11"1 The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, li"trY) has issued a pre-Passover message to world Jewry, regarding the wonders of the Gulf war and its meaning. Following is the complete text ofthefree English translation. By the Grace of G-d Within three clays of Shabbos-Kodesh 25th of Adar on the eve of the third day of the week, doubly good, Sedra: Vayikro el Moshe, 5751. Brooklyn, N.Y. avoided, but the enemy was forced to relinquish without further ado its booty and to free captives and hostages including some that had been held from before. — Our Torah teaches and directs us to guard against speaking in terms of predicting evil. We pray that henceforth there will be only good tidings, in the kind of good that is revealed and obvious. — Indeed, those who are "insiders"— who know many details that do not reach the media— appreciate more deeply the marvels of the miracles and wonders in this our time and in these our days. To the Sons and Daughters of Our People Israel, everywhere, * * * G-d bless you all! Greeting and Blessing: Coming from the days of Purim— days of miracles that HaShem wrought "in those days at this season," and approaching the Festival of Pesach, when we celebrate the "Festival of Our Freedom," thanking HaShem for the miracles and wonders which He wrought in connection with Yetzias Mitzraim (our liberation from Egypt) — It is now highly opportune to give full attention to the miracles and wonders which came to pass just recently around Purim time. These were revealed miracles, obvious miracles, not only for Jews but also for all nations, "seen in all the corners of the earth"; everyone saw the great miracles that unfolded at this time. The miracles of "those day"— in the days of Mordechai and Esther — were, as is well known, concealed in the natural order of events: from the beginning of Achashver- osh's reign, to the third year of his reign, to the seventh year of his reign, to the month of Nissan in the twelfth year of his reign and Esther's banquets for Achashver- osh and Haman — all seemingly natural happenings per se. It is only after profound study of those events and perceiving them as one continuous and connected sequence that one is able to recognize the guiding Hand of HaShem. This is one of the reasons why there is no explicit mention of G-d's Name in the entire Book of Esther (one of the 24 holy books of T'NaCh) — because the Miracle of Purim occurred in a mariner of "concealment of (HaShem's) Countenance," as alluded to (according to one interpretation) in the verse, "And I will hide My face on that day," namely, that it refers to the Miracle of Purim — a miracle that was "clothed' and concealed in a natural "garb." By contrast, the events during the months leading to (and up to the middle of) the month of Adar unfolded a clearly extraordinary miracle for the benefit of Jews as well as for the benefit of the entire world; a conspicuous miracle before the eyes of all the nations. * * * In view of the existing international conditions it seemed inevitable that not only would there be a declaration of war, etc., but that the war would engulf many nations and set off a new world-war, G-d forbid— yet, in a most extraordinary turn of events, not only was a world-war prevented, but the war that had begun was quickly over! In the course of the current year (5751) — which Jews have (by way of acronym) designated and assigned: lint? rlia79] ('It shall surely be a year of revealed wonders"); as also during the latter part of the preceding year (5750) — which was likewise designatecluiD] Nnn ("It shall surely be a year of miracles"), we frequently emphasized the timeliness of our Sages' prediction (in Yalkut Shimoni on Isaiah, # 499) concerning wars that would break out in the specified region of the world, which will signal the near arrival of the true and complete Geulo through Moshiach Tzidkeinu. In light of the aforementioned events and miracles, one should become even more strongly aware that this is the time of urgent preparedness for the fulfillment of the prophecy "and the kingdom shall be HaShem's," when all nations will recognize that "this mansion (the world) has a Master"— a recognition that will lead "all of them to call upon the Name of HaShem, to worship Him with one consent." Especially that, as mentioned, we are now approaching the month of Nissan (from the Hebrew word nes, a miracle). Moreover, as our Sages point out, the name of the month (by its two letters nun, making it also readable forward and backward) indicates a "multiple of miracles" and "miracles within miracles". Thus it is certain that HaShem will show even greater miracles than heretofore. And particularly when Jews also increase their own efforts to elevate their daily Jewish conduct to the level of the supra-natural, with everyone, man and woman, elevated above their natural tendencies and habits, in the area of Torah study and doing Mitzvos with Hiddur (excellence) in a manner of multiple miracles, striving ever higher and still higher. Apropos of the above, we have an instruction right in the beginning of this week's Sedra (from the word seder, order) : "If any person of you bring an offering to HaShem," as interpreted and taught by the Alter Rebbe: "I fyou bring an offering to HaShem," let the offering be of you, of yourself, by breaking out of one's habits and constraints, in order to dedicate oneself totally to HaShem. Thus, the "supra-natural" behavior of every Jew in a manner of "revealed wonders"— open and manifest to all around, will hasten the fulfillment of the prophecy: "As in the days of your liberation from Mitzraim will I show you wonders," and HaShem will now fulfill His promise: "I have found David My servant, with My holy oil have I anointed him," followed immediately forthwith by the true and complete Geulo through Moshiach Tzidkeinu. While all signs pointed to the outbreak of a massive war, requiring a huge army with massive weaponry of the most advanced technology, and after everything was duly assembled and in place for a long war expected to last weeks and months — victory came in a matter of days! With esteem and blessing of Hatzlocho and with blessing for a kosher and joyous Pesach, The victory was so wondrous that not only was much bloodshed (as had been feared) /Signed: Menachem Schneerson/ LUBAVITCH FOUNDATION 28555 MIDDLEBELT ROAD, FARMINGTON HILLS, MICHIGAN 48334 • (313) 737.7000 IN HONOR OF THE EIGHTY-NINTH BIRTHDAY OF THE LUBAVITCHER REBBE, SHLITA, 11th OF NISSAN (March 26) 100 FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1991