Seventh grader Bashar Shaw (center) listens to stories about the Holocaust. young and old alike. She feels a sense of obligation to the six million Jews who died. "Hitler wasn't successful. We're still here. I feel that Jewish people risked their lives for their religion. This is just my way of do- ing something for all those people." Ethel Goldenberg, 64, is one who surviv- ed the horrors of the concentration camps. She has two reasons for being a Holocaust Center guide. "I feel I have a moral obliga- tion to those who did not make it. It's one way that I can carry out the message of my dear family. And in another few years, there will be no more survivors. If I have a chance to tell a generation of children, then maybe we can avoid another Holocaust." For Gloria Ruskin, 37, guiding is an emo- tionally draining experience, one that cuts very close. Her father, Alex Kuhn, is a sur- vivor. She frequently works with him while giving HMC tours. She guides; he speaks afterward, taking questions from the tour groups. "It's real special when we can work together," says Mrs. Ruskin. "The reaction you get from the kids, it's hard to describe. When you get them in the building and you start talking to them, they're chewing gum and looking in a million different direc- tions. They're interested in everything but where they're at. And by a certain place in the tour, where I talk about my dad's fami- ly in particular, and how they were taken in boxcars to the camp, all of a sudden you can hear a pin drop. And the expressions on their faces are very serious. "From that moment on, I have them. It's a spellbinding thing, but in a very emo- tional way. "It's something to watch their faces, when these kids walk up to my dad after- ward. They hug him and kiss him with tears in their eyes and thank him for what he's gone through and for telling them about it. It's so moving. When you see that, you know you've done something right. "I always feel when we work together it's so much more emotional than when I go with another speaker because they see that there's someone I'm related to and how it all comes together," Mrs.Ruskin adds. "How my father's experiences come to af- fect me, and how in turn it affects my kids — the chain of events that came to pass 45-50 years from my father's intern- ment and how it affects future generations. It's quite an experience." The experience of guiding, using her dad as the wrap-up speaker, has not just had an impact on strangers, but on father and daughter. Mrs. Ruskin got involved with the HMC first, and then drew her father into the picture. She says they have always been close, but the tandem teaching has been therapeutic. It gives her greater in- sight into her father and her life as the child of a survivor. "It's hard because there are things that come out during the course of his talking that I may not have ever heard before — particular things that might explain behaviors or instances as I was growing up . . . that didn't make sense to me. Hearing him speak, I am able to put it together. I think every time I hear him speak I learn something new?' For his part, Alex Kuhn says speaking to tour groups as a survivor has allowed him to better come to terms with his concentra- tion camp experiences. It has also eased the line of communications between himself and his adult children on a very tender subject. "I was never able to talk to them about it when they were growing up," he says. "It hurts too much and I didn't want to burden them with it?' Being connected in some way to the Holocaust — as a survivor, the child of a survivor or someone who lost family — is certainly not a prerequisite for becoming a docent. The HMC provides training for tour guides-to-be. The training program encompasses background reading, lectures, scripts, rehearsal and dry runs before a docent is given a group to guide, says training coor- dinator Judy Miller. Docents learn how to interact with a group, field questions and make sure the key points are presented. But once the material is down pat, each do- cent puts a personal stamp on the tour. Susan Friedman likes to role play, par- ticularly with students, by trying to put the events into a relatable context. Ethel Goldenberg draws on her personal ex- periences. At some point during the tour, usually at the end, she reveals that she is a survivor, though she admits sometimes her Polish accent gives her away. As the volume of tour traffic through the HMC increases each year, and some docents head south for the winter or drop out of the program, more recruits are need- ed. There is a time commitment involved, says Mrs. Friedrrian, and a burn-out factor, too. But for many of the docents, the impor- tance of what they're doing overrides other factors. "It's not like when you guide at the Detroit Institute of Arts. It's not a glorified job," says Mrs. Goldenberg. "You're trying to train those young people for generations to come that no other generation should have to experience those atrocities. "And you really want them to cry. I love when they cry. Then I know I have ac- complished something." ❑ THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 25