The Difference Between Soldiers, Jewish Soldiers By JULIE BLOOM for three days they would be meeting in small discussion groups It was Yom Kippur, 1982, at the to examine their own kishkes and to height of Israel's Lebanon War, and learn about Jewish law and Jewish a very difficult time for loyal, thought. idealistic, peace-loving American What could Jewish thought Jewish Zionists like myself. Many of have to do with preparation for us felt that our Zionist ideals had military service? They couldn't think come to a crossroads. of two more unrelated topics if they It seems clear that although tried. Israel was for the first time fighting For that matter, they didn't see a war that could not be clearly what this Jewish stuff had to do defined as "defensive," and that the with them anyway. They went to soul of the country and of its synagogue to satisfy grandparents, legendary humane army seemed to studied Bible in school because be on the line, the hope had not they had to, and fasted on Yom been lost. I felt a strong need to Kippur to remember the war in 1973. jump in and do whatever I could to Jewishness just didn't seem to them help preserve the Jewish values of to be relevant in their lives — it was the Jewish state, which seemed to their history, but did not belong to me to be the most essential them in the "here and now." ingredient for Israel's true survival. "So how many of you are So, at the age of 22, I was willing to fight and maybe even die ready to make aliyah, fully expecting for the sake of this Jewish State that it would be difficult to find the that is really just a piece of right vehicle through which to work history?" I asked. toward my self-defined mission. They all raised their hands. I was nearly beside myself with "I don't understand," I said. "If joy when I discovered that a Jewishness doesn't mean anything, government-sponsored informal why not just move to America where educational program in Jerusalem you can make more money, have was looking for experienced young wall-to-wall carpeting in your house, people to work with pre-army Israeli get tickets to see Michael Jackson high school students on Jewish live-in-concert and not worry about identity and values clarification. dying for your country?" I told Avram Infeld, the director "No, you don't understand," of the Institute for Jewish Zionist they told me, laughing nervously. Education, that I felt validated, that "Well, tell me this," I said, "Is his mission was my mission, that he there any difference in your minds could not have found anyone more between the Israeli army and, say, fitting for the job, and that I was the Syrian army for example?" ready to roll up my sleeves and get A flurry of reponses filled the to work. room. The gist of what I was The Institute for Jewish Zionist hearing from these young men was Education was created to help raise that I had asked a foolish question, the consciousness of Israelis that of course Israeli soldiers were regarding the Jewishness of the Jewish State. A group of Israeli high smarter, more dedicated, better- skilled, better-trained, better-fed, school seniors had sent a letter to more brave, more humane .. . the Minister of Education just before "Aha, I said. "Stop right there. the 1973 Yom Kippur War, explaining What do you mean 'more that their education had not helped humane?' " them to understand what they would Out came the terrible stories of be fighting for when they went into the torture of Israeli POW's at the the army — what were the ideals hands of the Syrians, horrified and beliefs behind the need for survival? What was so special about parents receiving the ear, the finger, or other of their sons' body parts in the Jews that they needed to the mail — even President Assad's survive? massacre of his own people. Then Education Minister "The Israeli army would never Yitzhak Navon was shocked that do that," they told me excitedly. bright young people who had been "And this makes you proud?" I raised in the Jewish state could ask asked them. such fundamental questions, and he "Very proud," they told me. And knew that something had to be I knew that I had been right all done, so the institute was formed. along, and that these young men My first seminar was with the would not only be successful senior class from a boys' vocational additions to the Israeli military, but school in the Tel-Aviv/Holon area. they would be good Jewish soldiers, They thought they had come to the too. For they had admitted that they seminar to hear lectures from army recruiters, and courageous stories of expected their army to be different from that of their enemies. battle from war heroes. They were The next step was to explain stunned when they found out that that this ethic did not just spring up out of nowhere, and that it was deeply rooted in Jewish tradition. We learned that Jewish soldiers are forbidden from destroying fruit trees encountered in battle, and that mosques and churches are holy sanctuaries that cannot be attacked. We learned that looting and rape were not permitted — not in ancient times, and not in modern Israel. Most important, we discussed the concept of following orders, and what that means in a Jewish army. Did they know, for example, that in the Jewish army, it is illegal to follow an order that one knows is morally wrong? By the end of the second day of our seminars, the students would begin to understand just what was so special and important about the survival of such a people, with such an army. On the last day of our seminars, we would take the students into the city of Jerusalem for a brief tour and some free time. The climax of the tour was in the old border neighborhood of Abu Tor, where we would stand, overlooking the old city of Jerusalem. "Where do you see Islam?" I would ask. "Dome of the Rock," they would say, and "the Al Aksa Mosque!" "Good," I would say, "and where do you see Christianity?" Each would point to a different church tower in the afternoon skyline. "Good. Now tell me, where do you see Judaism?" Silence. "The Wall is down in there somewhere," someone would finally say, "even though you can't really see it from here." "Yes," I would say, "but even more importantly, the Jewishness of this skyline is in the fact that the mosques and churches are standing, thriving, and co-existing. We have not destroyed them. 'Our ways are ways of peace' " Julie Bloom is a student in the Project Star Program at the University of Michigan — Project Star trains Jewish Communal Service Workers. Low Fat Blintz Souffle Tasty Shavuot Treat By LESLYE MICHLIN BORDEN Of all the stories written in the Bible, none is more dramatic than that of Shavuot, the celebration of the receiving of the Ten Commandments and the Torah. This year it begins on the evening of May 18. Traditionally, Jewish homemakers prepare dairy dishes for Shavuot. For people trying to limit their consumption of foods high in saturated fat, dairy dishes are often avoided. You can celebrate Shavuot in a most traditional way, with lots of white, "creamy" foods, and keep to a low-fat, low- cholesterol diet. BLINTZ SOUFFLE Blintzes come out just as delicious if you use egg substitute instead of whole eggs in the pancake batter and in the filling. Another way to reduce fat in this dish is to make the filling with non- fat cottage cheese instead of farmer cheese. Another fat and calorie saving suggestion is to bake the blintzes instead of frying them. Making blintzes is time- consuming. If you're a plan ahead person, consider serving a blintz casserole. On a day when you're not busy, prepare the blintzes. Freeze them, covered tightly, in a 9x13 baking dish. The evening prior to Shavuot, remove them from the freezer. Cover them with a delicious mixture of non-fat milk, egg substitute, and Parmesan cheese. Place the casserole in the refrigerator. An hour or so before you want to serve them, pop them in the oven. No one will believe this rich and beautiful dish has so little fat or cholesterol. The Cheese Filling: 24 ounces no-fat cottage cheese 1/2 cup egg substitute 1 egg white salt and pepper to taste Combine the ingredients in a medium bowl. If the mixture doesn't seem smooth enough, mix it in the food processor or blender with a little non-fat milk, added a drop at a time, until it is smooth. Enough filling for 17-18 blintzes. Fill each blintz skin with about 2 tablespoons of filling. (Do not overfill). Fold the skin over the filling, then fold in the sides, then fold the remaining flap over, to keep the filling inside the packet. Proceed with souffle recipe. Makes 17 blintzes. Leslye Michlin Borden is a former Detroit resident who specializes in low cholesterol kosher cooking. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS L-7