200 lbs. Am
in healthcare field, athletic
build, looking for a friend who
likes the outdoors. Bach to
Rock. Photo please. #64726s.

Briefly married JM, 28,
knowledge-oriented, non-
athletic, non-Republican, in-
formal engineer seeks young
JF ally for warm serious fun.

Professional, articulate and in-
teresting. If you enjoy tennis,
movies, and dining out I am
the person you would enjoy be-
ing with for an evening or
potential relationship. Male
45-55. #647282:

DJF, 54, 5'4, slightly zaftik,
enjoys walking, Tai Chi,
cultural activities. Warm, con-
siderate, non-smoker,
predominantly vegetarian.
Conservative Jew, political
liberal. Seek compatible
mentsh to share life's adven-
tures. #64696 1`..

Eclectic DJF, mid-30s, ap-
proaches life as series of com-
positions created and instilled
with meaning. Love complex
inter-relationships with depth,
balance, space, color and tex-
ture, flavor, presentation, con-
text, humor, wit, tennis.

Handsome, caring, JM, 28, 5'7,
likes sports, don't drink or
smoke, shy - needs a friend
for a relationship. Would like
to meet a SJF with same
characteristics. Please send
photo, phone. #64697 s.

Wanted: JF guide to help JM,
45, find way in new life.
Returned to Michigan after
years in Texas. Old map out of
date. Can we share the trail
together? #646822:

Me: SJF, 32, 5'6, professional.
You: SJM, 29-37, fun, likes
sports, movies, surprises, cud-
dling, Mexican food, smiles
and laughter. Us: friendship
(hopefully more). Please write.

SJM, 25, U-M grad, profes-
sional, from a `heimisha' fami-
ly - seeks an attractive, petite,
SJF, who is educated, enjoys
good conversation, relaxing
evenings and who is looking
for a nice relationship.

Summertime/Funtime: 2
SJFs, ages 31 and 32, enjoy
sports, walks, laughter,
movies, dining in and out.
Looking to meet two special
SJMs, 29-35, tall, fun, roman-
tic, spontaneous. #646992:

Single JM in my late sixties.
I enjoy dancing to big band
sound, Meadowbrook, movies,
looking for attractive lady,
50-60, for sincere companion-
ship. #646842:

Very attractive, fun loving,
SJF with many interests and
hobbies. Interested in meeting
extremely attractive non-
smoker, SJM, 30-40 for fun
and good times. #64622s.

Down to earth, kind, affec-
tionate, sincere, attractive,
SJM, 38, 5'7. I like dining,
music, theatre, sports and
travel. Seeking petite, happy,
healthy woman, 30-38.

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