Eretz Yisrael: A Place To Live According To 'His' Torah By RABBI MARK COHN I have the good fortune of working with teen-agers. Teen-agers love to ask difficult questions for which they want fast, simple answers. My job is to try to answer these questions in a way that is long enough to convey substance, yet, short enough to hold their attention. Recently I was asked, "What right do the Jewish people have in claiming the land of Israel as their own?" (anyone want to switch jobs?). The question can be answered from a historical point of view, a military point of view, a political point of view and from a religious point of view. It is the latter perspective I would like to share with you. Perhaps the most common mistake made today is when Jews claim to "own the land of Israel." We don't own Israel, God does. Eretz Yisrael is nachlas Hashem, God's lot, and we are here as "strangers and sojourners for the land is Mine." The Sforno explains that Eretz Yisrael is not included in the principle of "And the earth He gave to man," (Sforno Vayikra 25). Based on this Sforno, the Alei Shur Religious Jews see the fact that Jews presently control the land of Israel as a clear mandate from God that we belong there; should it be otherwise we would have been kicked out long ago! comments that while the fruits of the land are ours, the land itself is not. Rashi, the most famous of all biblical scholars, echoes this idea in his commentary on the first sentence in the Torah, Beraishit, when he says the Torah should have begun with the first mitzvah given the Jewish people, that of establishing the new month. Why does it begin with the story of creation? He answers that God created the world and can give whichever portion He wants to whomever He chooses. If the other nations tell Israel: You are thieves, who took away the land of the seven nations," we should answer: "God created the world. He may take and give lands to nations as He sees fit (Genesis 1:1). Religious Jews see the fact that Jews presently control the land of Israel as a clear mandate from God that we belong there; should it be otherwise we would have been - kicked out long ago! (This point of view is certainly supported by the seemingly endless miracles that happen to the Jews in Israel, the most recent being the relatively little damage done by Iraq's Scuds.) The idea that "God does what He sees fit," is a factual explanation of real world events. Nevertheless, there is a much stronger emotional connection to Israel felt by every Jew. We learn in the Yalkut Shimoni that "God measured all the lands and found Eretz Yisrael the one perfectly suited to the Jewish people." The Midrash on the book of Numbers explains, "God told Moses: This land is dear to me, and the people of Israel are dear to me ... let Me bring the people who are dear to the land which is dear." We must ask, why is one piece of earth more suitable for the Jewish people than another? What is the connection between B'nai Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael? The Chaver in the Kuzari answered a similar question this way: "We have no difficulty accepting that a country is unique in some respect. You see that specific places are more conducive to the growth of certain types of plants, minerals and animals, and the inhabitants have a characteristic appearance and temperament. A particular mountain might be the best place for a vineyard because of the unique qualities of both and mountain and the seeds of the plants. So, too, God's chosen people cannot truly grow and sustain themselves in the best way when not in God's chosen land." One of the Maskilim, writing in the journal HaMelitz after Bulgaria achieved independence from the Turks, expressed the hope that one day we, the Jews, would also be like Bulgaria, a nation among nations. When the passage was read to the great sage, the Chofetz Chaim, Rabbi Israel Meir HaCohen, he cried: "Was our blood spilled for 1800 years so that we could reach the level of the Bulgarians? The Torah states, "Your God shall bring you to the land which your fathers possessed and you shall possess it, and He will better you and multiply you more than your fathers." The Chofetz Chaim presents the most compelling argument any religious Jew has for living in Israel. God provides His people with a land in which they have the ability to live life according to His Torah. A place where the ethics, the morality, the uniqueness which have kept the Jewish people alive during the long Diaspora can be observed and fulfilled without fear of being ostracized, or condemned. God has given Jews a place where we can be Jewish, without compromise, without fear, and without persecution. Rabbi Cohn is director, Central East Region of National Conference of Synagogue Youth. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS L-3