CLOSE-UP In his first lengthy interview since the end of the war, the ABC anchor hit head-on the recurring charges that he is an Arabist. This was also the first interview he had ever done devoted almost exclusively to this subject. For much of the one hour and 40- minute interview in his office at ABC's New York headquarters, the broadcaster was urbane and unruffled. Perhaps the major differ- ence between on-screen Jennings and off-screen Jennings was that he was in shirt-sleeves, his tie was loos- ened and his grammar faltered slightly, and then only near the beginning of the sometimes conten- tious session. Otherwise, Mr. Jennings' presence was similar to what is seen on TV every evening: Self-assured and reassuring, as well as highly curious about the world around him. In this case, he was intensely curious about the anti-Israel charges against him. At times, he was quite peeved about them, but, never, it seemed, overtly angry. Like a good editor (indeed, one of his titles at ABC is "editor" of the evening news), Mr. Jennings kept "Fairness" has many sides, especially for an issue as convoluted and personal as the Middle East. probing and pushing, wanting to know the specifics of these charges, and who had leveled them — and why. "One of the things I find odious about any criticism," he said, "is that it should be unnamed and it should be suggested . . . What often happens is that either I don't hear from people about specifics, or the specifics may be a little out of con- text. "I don't understand . . . (charges that I am anti-Israel or pro-Arab). I tend to answer with a fairly automatic response — which is a fairly neutral response — that the Middle East is a complicated place. People on this subject, more than any other, tend to see truth through their own eyes. "To tar someone with the brush, `anti-Israeli,' " said Mr. Jennings, "and, worse, to attempt to tar some- one with the brush, 'anti-Semitic,' is really one of the most insidious things if they can't stand by it. But it's not at all difficult to discuss specifics. And it's not at all difficult for me to understand that there are some people who believe that if you are not 100 percent on their side, then you're on the other side. "That's true of Arabs, in many cases, as well as Israelis. Probably less true of Arabs because Arabs are more accustomed to having people on the other side of the fence. What I don't really find to be of any benefit to me certainly, and I don't think of any benefit to this dialogue, is when you say, 'Some people say . . . ' Well, who are they? And what are they saying?" The Critics Speak espite five years as chief of ABC's Beirut bureau and another eight, first as the net- work's chief foreign corres- pondent and then as its foreign news anchor, Mr. Jennings does not con- sider himself — or anyone else — an "expert" on the Middle East. "There is no such thing as an ex- pert on the Middle East," he said. The region is "too complicated. There are too many perspectives. The first time I did a story out of Lebanon was in 1969 when a mini- civil war was going on between the Lebanese government and the Pa- lestinians. I arrived in the middle of the night from Rome. I knew only one person in town, an editor of a fairly respectable Lebanese news- paper. I called him up at two in the morning and said, 'I don't know anything about what's going on. Would you please tell me?' " "I filed exactly what he told me," recalled Mr. Jennings. "It was prob- ably the last time that I was ab- solutely right about anything in the Middle East." Pro-Israel critics would assuredly agree with that last statement. To them, the anchor's years in the Arab world left him with a decidedly pro-Arab cast of mind. Compared to Israel, they say, this is a world with which Mr. Jennings is more famil- iar, a world with which he more greatly identifies, a world where he has his most strategic contacts. Scratch almost anyone who keeps a close eye on TV news and you'll find someone attuned to the newsman's every syllable regarding the Middle East. Martin Peretz, the publisher and editor of the New Republic who has been leery of Mr. Jennings for almost two decades, said the an- "On The Middle East people tend to see the truth through their own eyes." chor's "reportage on Israel is almost long before the intifada began, there always a morality play. This is in was a perception that the news, es- the nature of a crusade on his part." pecially at the networks, wasn't as Yet, Mr. Jennings' handling of the nice to Israel as it had been. But for Gulf war threw Mr. Peretz for a loop, its first 25 years, Israel had received albeit a minor loop: "He didn't like the most glowing press in the world. the Iraqis. That muddled my view of The American Jewish community him just a little bit." thought this was a right to which it "When I mention Peter Jennings was entitled. before an audience," said Andrea "As a Jew, I see no bias in Jenn- Levin, the national president of ings," said Mr. Kellerman. "I'm CAMERA, "there's an audible rum- discomforted by some images on the ble from them. About the • only screen, such as an Israeli soldier things that create rumbles are Na- kicking a Palestinian youth. I also tional Public Radio — and Peter Jennings." "I have strong views on "I have always had the sense," said Ms. Levin, "that he is trying to everything," said keep under wraps a very strong Jennings. "I just don't sense of feeling for the Arabs and the intifada." talk about them." Yet, Donald Kellerman, director of the Times Mirror Center for the know that the story is more com- People and the Press, dismissed the plicated than how it's portrayed, but anti-Jennings charges as "a that this is a limitation of the canard." medium of television." "Jennings is a highly professional, And Marvin Kalb, the veteran unusually competent anchor," said NBC correspondent now at Har- Mr. Kellerman. "This is the 'kill the vard's Kennedy School of Govern- messenger' syndrome. In the 1970s, ment, said, "It's possible that THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 39