I UP FRONT This Story Pays Tribute To Jerzy Kosinski's Life ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM Assistant Editor T hree years ago this week I received the se- cond of two curious letters from Jerzy Kosinski. In the first, he sent a story he'd written called "Chantal," which tells of a young girl who hopes to in- spire a famous writer. In the second letter, he sent me an- other original piece, "Death in Cannes," the story of his friendship with Jacques Monod. They included no notes of explanation. I didn't like "Chantal." And I've yet to make up my mind about "Death in Cannes," which tells of au- thor Jacques Monod's final days. "Farewell, my dear boy!" Monod says to Kosin- ski when they part for the last time. Mr. Kosinski imagines his friend consider- ing the history of his life, smiling as he looks into the eyes of death. I wonder what Jerzy Kosinski was considering when he killed himself last week. He reportedly was depressed over longstanding heart trouble that hindered his writing, concerned that as his health deteriorated he would become a burden to his family. So the author of The Painted Bird and Being There put a plastic bag over his head. He was 57. It had been a life more horrific, more dramatic, stranger even than his novels, books that never failed to give me nightmares. I met Jerzy Kosinski just once. He came to Albion, where he received an honorary degree from Albion College. When I heard he would be in Michigan, I was My story ended up a paint-by-number picture of the author. There was an outline and some idea of what was there, but nothing complete. determined to get an inter- view. In what I was certain was a miracle, he readily agreed. Dutifully, I reviewed Mr. Kosinski's books before leav- ing for Albion. But I couldn't read The Painted Bird again. Though the author always denied it, most believe the novel, which tells of a young boy's terrible adventures in the coun- tryside of Nazi-occupied Poland, parallels Mr. Kosin- ski's own life. Born in Lodz, he was sent at age 6 into the Polish fields to escape Hitler's army. In one scene in The Painted Bird, a peas- ant boy's eyes are popped out with a spoon. Mr. Kosinski was staying in a cottage on the Albion campus, reserved I'm sure for visiting writers and scholars-in-residence. I walked in, introduced myself and he held out his hand. "Jerzy Kosinski," he said. As though I didn't know. As though I hadn't been think- ing for weeks about this very moment, like some lovestruck teen-age fan of a rock star. He was a bird-like man, delicate, articulate, thoughtful and polite. He liked questions he could an- swer with careful detail. When I asked about his system of writing, he went on and on about how he wrote in the morning and used a certain typewriter. He was less pleased by queries that attempted to draw parallels between his life and work. "They're not connected to there was a memo topped by a sticker with a crazy face. "That's just for fun," he said. Also included in the port- folio were articles about the Holocaust, photocopies of the cover of The Painted Bird and photographs of Kosinski from his 1988 trip to Poland. In one picture, he wears a kippah and sits outside a small synagogue. Ultimately, I was disap- pointed with my story about him. How could I begin to write an article about such a complex man with only an hour-long interview to guide me? My story ended up a paint-by-number picture of the author. There was an outline and some idea of what was there, but nothing complete. Still, I sent Mr. Kosinski a copy of the story, as he had requested. And he was polite enough to write back and send those two stories that continue to confuse me to this day. It is a privilege to be a reporter. It means meeting men and women from every sphere of life who in the time they spend with a writer generally tell the most remarkable things. Secrets, forgotten dreams and horri- ble pain are all revealed in those brief moments. Jerzy Kosinski did not grant me the privilege of any great revelations, but I will never forget the hour I spent . Jerzy Kosinski: Tribute to life. my life, but rather to my imagination," he said of his writings. Despite my careful prepa- ration and a lengthy list of questions I hoped would be interesting, it was a difficult interview for me. I think I must have looked up at least 15 times that first half hour and thought to myself, "Here I am, sitting across from Jerzy Kosinski." It was overwhelming, and my pri- vate fawning marred my ability to take notes. What I remember best was his thick black notebook in which he compiled ideas and story outlines. Fully de- veloped ideas were marked with yellow neon stickers. Other papers bore green stickers (he wouldn't tell me what these meant). And then ROUND UP "Friendly" Notes Aren't So Friendly Consumers, beware! A number of Jewish seniors in the Detroit area have com- plained of receiving ques- tionable advertising promo- tions that appear to include notes from friends. "Joanne, these really work. Try them! From, J." reads one note attached to an advertisement for a pair of glasses that supposedly improve vision. Joanne, the woman who received the letter, knew no "J." Her name had simply been pick- ed at random by the com- pany selling the glasses. But she says the appearance of the handwritten note, using her first name, made her think at first that the note was in fact from a friend. Burt Lindeman, a syn- dicated columnist, recently wrote about the large number of mail scams directed toward the elderly. Speaking of the adver- tisements included with the notes, Mr. Lindeman said, "These clippings almost always promote some ques- tionable health product." They Had Visions Of Jewish Video Cleveland (JTA) — Jewish culture hit the small screen when Jewish Video Visions (JVV), the nation's only ex- clusively Jewish video ren- tal outlet, started operations in Cleveland last year. The nonprofit project, the brainchild of the Cleveland Bureau of Jewish Educa- tion's Ratner Media Center, is open six days a week at the Mandel Jewish Com- munity Center. The center provides audiovisual material to 26 Jewish schools in greater Cleveland. It offers adven- ture films, children's fare, dramas, comedies, documen- taries, Hebrew stories, holi- day tales and how-to pro- grams, many of them hard to "Gefilte Ricks" was a reject. So was "Metro Golda Meir." obtain. A favorite among children is "Shalom Sesame," the Israeli series patterned after "Sesame Street." By bringing Jewish cul- ture into the living room, JVV Co-chairman Michael Slomak said, the service can serve to increase "the family's ability to transmit Jewish culture from one ge- neration to another." Before the project opened, the sponsors held a naming contest. Among the 200 en- tries were "Yentl Rental," "Vos is Video," "Metro Golda Meir" and "Gefilte Flicks." "We chose Jewish Video Visions because we thought we could live with it a little longer," said Earl Lefkovitz, director of the Ratner Media Center. Semitism, the Middle East peace process, endangered Jewish communities and the prosecution of Nazi war criminals. Soviet Jews Join WJCongress Damascus — Coca-Cola and nine other companies have been removed from the Arab League's Boycott of Israel Office. Established in the 1950s, the Arab League's office was created to discourage inter- national companies from do- ing business in Israel or in any way economically sup- porting the country. Among the organizations the office removed from the boycott list were the J.B. Williams Company and Helene Curtis International, in addition to Coke, which has maintained a longstan- ding policy of selling its pro- ducts in Israel. New York — For the first time, the Jewish community in the Soviet Union is being represented in the World Jewish Congress as Jewish delegates from 70 countries gather in Jerusalem this week for the 9th global assembly of the interna- tional Jewish organization. The Va'ad, the repreSent- ative body of Soviet Jews, will be formally admitted into the WJC, marking the entry of the last major corn- munity outside the ranks of world Jewry. The WJC Assembly will discuss issues affecting Jews throughout the world, focus- ing on the questions of anti- Arab Boycott Removes Coke Compiled by Elizabeth Applebaum THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 11