I UP FRONT Liberal Jews Split Over Linking Gulf Crisis With Palestinians ARTHUR J. MAGIDA Special to The Jewish News T he quandary that Per- sian Gulf tensions have produced for lib- eral Jews surfaced earlier this week at a conference in New York of Jewish pro- gressives. Some counseled for linking the Gulf and the Israeli- Palestinian conflicts, others for assuring that the two are separated and that Israel take the initiative in offer- ing Palestinians a peace set- tlement. The Iraqi invasion has stirred tremendous conflict among many American lib- erals, who are conflicted between their traditional aversion of military force and punishing an unsavory and brutal dictator's aggres-- sion. But Jewish liberals, perhaps, are most torn bet- _ weep principles and instinc- ts, values and ideologies. Into their Gulf equation goes their_devotion to Israel and their hopes for a Jewish state that is non-expansionist Arthur J. Magida is a senior writer for the Baltimore Jew- ish Times. and that humanely treats Palestinians. All this has given liberal Jews a bit of an identity crisis, and a lot of in- dividual soul searching. The split among liberals regarding the Gulf was perhaps nowhere as evident than during an exchange Sunday between Rabbi Ar- thur Hertzberg and attorney Rita Hauser at the "Renewing Shalom" con- ference at Columbia Univer- sity. The two-day conference, sponsored by the Philadelphia-based Shalom Center, was originally devoted to redefining lib- eralism to adapt to the post- Cold War era. But that was overshadowed by the Gulf crisis and Tuesday's deadline for Iraq to pull out of Kuwait. Rabbi Hertzberg is vice- president of the World Jew- ish Congress. Ms. Hauser is a member of the board of di- rectors of the American Jew- ish Committee. For several years, both have urged Israel to reach an accommodation with the Palestinians. In 1988, Ms. Hauser joined several American Jews that met with PLO chairman Yassir Arafat in Stockholm. Last Sunday, Rabbi Hert- zberg and Ms. Hauser agreed that the Palestinian cause was Saddam Hussein's one ace-in-the-hole to implode the anti-Iraq inter- national coalition — and to emerge from the present crisis as a hero to the Arab world. But "like it or not," Ms. Hauser told the audience, "linkage is part of the pic- ture." "For me, the first and most fundamental priority is to avoid war," she said. "No matter how long (the conflict continues), there will be thousands and thousands of dead . . . We have to accept that Saddam will get some- thing out of this because he will not pull out otherwise." "War at this time in this region will not clear the air," she continued. "It will make peace impossible dur- ing the lifetime of everyone in this room, including the young ones." Rabbi Hertzberg portrayed linkage as a reward for Iraqi aggression. This, he sug- gested, would solve nothing. Israel would come "kicking and screaming" to an inter- Rita Hauser: "War will not clear air." Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg: Israeli settlement needed. national peace conference, "and three years later, Saddam will have nuclear weapons, there will be an- other international con- ference and Israel will be internationalized." Partly to defuse the Pales- tinian issue for Saddam and partly because it "is morally and politically correct," Rabbi Hertzberg said the in- itiative for a Palestinian set- tlement "must come from Israel." "I would prefer that American forces sit . . . (in Saudi Arabia) for a long time," he said, " . . . until an Israeli government comes along that wants peace." Ms. Hauser was especially concerned that "the dy- namics of the entire (Middle East) region have changed without one shot being fired" since Iraq's Aug. 2 in- vasion of Kuwait. "Jordan, and a king who could `always be relied upon,' has moved into another camp. Palestinians identify with Saddam. Syria has become the new darling of Washing- ton. And the Saudis talk of Washington as their new savior." ly enacted federal law that soon will require all hospitals receiving U.S. government funds to present patients with the option of filing a "living will." The will will indicate in advance an individual's wishes as to whether life support should be initiated or maintained in case of severe incapacita- tion. Along with the living will document, Agudath Israel is providing wallet-sized emergency instructions for individuals to carry in case of an accident. For information, contact Agudath Israel of America, Halachic Living Will, 84 William St., New York, N.Y. 10038. to the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces by par- ticipating in Operation Shalach Manot. The youth are being asked to contribute $18 so that an Israeli soldier may receive both a mishloach manot package on Purim and a pair of warm army socks. The program is being coor- dinated by the education and youth activities departments of United Synagogue of America. Students also are being encouraged to write letters to the soldiers. By becoming thus involved, the students will help "strengthen the unbreakable bond between Israel and the Jewish peo- ple," said Rabbi Paul, direc- tor of USA youth activities. Each mishloach manot package, will contain students' letters, wine, soft drinks, hamantashen, chocolates and candies, in addition to the socks. Since Iraq invaded Kuwait, she asserted, Israel "has acted destructively. It has not come forth with any constructive ideas." And the American Jewish community, she added, "has acted with a lot of mumbo- jumbo. AIPAC (the Ameri- can Israeli Political Action Committee) and others say the United States should go in there and attack Iraq for Israel, and then the Pales- tinian issue will again be on the back burner. ❑ ROUND UP New York Times Clams Up New York — Readers of the Oct. 19 New York Times might have been surprised to read about one of the best restaurant dishes in New York City. The article recommended linguine with clam sauce at Trastever 84 (now Tevere 84). The only problem: Tevere 84 is a kosher restau- rant. Late last month, The New York Times ran a correction on the story. Writing Contest Set For Seniors New York — The Jewish Association for Services for the Aged is sponsoring "Legacies," a writing con- test for persons older than 60 who live in the United States. Stories should tell about a turning point, triumph, tragedy, hope, dream or ac- complishment in life. The contest will take submis- sions through April 1991. The 37 contest winners will be announced in September 1991. First prize is $1,000. Stories must not exceed two typed or handwritten pages and should be sent to Legacies, do JASA, 40 W. 68th St., New York, N.Y., 10023. Name, address, age and phone number should be included with submission. UAHC Appeals To Unaffiliated New York — To encourage unaffiliated young Jewish adults to sample synagogue life, the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC) this week announc- ed a new program offering free or low-cost membership in Reform temples across the United States and Canada. The "Privilege Cards" are available to men and women aged 22-30, and the "Access Card" is being offered to students. More than 200 temples are taking part in the program. Union of American HebrewCongregations Serving Refimn Judaism in North America UAW PRIVILEGE CARD The UAHC's Privilege Card For information about the Access and Privilege cards, contact the UAHC, 838 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10021, 212-249-0100. The type of card desired should be in- dicated on the envelope. Agudath Creates Halachic Will New York — Agudath Israel of America has in- itiated a major drive to equip Jews with the legal in- struments necessary to en- sure that medical and postmortum decisions made on their behalf by others conform to Jewish law, Halachah. The creation of the Halachic Living Will/Health Care Proxy follows a recent- USA Project Aids IDF Soldiers New York — Students in Conservative congregational and day schools, as well as members of United Syn- agogue of America and Kadima, will have the op- portunity to say thank you Compiled by Elizabeth Applebaum THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 11