THE JEWISH NEWS MARCH 8, 1991 / 22 ADAR 5751 SERVING DETROIT'S JEWISH COMMUNITY SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS CLOSE-UP WHEN DIVORCE SPLITS THE FAMILY JWF To Hire Lansing Lobbyist KIMBERLY LIFTON Staff Writer T he Jewish Welfare Federation is just weeks away from hir- ing its first community lobbyist, expected to assist agencies in securing funds in the midst of massive statewide budget cuts. The Federation, with the assistance of Jewish Com- munity Council Executive Director David Gad-Harf, has narrowed its candidate list to four lobbying firms, each based in Lansing. Fed- eration President Mark Schlussel said an agreement should be completed by the end of March. "It is real important to have a presence in the state capitol," Mr. Schlussel said. "We will focus our primary attention toward the ad- ministrative, not the legislative, side. Oppor- tunities have been missed." By retaining a lobbyist, the Jewish community will join other religious groups in having a voice in Lansing. These include the Michigan Catholic Conference, which lobbies for dioceses through- out the state through its Lan- sing office. The lobbyist would be employed by the Michigan Jewish Conference, a net- working group funded in part by the Federation and Jewish communities throughout the state. The conference is in the process of opening a Lansing office. Start-up costs were $30,000. The lobbyist would focus on legislative needs while Conference head Caryn Nessel concentrates on building relations among Jewish communities throughout the state. Neither Mr. Gad-Harf nor Mr. Schlussel would discuss details of the plan. They con- firmed the lobbyist would be retained on a contract for an undisclosed annual fee. "Everything is still under discussion," Mr. Gad-Harf said. "All federated agencies have expressed interest in this lobbyist." Four agencies — Sinai Hospital, the Jewish Home For Aged, Jewish Vocational Service and Jewish Family Service — have indicated they will each contribute about $5,000 a year to retain the lobbyist. If agencies receive ap- propriate funding, the cost of the lobbyist will pay for itself, Mr. Schlussel said. The Conference and lob- byist ideas are an outgrowth Continued on Page 20 Special Report Does War's End Mean Mideast PEACE • )6/ For Israel, the next front is diplomatic, as pressure mounts to deal with the Arabs. PAGE 22 Page 28