OPINION Security And Political Borders Can Be Different For Israel SHLOMO GAZIT A t every stop along Sec- retary of State James A. Baker's Middle East tour, local tutors of all persuasions instructed him in "Lessons of the Gulf War." Many of these new lessons ac- tually are old litanies repackaged. Here, the lesson is said to be that Israel's freshly demonstrated vulner- ability proves that we must hold onto all of the West Bank forever. In actuality, the war only dramatized what the Israeli military has known for years: As long as Israel remains threatened, we must retain full military control over all of the West Bank. This is as true today as it was last July. But a crucial corollary also remains valid, one long ac- cepted by a large majority of Israel's defense experts and supported by Israeli public opinion: Effective military control of the West Bank, as a defensive buffer zone, does not require Israeli political Shlomo Gazit is a former head of Israeli military intelligence. This article first appeared in the Los Angeles Times. rule over 1.8 million Palesti- nian Arabs. Israel faces a familiar array of threats. To be sure, the war accentuated some immediate dangers, such as Jordan's in- stability, while it diminished others, including Iraq's offen- sive capability. But Israeli defense planners dare not focus on transient events. They must look far ahead and prepare for worst-case con- tingencies. From this perspec- tive, Israel's peril remains fundamentally unchanged: Strategic depth does not require political rule. • Heavily-armed, dic- tatorial Arab states pose a serious threat to Israel's very existence. Imagine Israel's military position had we fac- ed an Iraqi-led Arab coalition alone. In a sea of instability, even relatively docile states like Jordan can turn sudden- ly virulent. • Signing a peace treaty will not in itself obiate the threat to Israel. This threat will persist until a com- prehensive peace agreement resolves all bilateral issues, and the Arab-Moslem soci- eties undergo a revolutionary social and cultural transition to democracy and stability. ANON Occupied b y Israel • Deep Palestinian hostility to Israel continues. If they on- ly thought it possible, most Palestinians would advocate replacing Israel with a Palestinian state stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River. • The festering Israeli- Palestinian conflict enables local tyrants like Saddam Hussein to easily incite Arab masses throughout the region. As long as these threats re- main, the Israeli army must retain the West Bank as a military buffer zone. But the essential benefits of strategic depth — such as early warn- ing, surveillance, control of airspace, and strict demilitarization — do not re- quire Israeli political rule over the inhabitants and the territory. Twenty-three years ago former Prime Minister Levi Eshkol recommended "a clear differentiation between Israel's security borders and her political borders!' Israel's political borders delineate the land over which we exercise full political sovereignty — the boundaries of the state. Our security border marks a far larger area over which we must ef- fectively maintain full military control. Former Prime Minister Menachem Begin im- plemented Eshkol's formula when he signed the peace Sweet Justice In The Parking Lot PHIL JACOBS Managing Editor W hat was perhaps the greatest example of police enforcement and community justice oc- curred right before my eyes last Wednesday outside of the Dunkin Donuts on Nor- thwestern in Southfield. There was no robbery stopped in progress or aborted mugging. Instead, a Michigan State trooper, who was busy sipping coffee and reading the newspaper dur- ing his break, saw a woman park her car in a space re- served for handicapped drivers. The trooper put his paper down and tapped on the window, pointing to the parking space which was clearly marked with a wheelchair stencil and sign. But the driver ignored the officer and started walking to the entrance. The trooper met the customer at the door and asked her politely to move her car. The request was followed by a frown and the woman walking out of the door in a huff. She moved her car and started saying nasty things about the offi- cer to herself but loud enough for some of us to hear. During the entire time she was in the store, nobody with a handicapped permit parked in the space. But the important thing was that she didn't park in the space either. Parking spaces for the handicapped are a real sore point here. When you grow up with a mother who was afflicted with multiple sclerosis, you look for every break and nicety that society can throw your way. But what I learned the most from my experience with my mother is that you can't always be nice. I can remember how emo- tional my late father would get when he was blocked out of a parking space by a young yuppie couple and their two children. I can re- member how he confronted the adult male, and how that adult male used four-letter words to describe my dad. For the most part, people who have handicapped per- mits or license plates wish they could park at the fur- thest point of any mall park- ing lot and take a brisk walk to the stores. But they can't. Of course, there are those with permits who might abuse the system. But these are really in the minority. My parents have been deceased now for over five years. But I can still feel deep inside the strain of lif- ting a wheelchair from the trunk of a car and then hav- ing to lift my mother from the front seat into the wheelchair. When you do this exercise enough times, a small thing like a parking space really helps. I carry that knowledge with me no matter where I travel. And there have been times when I've come to near blows with people who de- fiantly parked where they didn't belong. And I will tell you right here and now, for all of us to see, that if I see you parked illegally in a handicapped spot, I'll ask you nicely to leave. If you choose not to, I'll call the police. I owe this to my parents, and I owe it to the handicapped commun- ity. But I also owe it to you. Because if I don't say some- thing, you'll keep doing it even if there isn't a han- dicapped driver for miles and miles. The greatest piece of law enforcement I've seen in years happened last week in Southfield. And a police offi- cer took some lip for it. When he looks in the mirror, he'll see a hero. When the woman with the nasty mouth looks in the mirror, she'll see herself. ❑ treaty with Egypt. Israel withdrew to the 1948 border, but left in place elaborate de facto security arrangements starting at the Suez Canal. Mr. Begin thus achieved the best of both worlds: He neutralized Israel's most dangerous enemy, yet kept all the military advantages of the Sinai buffer zone. The details of security ar- rangements in the West Bank must go far beyond those in Sinai. The topography, demography and distances are radically different. With a continuing threat from the east, Israel will justifiably de- mand extensive security measures, including warning stations, air defense systems, overflight, surveillance, and strict border controls, as well as a limited Israeli military presence at certain vital strategic points in the West Bank. Yet, perpetuation of Israeli political sovereignty over 1.8 million restive Palestinians gains us nothing but grief. It exacts a growing cost to Israel's economy, unity, morale, and international standing. It may undermine our ability to successfully ab- sorb the largest wave of im- migration in the history of the Jewish state. The sooner a political set- tlement is reached, the better Israel's chances for the future. It does not take a prophet to see that in the age of missile and unconventional warfare, military developments in the Continued on Page 10 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 7