OPINION Why Aren't Jews Today Passionate About Judaism? ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM Assistant Editor A s a little girl, I used to love playing a game called Princess and the Pea. It was, of course, based on the fairy tale of the same name. And in my game, I was always the princess who was so sen- sitive she tossed and turned all night because a pea had been placed under the nu- merous mattresses on which she was sleeping. Twenty-eight years later, I still feel those peas. But this time they come in the form of issues like Israel, racism, intermarriage and tzedakah. Raise any of those topics and you're likely to hear me go on a rampage. It drives my friends crazy. After all, how can they ask me to dinner? Suppose someone at the table makes a racist remark. I don't smile uncomfortably and let it pass. I say something. I simply will not abide listen- ing to others speak hatred. Or suppose a guest couple tells me their Jewish son is marrying a gentile. I can't help it. I'm going to express my chagrin at the news of such a union and, with any provocation, drag the matter into a furious debate. It isn't that I want to hurt anyone's feelings. It isn't that I like arguing. The problem is that I'm driven by such a passion for these issues that to silence my soul would be impossible. It's a dangerous habit. You face the knowledge that to speak your mind may mean hurting someone's feelings — practically a sin in this let's-be-sensitive-to- everyone's-needs world. People today seem to believe that letting everyone have what he wants is some great moral deed and living by religious values is not. As though it were right to tell Tony and Rachel everything will be fine when they intermarry because to chide them would hurt their feel- ings, though it would be wrong to say, "God says this cannot be, so it cannot." As though the simple desires of man are more important than the laws of God. Great men have faced painful consequences in speaking out for their pas- sions. The Rev. Martin Luther King gave his life for his love of justice. I, for one, wish we had more Martin Luther Kings. I wish men and women in our community were driven by such a passion for Jewish issues that they could never be silent. I wish every time I entered a synagogue (other than during services, of course) I heard a debate about a woman's role in Judaism, or about an inter- pretation of Jewish law, or about Israel's presence in the West Bank and Gaza. I love talking with people who disagree with me on such issues. It makes me Tuna And Masking Tape NECHEMIA MEYERS an y late father never talked very much about his ex- periences during the First World War, when he served in France with the U.S. Marines. But one thing he did mention from time to time: the horri- ble consequences of German gas attacks, in one of which he was seriously injured. I had reason to recall my father's stories last week when I went to a local hard- ware store to buy masking tape, sponge rubber and sheets of plastic to seal up one of the rooms in our apartment in preparation for the possibility that an Iraqi missile may deposit poison gas on our Rehovot neighborhood. Perhaps I should have pur- chased those supplies some time ago, but only after the abortive Baker-Aziz meeting in Geneva did I become con- vinced that a Gulf war was likely, and that Israel could well be dragged into it. A la of other people came to the same conclusion at roughly the same time, for Nechemia Meyers works at the Wiezmann Institute of Science. just during the last few days have the supermarkets been crowded with customers stocking up on bottled water and canned tuna, flashlights and candles. The week also saw the first regular telecasts on how to prepare for various wartime emergencies, with special em- phasis on the possibility of gas attacks, the prospect of Children are apt to be the most frightened. which frightens people far more than that of attacks with conventional weapons. Children are apt to be frightened most of all. This became clear to a local schoolteacher a few days ago when she tried to discuss a number of post-15th activities with her third-graders. "Don't be silly," they told her. "We will all have been gassed to death by then." The present tension is nothing new for Israel. In fact, it is almost an exact rerun of the pre-Six Day War period, when hostilities were clearly in prospect but no one knew exactly when they would erupt. The situa- tion today, however, is dif- ferent in one very significant respect. Then — 27 years ago — attention was focused on the borders, where numerous army units were waiting to move into action. This time it is the home front that is like- ly to be the primary battle front. Even if nary an Iraqi missile lands in Israel, the Gulf conflict has already in- flicted severe economic damage on the country. Some of it is self-evident. Everyone understands that the collapse of the tourist ministry has cost millions. However, few are aware, for example, that vastly increased shipping rates — caused by sky-high insurance premiums on boats and planes coming to the Middle East — have had a similar impact. This column is being writ- ten a few days before the 15th and will be read a few days afterwards, by which time it will probably be clear whether we really needed to buy up that extra tuna in preparation for a breakdown in food distribution or the sponge rubber and tape to keep Saddam Hussein's poison gas out of our living room. I certainly hope that our purchases were un- necessary. ❑ Cap.no Sannw CaPel. • think and, better yet, gives me hope for the future of world Jewry. Educated, well- thought-out decisions — in- cluding those with which I do not agree — mean that people care. But the truth is, we Jews are not only woefully ig- norant; we are pathetically uninterested in our own re- I i gi on. And instead of educating ourselves to learn what is right, we do what makes us feel best. That's shameful. So now you've been warn- ed. Know that if I hear you say something racist, I will tell you your remarks are unacceptable no matter how uncomfortable it makes you feel. I don't care how you feel; wrong is wrong. Know that I do not find it acceptable if you say you can't afford to give any tzedakah this year because Jewish law demands that we do give to charity. And know that I will chide you if you can't name one thing in Judaism about which you are so blindly passionate you will fight for it to the death. When you go to bed to- night, try to feel those peas. You may find it rough at first. But it's a lot more com- fortable than sleeping peacefully while the Jewish world drowns in ignorance, hatred and apathy. [11 Selling Out Israel To Maintain 'Peace' MORRIS J. AMITAY A 11 the frighteningly familiar signs of iso- lation were there. The hotels were barely occupied. International airlines were cancelling flights to and from Israel. Crowds of foreign students and tourists at Ben- Gurion Airport were clamor- ing for seats on outbound air- craft. Israeli families were cleaning out bomb shelters and trying on their newly- issued gas masks. Elsewhere, as the United States sought to maintain pressure against Saddam Hussein, the European Com- munity, led not surprisingly by the French, were seeking to cut a deal with Iraq at Israel's expense. As the French Defense Minister put it, "If we make the small Morris Amitay is a former director of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. gesture of convening an inter- national peace conference, then perhaps Iraq will make a larger gesture by pulling out of Kuwait." What this most recent ex- pression of French capitula- tion to Arab threats translated to was that in return for imperiling Israel's security, Iraq would be con- tent to intimidate and dictate to all the Gulf states without having to physically occupy Kuwait. What a deal! For- tunately, the key player here, the United States, hasn't signed on to it. At least, not yet. Should anyone be surprised by the French offer? Hardly. France has a long history of betrayal, diplomatic duplicity and moral cowardice in its in- ternational relations. This has extended not only to its dealings with its own Jewish population during World War II and with Israel afterwards, but in dealing with the United States. ❑ THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 7