UP FRONT New Study Shows Drop In Jews' Religious Identity IRA RIFKIN Special to The Jewish News A new study of Ameri- can Jewry has con- cluded that culture and ethnicity have replaced religion as the prevailing basis for self-identification with Jewish communal life. The study — which was released this week by the Council of Jewish Federa- tions — found that 90 per- cent of the approximately 5.5 million Americans who were either born Jewish or converted to Judaism define being Jewish as belonging to a particular cultural or eth- nic group. Less than 5 percent con- sidered being Jewish solely in terms of belonging to a re- ligious group. 11 While no directly com- parable earlier statistics ex- ist, Barry A. Kosmin, who coordinated the study, said the new findings appear to statistically confirm the widely held opinion that American Jewry is becoming ever-more secularized — and ever-more assimilated. Ira Rifkin is assistant editor of the Baltimore Jewish Times. The survey, Mr. Kosmin concluded, does not bode well for the future of a clear- ly defined, cohesive Jewish community. "No clear-cut boundaries exist anymore between Jews and gentiles," said Mr. Kosmin, who directs the North American Jewish Data Bank of the City Uni- Clear-cut boundaries between the Jewish and gentile worlds have largely disappeared. versity of New York. "Going-to-shul Judaism is declining and the 'my- grandparents-were-Jewish' kind of Jew is on the rise." Perhaps the strongest in- dicator of this trend, he said during a telephone inter- view from New York, is the increasing acceptance of intermarriage. The study — based on in- formation collected in 1990 and said to be the most com- prehensive investigation of American Jewry ever at- tempted — found that half of all those who were born Jews have married non- Jews. Less than 5 percent of the non-Jewish spouses have converted to Judaism, the study also said. "As a result, since 1985, twice as many mixed couples (born Jew with gentile spouse) have been created as Jewish couples (Jewish, with Jewish spouse)," the study noted. This figure probably underestimates the actual total because it does not in- clude born Jews who are divorced or separated from a non-Jewish spouse, or Jewish- gentile unmarried couples who live together, the study added. Mr. Kosmin said his understanding of the survey's findings on inter- marriage is that "a majority of the American Jewish public doesn't regard this as tragic. They seem to be sup- porting marriage more than identity," he said. He noted that 79 percent of those surveyed who reported their current religion as Judaism would either sup- port or accept intermarriage for their children. That fig- ure jumps to 96 percent for those who were born Jewish Distribution of All Household Members by Region and Jewish Identity (Total Percent = 100.0) Total Population = 8.100,000 Midwest 5.8% 1.8% 2.6% 2.3% West 10.7% 6.1% 4.3% 4.3% Jewish by Religion Born Jewish, Convert Out and Jewish Background with Other Current Religion % % Jewish, No Religion Northeast 24.9% 4.2% 4.6% 6.1% South 11.6% 2.8% 4.9% 4% Gentiles but can now be classified as secularists, those who call themselves atheists or agnostics or simply state "none" when asked what is their religion. The CJF findings are in line with two studies releas- ed last year by researcher Egon Mayer. Mr. Mayer, who directs the Jewish Outreach Institute, found that, above all, Jewish parents want their children to marry — even if it means accepting intermarriage. "This is a very emotional issue for people and they are anguished by what is hap- pening in their families," Mr. Mayer said. "It strikes home and they feel it's better to be more inclusive then to hold to rules." In addition, the CJF study also appears in line with a recent Brandeis University - Cohn Center for Modern Jewish Studies survey that found spousal conversions to Judaism on the wane as mixed marriages gain in- creased acceptance. "The old assumptions are falling away," Mr. Kosmin said. "Perhaps the most significant finding of the survey is that the American Jewish population has become so diverse. It's become difficult to draw lines around it anymore be- cause it's become so jelly- like." However, despite their re- jection of "traditional Jew- city will lower its flags to half-mast and public prayers will be held by all religious organizations. Yad Vashem, Israel's national Holocaust memorial institution, will sponsor an academic con- ference in Kiev, and the Ukrainian government will erect a memorial complex on the execution site. Participants in the pro- gram will include WJC Pres- ident Edgar Bronfman, au- thor Elie Wiesel and Soviet poet Yevgeni Yevtushenko. Mr. Yevtushenko in 1961 wrote a poem recalling the tragedy of Babi Yar, which begins with the lines, "No gravestone stands on Babi Yar; Only coarse earth heaped roughly on the gash. Such dread comes over me." be used by new o/im, immi- grants. ROUND UP Tass To Open Israeli Bureau Tel Aviv (JTA) — Tass, the official Soviet news agency, plans to open a bureau in Israel, the Israel Govern- ment Press Office has an- nounced. The opening is part of a re- ciprocal arrangement in which Israel Radio cor- respondents will be based in Moscow, and Israel Televi- sion personnel will be allow- ed to operate on assignment in the Soviet capital. It is not yet known whether the Tass bureau will be based in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. Ukrainians Set Babi Yar Memorial A half-century after the Nazis and their Ukrainian collaborators murdered tens of thousands of Jews at Babi Yar in Kiev, the Ukrainian government will officially commemorate the tragedy and acknowledge the Jewish dimension of the Nazi persecution. In a meeting last week with World Jewish Congress leaders in New York, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Sergy Komissar- kenko announced that from Sept. 29 to Oct. 6, a wide range of memorial programs will be held in Kiev in com- memoration of Babi Yar.. Babi Yar is a ravine in the northwestern part of Kiev, where the Jews of the Ukrainian capital were systematically massacred following the German oc- cupation of the region in 1941. On Sept. 29, 1941, German SS units with Ukrainian collaborators rounded up the Jews of the city and brought them to a ravine where they were gunned down. In the course of two days, 33,771 Jews were murdered. Over the next two years, Babi Yar served as a slaugh- Lighting candles for Holocaust survivors: Commemorations planned at Babi Yar. terhouse for Jews and non- Jews, including Gypsies and Soviet prisoners of war. It is believed the ravine even- tually became a mass grave for more than 100,000 men, women and children. To mark the Babi Yar commemoration, the Kiev City Council has declared Sept. 29 an official Day of Memory and Sorrow. The ICJW Appeals To Travelers The International Council of Jewish Women (ICJW) is appealing to all tourists to Israel to bring eyeglasses to The glasses should be delivered to Aliya Kedem, chairman of Open Door, Bet Hachavera 10, Shalom Aleichem St., Jerusalem, 92148. Open Door is a group work facility in Rehavia that serves retired persons. Volunteers will pick up the gifts if tourists are unable to arrange a stop at Open Door. The Israel phone number is 972-663-141. The ICJW's Soviet Jewry committee in London is en- couraging visitors to Israel to bring used clothing in good shape suitable for men, women and children of all ages and sizes. The clothes may be delivered to Ulpan Yosef Tal, Rehov Kehilah Huston 3 PHEGE Petah Tikva, c/o Miri Gur, prin- cipal. Or call 03-922-1038 for volunteer pick-up service. Compiled by Elizabeth Applebaum THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 11