"Some of Windsor's earliest settlers wound up in Windsor so they could sneak across the border and get into the United States." Rabbi Jonathan Plaut . son, David David, but it wasn't until the 1880s that the next significant wave of Jews came to Windsor, Rabbi Plaut said. "They were mostly Jews looking to escape pogroms," he said. "Canada has a long history of being settled by immigrants from other countries. It's like a grab bag of mixed nationalities." Alan Juris, director of the Windsor Jewish Community Centre, says it's this sort of multiculturalism that makes Jewish life in Wind- sor so attractive. "Here we call it a cultural mosaic," said Mr. Juris, who used to work for the Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit. Mr. Juris, who moved his family from Detroit to Wind- sor 10 years ago while still working in Detroit, said the Canadian cultural mosaic is different from the American concept of the melting pot. "In a melting pot, every- one is encouraged to conform to one basic culture," he said. "Canada, on the other hand, encourages peoples of every ethnic background and religious affiliation to practice their customs and maintain their own cultural identity. "The Windsor Jewish community has a mind of its own. For while it's small, it's a close-knit, independent Jewish community with everything Detroit has — just in miniature." The Jewish Community Centre of Windsor is actu- ally a JCC and a Jewish fed- eration rolled into one. The Centre, which is 35 years old, oversees the adjacent I.L. Peretz Home, a home for the aged similar to the Fed- eration Apartments of Detroit. The Centre, which gen- erally functions as the meeting place for most Windsor Jewish communal events, also runs a nursery school, a summer day camp and youth chapters. Per capita, the entire Canadian Jewish commun- ity annually raises more than does the entire Ameri- can population, according to Mr. Juris. "In the last Operation Ex- odus, for instance, 6 million Photos by G le nn Triest representative charged with the responsibility of buying furs from the Indians and linking the fur trade to the Montreal-based family busi- ness," Rabbi Plaut said. "He never truly fit into the family business since he lik- ed living in the wilds and dealing with the Indians so much. He rarely returned to Montreal, although he tried to keep up some ties with his family." Moses David died when he was 47 in 1814. He left one American Jews raised $450 million, while 300,000 Cana- dians Jews raised $100 mill- ion," Mr. Juris said. "We still network within the Detroit Jewish community, but we rely more and more on the Canadian counter- parts of charity organiza- tions. More and more, Wind- sor resembles Detroit in sophistication." Windsor supports a large university, parks and an excellent public library and school system, Mr. Juris said. His daughter, Rachel, attends a French Immersion school and benefits by study- ing both Canadian and French cultures, he said. "The U.S., with its strict emphasis on separation of church and state, doesn't allow for the same level of public education," he said. "Our secretaries of state not only support the accultura- tion of ethnic groups, they even provide grants for Jew- ish schools." Mike and Marla Schmitz, both 26, have lived in Wind- sor for two years. They say they're as committed to Windsor as they were to their hometown of Toledo, Ohio. Maybe even more. Mrs. Schmitz, a speech pathologist at Windsor Western Hospital, makes time for the young sisterhood and adult edu- cation committee of Shaar Hashomayim. She also vol- unteers on the advisory committee of the Windsor Jewish Community Centre, and the United Jewish Charities Women's Division. Once a week, she bowls with the B'nai B'rith men's bowling team. Her husband, a certified public accountant with Ern- st and Young in Detroit, is treasurer of the Shaar, a board member of the Centre and executive vice president of B'nai B'rith of Canada. He's also the other half of his bowling team. "A la of Detroiters don't know this," Mrs. Schmitz Isaac Epshnteyn of the Peretz Home catches up on world events with McLean's. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 47