I OPINION Israeli Government Is Telling Israeli People: Drop Dead ZE'EV CHAFETS Special to The Jewish News s 0 •1 1•• 0 1' uI ack in 1981, a few months before the na- tional election, my friend Shaul explained why he was planning to vote against Menachem Begin. "He keeps saying that the PLO kills women and chil- dren," Shaul complained. "How come he never men- tions 35-year-old men like me? I don't want a prime minister who doesn't care if I live or die." I found it hard to argue with this logic; discrimina- tion is an ugly thing. Happi- ly, it has disappeared under the administration of Begin's successor, Yitzhak Shamir. Our prime minister and his government have demonstrated a universal and undifferentiated apathy toward the safety, prosperity and welfare of everyone. Never in the history of this nation has there been such a callous, high-handed, self- aggrandizing government. Never haVe the voters been less represented or more despised by their betters in Jerusalem. In peace and war, good times and bad, the Shamir administration has had but a single message to the public: Drop dead. Terrorists now roam our streets with impunity, and recently they have even begun making home deliveries. Stand at a bus stop, walk down the street or answer your doorbell, and you are liable to find yourself face to face with a machete-armed moron screaming "Allahu Akhbar." If this was happening under a Labor -government, Shamir and his macho cronies would be screaming their heads off. But it isn't, and they aren't. Instead, Police Minister Ronni Milo attends the funerals of the victims and babbles mean- ingless pieties; the govern- ment comes up with preposterous proposals to keep Arab bachelors out of Israel; and Defense Minister Moshe Arens tells citizens that their best defense is to pack a pistol. The simple translation of this advice is: Fend for yourselves. Ze'ev Chafets is managing editor of the Jerusalem Report, from which this article is printed with permission. That is pretty much what happened during the recent war. Prime Minister Shamir all but disappeared from view, leaving the public to wonder if their sealed rooms and gas masks provided pro- tection or merely a palliative. Now, with the report of the state comp- troller, we don't have to wonder any longer. She says a good percentage of the gas • masks were defective, and I believe her. Chief of Staff Dan Shomron may call the report "absurd." But based on past performance, it doesn't seem absurd at all, or even unlikely. The Shamir government's indifference to the public's welfare and wishes is not confined to personal safety (yours, not theirs; they have bodyguards) or national security. Remember elec- toral reform? Remember the hundreds of thousands of citizens demonstrating in the streets for a change in the system? Remember the politicians' promises? Well, forget them. Yitzhak Shamir and his cronies have no more intention of honoring their word than they do of conver- ting to Islam. As far as they're concerned, the system works fine. After all, it got them elected. And if 80 percent of the public wants a change, well, tough. What is this, a democracy? And then there is the ques- tion of Russian aliyah, arguably the greatest challenge this country has ever faced. The government has failed to provide jobs, housing or a decent welfare system for the Jews it claims to want. Instead, cabinet ministers scuffle over perks and patronage while the Russians pick through gar- bage in the Carmel Market. And where is Prime Min- ister Shamir? What we are witnessing is not normal government in- competence. It is an excep- tional, perhaps unique, case of Olympian disdain for the most elementary concerns and needs of the public. In any other democraCy, Yit- zhak Shamir would be knit- ting afghans in an old folks' home. Instead, he's an odds on favorite for reelection. This is our fault, not his. In free societies, people get the government they deserve. Ours has given us. unsafe streets, phony gas masks, confiscatory taxes, declining wages, creative public ac- counting, free lunches for the powerful, crumbs for the poor and no apologies. Ah, but I forgot. It has also freed us from discrimina- tion. In the eyes of the Yit- zhak Shamir, the Great Lib- erator, men, women and children have achieved a rare equality. We all count for the same thing —zero. ❑ Is This For Real, Mr. Walesa? PHIL JACOBS Managing Editor T wo years ago at a Baltimore City dock, I watched the delivery of a particular import that didn't have anything to do with Toyotas or Hondas. Not far away was the city's nationally known Inner Harbor area where people strolled around the pavilions, boats and water in a much more carefree way. But the atmosphere where some 50 of us stood was hardly carefree, especially considering the item we watched being unloaded from a Polish ship: a railroad boxcar. This wasn't the kind of boxcar that contained sup- plies of any sort. This box- car, complete with guard tower on its roof, once con- tained Jews, Polish Jews. It delivered them dead, diseas- ed or alive to places such as Auschwitz. I remember hav- ing the feeling I had that day only once before in my life. That was when I wrote an article on the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. I focused the story on the crew of the Enola Gay, the bomber that dropped the bomb. Seeing the Enola Gay in a storage warehouse of the Smithsonian Institu- tions, I felt insignificant, as if I couldn't handle the awesome presence of the death machine I was seeing. I walked under its tailgunner station, looking at the seams in the fuselage, the metal, the rivets that once looked down on Hiroshima. I felt that way again when I saw the wood of the boxcar. I wondered what it must have been like •for the thousands of people who In this case, the boxcar was deadlier than the bomb. stood against each other and the walls of this car. A man I was standing next to cried. He cried because this car looked too familiar. _ He cried because if anyone could remember a boxcar in Poland, it was this man, who as • a teen-ager managed to open his boxcar door and jump into the woods. The others in the car pleaded with him not to, that he would be hurt if the Ger- mans caught him. Now, he cries for them. But there was another man watching the pro- ceedings as well. He didn't cry. Instead, he looked steely- eyed as a Polish official pre- sented the boxcar as a gift of his government to the Na- tional Holocaust Museum. He hadn't jumped from a boxcar — he was too weak. But of the 100 people in his boxcar, he was one of 10 who survived his journey to Atischwitz. He would have never been on the boxcar were it not for the Poles that told the SS where he and his brother hid. When Nate Nothnon of West Bloomfield returned to his Polish birthplace last July he saw a swastika on his old synagogue. A Chasidic rabbi, leading a tour of great learning centers of Poland, was ver- bally attacked by an old woman who told him, "I see Hitler didn't finish up, did he?" All of a sudden, a Polish leader wants to make nice to the Jews. This is a country that contributed to the an- nihilation of its Jewish population, once one of the world's largest and spiri- tually richest. Some of the great Jewish minds of our century died in those box- cars. And now Lech Walesa shakes our hands and prom- ises to make life better. Syn- agogues and cemeteries there are being cleaned up. Hebrew letters are being carefully painted with gold leaf to attract the green of American Jews who want to trace their roots. A convent, not so long ago, wanted to remain on the grounds of Auschwitz, hallowed ground of Euro- pean Jewry. Yes, Mr. Walesa, we wish anti-Semitism was missing from Poland as well. But didn't you, Mr. Walesa, ac- cuse your political opponent, Tadeusz Mazoweiecki of not being fit to run because of his Jewish blood? For Jews, Mr. Walesa, the boxcar and the Enola Gay have a great deal in corn- mon. They both left the sort of destruction that takes years for recovery. Japanese society rebuilt itself into a world power while the Polish Jewish community is but a trickle of its past. In this case, the boxcar was deadlier than the bomb. And I'm sure, Mr. Walesa, that given the op- portunity, Poland's anti- Semites would not hesitate to repaint and refit their boxcars and use them again. Hopefully you are for real, Mr. Walesa. And hopefully this talk of denouncing anti- Semitism in Poland is for real. We all want to give this a chance to work. But when you see a boxcar with a guard tower on its roof, it's hard to believe anything anymore. ❑ THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 7