THE MYSTERY Who or what was the stranger with whom Jacob wrestled (Genesis 25-30)? What is the significance of this event? Genesis recounts how Jacob, with the assistance of his mother, steals the blessing of the firstborn that should have gone to his brother, Esau. With this act comes the complete breach between the two men; Esau goes one way, Jacob becomes the leader of the Jewish people While journeying in the wilderness, Jacob learns his brother has amassed a great army and is approaching. Hoping to appease Esau, Jacob prepares a gift of goats and ewes and bulls. He sends his wives and children to safety before darkness descends and is left alone The Torah then states, `And there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day. And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was strained, as he wrestled with him. And he said: `Let me go, for the day breaketh.' And he said: 'I will not let thee go, except thou bless me' And he said unto him: 'What is thy name?' and he said: 'Jacob.' And he said: Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel; for thou_ has striven with God and with men, and host prevailed.' And Jacob asked him, and said, 'Tell me, I pray thee, thy name' And he said: `Wherefore is it that thou does ask after my name?' And he blessed him there" R abbi Alon Tolwin of Aleynu/Aish Halbrah approaches this ques- tion like a detective, seeking a motive and means for this Torah mystery. One commentary sug- gests the incident is a dream, Rabbi Tolwin says. But the generally accepted view is it was an actual happening that had impor- tant consequences for the Jewish people. But first: a review of the case. Esau was the favorite of his father, Isaac, and Jacob was the beloved of his mother, Rebecca. Isaac knew it was his respon- sibility to pass on the mes- sage of God. But Isaac had no guidance as to which of his sons would carry on the legacy, and so hoped both his boys might share this responsibility. Jacob was kind and gentle, Esau was strong and skillfull. Isaac hoped their traits would complement each other. Rebecca had no such no- tions, Rabbi Tolwin says. "She understood that no al- liance could occur, that one way or another Esau would overtake Jacob, and she firmly. believed he should not have a bracha (bless- ing) to do it." Consequently, Rebecca tricked Isaac into giving the blessing not to his first born, Esau, but to Jacob. With that blessing, Jacob would become the one to carry on the message of one God, the legacy of his grandfather, Avraham. His brother, however, became an idol worshiper, the Talmud recounts. The blessing resulted in both a tense personal ani- mosity between the two brothers and a battle of theologies. Just as Jacob was enter- ing the land of Israel, Esau and his thousands of troops neared. The timing of this action was anything but random, Rabbi Tolwin says. Esau was determined to confront his brother be- cause "he wanted to pre- vent Jacob from estab- lishing his presence in the land" —the land which was Isaac's legacy and which would have further strengthened the Jewish people. It is just as Esau is near- ing that Jacob wrestles with the stranger. Though translated as "a man," the figure with whom he wrestles is in fact an angel, and an image of himself, Rabbi Tolwin says. Jacob was at a critical juncture in his life when he receives this curious visit. He is wondering why he is fighting with Esau and why he stole his brother's blessing. He is concerned about the struggles ahead in the land of Israel. The meeting with the angel forces him to confront the question: "Am I ready to subject my people to what Avraham subjected his people to?" Jacob fights with his own fears as he prepares to take on this role. And when he is done, he receives the message from God: "From now on, your name will be Israel. You have striven with God and with men and have prevailed." Isaac blessing Jacob. 24 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1990 Jacob has made the difficult - decision to be responsible and devoted to God and lead the people in His ways. THE MYSTERY Why wasn't Moses allowed to enter the Promised Land? Moses had dedicated his life to God and the Jewish people His one dream was to be able to enter the Land of Israel, to which he had been leading his people for more than 40 years. Yet just before the Jews reached their destiny, Moses died. L ike a diamond that shines blue from one side, yellow from another and red from a third angle, any one incident in the Torah is multifaceted, accor- ding to Rabbi Avraham Jacobovitz of Machon L'Torah. He notes that sages say every incident in the Torah has at least 70 dif- ferent interpretations. So, too, numerous ex- planations exist as to why Moses was not allowed into the Promised Land. One of these infers that Moses of- fended God and was punish- ed so harshly because of his special relationship with God. In Numbers 20:4-5, the Jews complain of thirst as they wander in the desert. Hearing their appeal, God tells Moses to speak to a certain stone and promised water would pour forth. By this time Moses was fed up with the Jews' cons- tant grumbling over condi- tions on their desert journey. He had lambasted the people, "You are too stubborn!" and admo- nished them to do God's will. A frustrated Moses did not speak to the stone; instead, he struck it. Rashi states that Moses tried speaking at first to one stone, but it was not the one to which God had directed him. When the stone did not emit water, Rashi says Moses lost his temper. He hit another stone, which happened to be the right one. God then told Moses: "Because you believed not in Me, to sanctify Me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them." The whole incident had been a test, and Moses had failed, Rabbi Jacobovitz says. For others to have failed such a challenge might not have been so ominous, but Moses was an extraordin- ary case. Moses was "the prophet of prophets," the man whose relationship with God was on the highest level, Rabbi Jacobovitz says. When Moses lost his temper, he failed in his mission of sanctifying God's name; this merited a unique punishment. Rabbi Jacobovitz cites this example: suppose the police stopped President George Bush one evening while he was driving down the highway. Then imag- ine they gave him a breathalizer test and discovered he was drunk. Would the kind of commo- tion this would stir, and the effects it would have, be in any way comparable to what would happen if Joe Average were caught driving drunk? Of course not, Rabbi Jacobovitz says. "That's because the greater the person, the more his sin is magnified." The rabbi also cited a mystical reason for God's decision to deny Moses en- try to the Promised Land. The Talmud, he says, sug- gests that Moses will be needed for a more impor- tant mission at a later date. The Talmud states that Moses' great merit will be required at another time in Jewish history. When Mashiach, comes, Moses will be called upon to lead the Jewish people back to Israel. • Thus, even though Moses received a hard chastise- ment from God, within that punishment are the seeds of a blessing for the future, too, Rabbi Jacobovitz says. ❑