!TORAH PORTION I The First Festival Of Freedom's Joy When we go away on vacation, morn prefers to stay at Georgian Bloomfield. She receives the medical attention she needs, visits other residents, and feels secure and comfortable. RABBI RICHARD C. HERTZ Special to The Jewish News I If someone you love needs short-term nursing care, visit Georgian Bloomfield and find out how both of you can enjoy better vacations. Georgian Bloomfield 2975 N. Adams Rd. Birmingham, MI 48009 645-2900 Health Care & RetirLnent Corpor a tion B.H. YASHER KOACH Many thanks to Dr. Morton Plotnick, Bruce Langarten, Faith Tam and the Jewish Corn- munity Center. You helped enable three thou- sand Detroit area Jewish children to enjoy a Passover Matzo baking experience that they'll never forget! CHABAD J.C.C. MATZO BAKERY Rabbi Elimelech Silberberg Rabbi Chaim M. Bergstein Bais Chabad of W. Bloomfield Bais Chabad of Farmington Hills Best Wishes for a Happy & Healthy Passover Brent FURNITURE 1914 Telegraph • Bloomfield Hills 338-7716 n the long history of anci- ent or modern civiliza- tions, it is incredible and without precedent that a peo- ple would seek to preserve its history of degradation and bondage. No people ever in- vents a dishonorable past. The Scriptures of the Jewish people delight in re- minding us again and again that our Hebrew forefathers suffered national humiliation by being slaves in Egypt. In- stead of permitting na- tionalistic writers to erase the memory of bondage, the Pass- over story becomes more in- delible than ever. The Torah portion read on this Sabbath, the first day of Passover, comes from Exodus 12. It tells of the hasty flight of the Israelites from Egypt and the necessity for baking unleavened bread. After recording the ten plagues of Egypt in their last moments before fleeing from the Egyptians, Scripture says, "It was a night of watching unto the Lord for bringing them out from the land of Egypt; this same night is a night of watching unto the Lord for all the children of Israel throughout their generations." (Exodus 12.42) What a watch night it has become! We're bidden to remember the Passover story, not for the sake of a few peo- ple pouring over some dry history tome, nor for a hand- ful of academic scholars in- terested in the "fossils of Judaism" (as Toynbee once called us). Scripture points out that the whole Jewish people must remember the Passover story and stand guard all through the genera- tions lest new dangers, new assaults on the freedom of the Jew, be hurled at us. For us in Detroit, this is a joyous Passover. Families have been reunited by Passover seders. The age-old story of escape from tyranny is being read from the Hag- gadah. Songs of freedom are being sung again by Jewish families from Russia, our new immigrants, who have found freedom in the Promised Land, both in America and in Israel. CLASSIFIED GET RESULTS° Call The Jewish News The story of Passover goes back a long, long time. It is the story that the Jewish peo- 354-5959 Rabbi Hertz is rabbi emeritus of Temple Beth El. ple has never tired of retelling. But the Passover story in the book of Exodus is more than just a story. It is not dif- ficult to understand why the Jewish people are so pas- sionately devoted to the Passover observance, for the festival recalls a story of liber- ty and freedom. Passover might perhaps be called the first Fourth of Ju- ly celebration in human history. But unlike the secular Independence Day, this Jewish festival of freedom was given a deeply religious significance in keep- ing with the Jewish idea of freedom. The Exodus was a bold pro- clamation of freedom, a throwing off of the shackles of the tyrannical Pharaoh. First day of Passover and counting the Omer. Passover celebrates man- kind's first festival of freedom. The Passover message for our time cries out, "Let Freedom ring! Down with tyranny and enslavement and exploitation!" From Pharoah to Hitler to Stalin to Eichmann to Saddam Hus- sein, the story of Passover spins its message that freedom is indestructible. When our Jewish fore- fathers went forth from the fleshpots of Egypt to starve and suffer the rigors of the desert and wander towards a Promised Land for 40 years, they learned the costly lesson that liberty is everything. The ancient Israelites had no illusions about their choice. They turned their backs on the Egyptian civilization, the palaces and temples they had built, the fertility of the Nile they had enjoyed and they went into the desert with all its barren- ness and dangers. It took courage to make that choice, but they knew that freedom was worth it. Ever since that memorable night in ancient Goshen, when the Hebrew forefathers turned their backs on slavery and faced up to the respon- sibilities of freedom, Passover has been to the Jewish people a feast of dedication to the ideals of liberty and a testimony to their joyful ac- ceptance of the divine com- mand to carry that message of human freedom. ❑ K