BACKGROUND Why Israel Isn't Helping The Kurds Although it has aided the Kurds in the past, the Jewish state has been unable to help them in their most recent struggle. HELEN DAVIS Foreign Correspondent I sraeli officials this week refused to confirm reports that Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani recently visited Israel to seek assis- tance for the rebellion against the Iraqi regime of President Saddam Hussein. In their efforts to secure an autonomous homeland, the Kurds have been aided by Jerusalem in the past, but although they are now fac- ing a ruthless offensive mounted by troops loyal to Saddam Hussein, Israel was unable to accede to their latest requests for both polit- ical and logistical reasons.. Relations between Israel and the Kurds have their roots in the doctrine of "peripheral alliances," which was developed by Israel during the early '60s in an effort to break out of the ring of regional hostility that surrounded them. This doctrine involved the formation of links, overt and covert, with non-Arab or non-Muslim states and minorities in the region and the task of forging those ties was entrusted to the Mossad, Israel's foreign intelligence agency. The alliance encompassed such non-Arab states as Turkey, Iran and Ethiopia, as well as such non-Muslim groups as the Christians and Druze of Lebanon and Syria, the Christians who were fighting Muslim forces in Sudan and the Kurds of Iraq. The major advantage for Israel in establishing this intricate network was in the area of intelligence. Like the Palestinians, however, the 28-million- strong Kurds, who are scat- tered across Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Iran and the southern Soviet Union, have often served as pawns — to be used and, when necessary, to be sacrificed on the altars of larger regional power struggles. This has left them dangerously vulnerable to the changing fortunes and dispositions of their patrons. Much as Turkey might want to contribute to the weaken- ing of Saddam Hussein, it will not do so at the cost of strengthening the Iraqi Kurds — and risking a rebel- lion among its own large Kurdish community. Israel is virtually cut off from the area, but even if the Jewish state did have physical access to the Kurds, any intervention by the Jew- ish state would quickly rim into the teeth of United States opposition. Washington's major polit- ical gain from the Gulf crisis so far has derived from its ability to maintain the in- tegrity and unity of its Arab- Western coalition. Barring some totally un- predictable development, the "dream ending" to the Gulf war is now likely to produce a tragic conclusion for the dissident Kurds who seized the moment to stage their revolt against Saddam Hussein. Having won their stunn- ing military victory, Wash- ington stepped back from the fray, declining appeals for help from Kurdish rebels in the north and from Shi'ite Muslims in the south, both of whom are excluded from real power in Iraq by the minority Sunni Moslems. The Bush administration has repeatedly declared that Barring some totally unpredictable development, the "dream ending" to the Gulf war is now likely to produce a tragic conclusion . . . for the dissident Kurds. it is unwilling to become embroiled in what White House spokesinan Marlin Fitzwater has described as Iraq's "internal conflict," even if that means leaving Saddam Hussein in power. Such involvement, ad- ministration officials feared, would drag the United States into a bloody civil war, raising the specter of another Vietnam-style im- broglio which still haunts Washington. There are, however, other ©1991 INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT BY CARTOGUNEWS INC., N.Y.C., USA more complicated reasons for this tragic twist to the Gulf crisis. Washington made no secret of its desire to see Saddam Hussein removed from power, but it was anxious to avoid the perception that it was impos- ing a Pax Americana on the region. It wanted Saddam Hussein toppled, but it wanted the Iraqis to do the job themselves. It was also anxious to achieve that goal without actually destroying Iraq's central power structure, which would have led Iraq down the path to a Lebanon- style fragmentation. In a bid to keep his bal- ance, President Bush sought to stop the war before it had totally destroyed the power of the ruling Ba'ath Party, but not before it had dealt Saddam Hussein a fatal po- litical blow through a decisive military defeat. According to a senior Mid- dle East source, the Arab co- alition partners, particular- ly Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Syria, were willing to con- tinue the military offensive against Iraq until Saddam Hussein was toppled. This was rejected by the United States and its European allies, however, because they did not want to appear to be imposing a puppet regime in Baghdad. President Bush's recent overruling of Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf was unlikely to have taken place on purely humanitarian grounds. Rather, he is believed to have been motivated to pre- vent the annihilation of Iraq's armed forces by a con- cern that total defeat would have led inexorably to the disintegration of Iraq. This would also have left the second-largest oil pro- ducer in the Middle East defenseless against its predatory neighbors, vir- tually all which might have been expected to stake ter- ritorial claims to Iraq. It would also have strengthened the Shi'ite and Kurdish elements, an event that would have the effect of destabilizing Iraq's neighbors which have substantial Kurdish com- munities. While the Kurds deny that they are nursing secessionist aspirations, there is little doubt that they would seize such an oppor- tunity if it presented itself. The depth of concern about the emergence of a Kurdish secessionist movement was expressed last month by the Teheran Times, which close- ly reflects official Iranian thinking. The newspaper noted that Kurds who call for an in- dependent state would be disqualified from any future negotiations: "The dis- integration of Iraq cannot be accepted," it said. "Nor will its three neighbors, namely Iran, Turkey and Syria, allow the formation of a Kurdish state in northern Iraq." Early this week, as Saddam Hussein appeared to be gaining the decisive upper hand in the see-saw THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 27