-4111111111111111111111111111110111111111P.1101111111111111110 1 11W OPINION An Armband Of Hatred Teaches A Modern Lesson GAIL ZIMMERMAN L ast week, I attended a program at my son's middle school. Parents were invited to attend a "Celebration of Greatness," question the students, who would be in costume, and try to guess "who our great peo- ple are." Students had read books about their selections and held classroom news con- ferences to share their information. My son, who is in the seventh grade, came home one day and told me he had selected Alexander the Great as his "hero." "Why;' I asked him, "did you choose a person who in- vaded, conquered and took over other nations as a person you admired?" . "I would have chosen Robert E. Lee," said my son, whose interest in wars and the men who fought them sometimes confounds me, "but I did a report on the Civil War last year and thought I'd better choose someone else?' He had researched Alex- ander the Great and admired him as a leader who always cared about the safety of his soldiers, as a man with great willpower who was determin- ed to reach his goals, and especially as a conqueror who "believed that all people are the same, no matter their race or religion. He always respected peoples' cultures and their personal beliefs!' "I didn't know that about Alexander the Great;' I said. "Now I understand why you might choose him:' My son continued, "And Mom, I need a costume." "That's easy," I said. "You can wear a helmet, sandals and a sheet!' Being a history buff and fan of popular culture, I eagerly anticipated the evening. As everyone gathered on a warm evening in an even warmer gymnasium, the students in costume were handed num- bers; the parents were hand- ed paper and pencil, told to mingle, ask questions and determine as many "great people" as possible in a limited amount of time. The three top guessers would win prizes. "Great?' I thought, "a moving game of Trivial Pur- suit!' Gail Zimmerman is a copy editor and proofreader at The Jewish News. As my husband and I mov- ed quickly through the crowd, we identified Abe Lincoln and Louis Pasteur, FDR and Charlie Chaplin, Anne Frank (at least four of them) and Harry Houdini, Clarence Darrow and Joe Louis, John Lennon (at least three of them) and Claude Monet, Ma- hatma Gandhi and Genghis Khan. With the exception of the latter, I could easily see why the students had chosen these particular "great peo- ple." Then, standing before me, to my utter surprise, was a student in army fatigues. But this soldier was wearing a homemade swastika arm- band. "Your hero is a Nazi?" I ask- ed him increduously. "I'm not Hitler?' he replied matter-of-factly. "Well, who are you? Goeb- bels? Goering?" I was starting to get angry. "No," he replied calmly. "I'm one of Hitler's generals?' The only World War II Ger- man general I'd ever heard of Standing there in army fatigues was a sixth-grade student with a swastika armband. was Rommel. "Did you fight in North Africa?" I asked. "Yes," he replied. I wrote down his number and hero's name and moved on quickly, without asking him any more questions, eager to identify as many "great people" as possible. When I came home, I was feeling pretty good about hav- ing tied for third top guesser of "great people!' And then I realized, in my eagerness to win I had neglected to say anything to anyone about a student with a swastika holding court as a "great per- son" in my child's school. The next morning I men- tioned the previous evening's events to my colleagues at The Jewish News. This was something definitely worth checking out, they agreed. I called the principal of my child's middle school, told him how much I had enjoyed the evening but advised him I was upset at seeing a stu- dent wearing a swastika in the program. He said he had been unaware of the matter until another student came up to him in the gym and told him about it. At the end of the evening when the approx- imately 150 students from two middle schools paraded before a microphone, he said he did not recognize the stu- dent in question. How could a student with a swastika slip by students, parents and teachers in a school with a large Jewish population, a school with special programs for its numerous Soviet Jews, a school that had always been sensitive enough not to schedule functions on Jewish holidays and careful not to allow religious symbols at holiday times? The principal, who is Jewish, agreed to look into it. The principal called me back. To our mutual surprise, the student was a sixth- grader at my son's middle school. The principal explain- ed that while my son's class had been told to select some- one they admired, the sixth- grade teacher had instructed his class to choose someone who had been historically im- portant, whether famous or infamous. In that context, it was im- plied to me, a swastika in school was OK. There must be an explana- tion for all this, I thought. After all, the sixth-grade teacher, who is Jewish, had not been at the program that evening, having gone home sick earlier in the day. Perhaps this student was one of those who had not yet given his classroom presentation and the teacher had never seen the swastika. As soon as school was out for the day, I called another sixth-grade student who is in my driving carpool. He readi- ly gave me the name of the student with the swastika and confirmed that the stu- dent had given his class presentation in costume with the teacher present. "Did anyone complain about the swastika?" I asked. "No," he replied. I called my son who had ar- rived home from school. "Did you know about a `Rommel' wearing a swastika last night?" I asked him. "He must be at the other middle school," my son replied. `•The principal came to our class looking for him!' I informed him that this "Rommel" did indeed come from his middle school. "Would you be upset if some- one in your class got up to portray a 'great person' and had a swastika on his arm," I asked him. "If someone was portraying Hitler or someone else responsible for the extermina- tion of the Jews, I'd be upset;' he answered. "But Rommel was famous as a military leader, not as an exter- minator of Jews," my militarily-informed son told me. "I'm sure he wore that swastika just as part of his costume. His wearing that uniform to portray an historical character doesn't bother me. He wasn't ad- vocating the extermination of the Jews;' he said. "So just chill out, Mom." Amy Mehler, a reporter at The Jewish News, decided to call the parents of "Rommel." The student's father had no objection to Ms. Mehler talk- ing to his son. The student, who is not Jewish, explained very ar- ticulately that he chose Rom- mel because he was a great military leader, but more im- portantly because he had the courage to stand up to Hitler, tell Hitler the war could not be won, be involved in a plot to assassinate Hitler, and when that failed, to take his own life by poison. The student's father said he'd had second thoughts about his son wearing the swastika, but let him wear it as a means of making him identifiable. His son wore the swastika only during the presentation to the class and the evening program. He added that another reason for his son's choice of "great person" was that his son's grandmother had also fought against Hitler — in the Resistance during World War II. I guess I had jumped to con- clusions and hadn't asked enough questions. And maybe the students in "Rom- mel's" class learned something about following the courage of one's convic- tions, of standing up to some- one or something odious despite the personal cost. When I got home from work that night and told my hus- band what had transpired, I commented that I hadn't known all that much about Rommel. "I did;' he replied. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him. "You never asked?' was his response. I'm still not comfortable with the idea of anyone wear- ing a swastika in my child's school. I wish at the beginn- ing of the program that parents had been told that some of the characters we'd meet might seem infamous as well as famous. I wish I'd taken the time to talk to "Rommel" for a longer period of time, to ask him why he had selected him as a person of greatness. But I do know that in school my child has been taught a unit on prejudice, including anti-Semitism. I do know that in his predominantly white school, there is a student- elected black student body president. I do know that dur- ing this bar mitzvah year, guests include not only Jews, but gentiles, Indians, blacks and Chaldeans. I do know that during the recent Persian Gulf war, there was not one incident between students of different na- tionalities or cultures. I am thankful that my son's school is doing something right. I am hopeful his generation will go beyond symbols and stereotypes when judging the motivations of other people. And I am thankful to my son for teaching me that there is more than one way to wear a sheet. ❑ THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 7