EDITORIAL Rough Road For Baker As Secretary of State James Baker travels to the Mideast for the third time in five weeks, it seems clear that he will be turning up the heat on Israel and her Arab neighbors in his effort to convene a re- gional Mideast peace conference. Mr. Baker has been referred to as the "Secretary of Stealth" because he has been so secretive with his game plan for peace. So secretive, in fact, that even diplomats close to the scene are having trouble call- ing his moves. In part, he is accelerating the pace be- cause the Administration believes that unless a major effort is made now, momen- tum will be lost. And cynics note that Mr. Baker is hoping that increased activity in the Mideast will detract attention from the ongoing plight of the Kurds. In any event, there are indications that Mr. Baker is prepared to remain in the re- gion for an extended period of time. During his first two visits, Mr. Baker observed a traditional axiom of diplomacy: vagueness is the handmaid of opportunity. As a result, his plan for a regional con- ference in the Mideast has been approved in principle by Israel and several Arab states, but an infinity of specifics —pro- cedural, legal and psychological — has yet to be worked out. The Israelis are trying to appear positive about Mr. Baker's efforts, though they are wary of pressure to give up land for peace. Jerusalem is disappointed that the U.S. has not used its influence in the region to convince any Arab state to make a positive gesture toward peace, such as ending the Arab boycott of Israel. And the U.S. is unhappy that Israel has resisted Washington's suggestion that she defer new housing in the territories as part of the confidence-building aspect of a peace process climate. At this point, neither side wants to be blamed for the breakdown of negotiations, but neither side is prepared to bend. That is Mr. Baker's job. Still, the bending is not coming the way Mr. Baker wanted. Almost 10 hours of negotiation with Syrian Presi- dent Hafez al-Assad has produced no in- dication of a Syrian supported peace con- ference. Trips to Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia have produced little if anything new. As Mr. Baker meets with Soviet Foreign Minister Alexander A. Bessmertnykh, the fear is that the peace momentum gained from the Persian Gulf war could be dying. What complicates his effort is Washing- ton's policy, or lack of one, toward the Kurds. America's encouragement of an Iraqi effort to overthrow Saddam Hussein, followed by the administration's refusal to aid the rebels, is a sorry tale suggesting that there is no correlation between foreign policy and morality. Was President Bush's New World Order meant to begin with the sacrifice of the Kurds? The cloud hanging over the Baker talks is one of the United States urging distant countries to trust her — and, in Israel's case, risk political suicide — without know- ing if future pleas will fall on deaf ears in Washington. Mr. Baker, the momentum for peace seems to be dragging. May we suggest that Mr. Baker is throw- ing too many balls in too many courts. Please, let's not forget something that is still very important. These are the same Palestinians who sided. with Iraq and ap- plauded the Scud missile attacks on Israel. But what did, at least at first glance, change was perhaps a hint of willingness on the part of the region's two most power- ful military powers, Israel and Syria. That is where the magnifying glass should be held. We urge Mr. Baker to be less of a "secretary of stealth" and more a secretary with blinders on. Cut through the clutter; let's talk now about Israel and Syria. These are the key players. The Jordans, the Egypts and everyone else will follow if they see a true opening for peace here. Bush's Vietnam Ghost Contrary to White House pro- nouncements, Operation Desert Storm did not fully purge the Vietnam syndrome from the American psyche. At least one American is still laid low by the malaise, and his name is George Bush. Witness his still skittish reaction to the plight of the Kurds. The President's fear is that further U.S. military action on behalf of the Kurds will end with this nation bogged down in the morass of Iraqi fractionalism. The political cover is that the U.S. has no desire to intervene in Iraq's internal affairs. The first is an unfounded fear; backing up U.S. pledges of safe havens for the Kurds with the necessary military force can still be a time-limited affair if this nation makes it unmistakably clear that Saddam Hussein must keep his blood- stained hands off the Kurdish people or 6 FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1991 suffer one last pulverizing air attack that will end this time in the total destruction of his army. The second — the political cover that Washington does not want to become in- volved in Iraq's internal affairs — reeks of cynicism; we are already deeply involved by virtue of Saddam's aggression against Kuwait, not to mention our encouragement of attempts to oust Saddam. There can be no peace in Iraq as long as the Kurds remain targets of Saddam's violent actions, and that will continue as long as Saddam believes he can get away with it. In hindsight, it seems clear now that Mr. Bush ended the war too soon, before delivering the knockout blow that would have rid Iraqis, and the world, of Saddam Hussein. w ARE IR/NG70 FAMWARizE OUR • ARAB FRIENDS • •• ■ 1,n ;) WITH 114E IDEA OF OW cct ilA • v c- c iT DOESN'T 410TIV 16 _ , • \t.' CO, " • ■ ,t\I " f (10 iT WON STAY UT? .,;- -11 OF " OAP V Q5itioitig,omf_ LETTERS Federation Talked To Southfield Reps Last fall, I met with a number of Southfield city of- ficials to share the Jewish Welfare Federation's plans for locating its administrative of- fices in Oakland County. Contrary to the impression left by the Southfield City Council letter in last week's Jewish News, I explained our position at length and stress- ed Federation's commitment to serve all members of our community, wherever they live. The Jewish Welfare Federa- tion has an abiding interest in the strength and vitality of the city of Southfield. Through the Neighborhood Project and in other cooperative ways, we look for- ward to continuing our long and fruitful association. Mark E. Schlussel President, Jewish Welfare Federation Revisionism View Was Incorrect The views presented in Milton Steinhardt's article (April 19) represent a serious misreading of Arno Mayer's views on the Holocaust as presented in his book, Why Did The Heavens Not Darken? All historians place events in a historical setting, so as to make possible their enlight- enment and eventual under- standing. Whether such a scholarly approach can ac- complish its intended purpose here is another matter. Mayer himself points out, "The (Holocaust) remains as incomprehensible to me today as five years ago, when I set out to study and rethink it." Mayer further writes: "The Jewish catastrophe was forg- ed in the crucible of this ir- reversible but failing (war on communism). This secular crusade provided the mastery of space, the corridor of time, and the climate of violence the Nazis needed to perpetuate the Judeocide." To provide a historical frame of reference to examine how this Jewish catastrophe could have occurred does not diminish from its signifi- cance, as is Dr. Steinhardt's contention. Rather, it pro- vides a methodology for un- derstanding an event in history which, in the final analysis, may be beyond human comprehension. That the Kurds are now be- ing threatened with extinc- tion, as Si Frumkin poignant- ly discusses (April 19), in- dicates how little the civiliz- ed world has learned from the Holocaust. Leaving the Kurds with no homeland to fend for themselves may be akin to having left European Jewry to fend for themselves in Hitler's occupied Europe. Irving Warshawsky West Bloomfield Let The Arabs Resolve Iraq Why not let the Arab na- tions solve the Iraqi problem? Why is everyone castigating George Bush? Why are we questioning the American will, or the American desire, to help our friends? It seems to me that there is an entire reservoir of untap- ped assistance for the oppress- ed minorities in Iraq. Long before the "Mother Of Bat- tles" started, the critics of our president were calling for an Arab solution to the threat from Baghdad. Wouldn't now be the right time to try to Continued on Page 12 K