EDITORIAL Break-Even Patients Many rumors are circulating about the future of Sinai Hospital. Will it be sold? Closed? Merged? Downsized? All ultimate- ly focus on one issue . . . the hospital is not filling enough beds. On a typical day, ap- proximately half of the hospital's 620 beds are empty. This has produced operating deficits approaching $1 million a month. Filling beds ultimately falls on the shoulders of those physicians who have af- filiations with Sinai. Unfortunately, many have turned away from the hospital in re- cent years. Some have done so out of pa- tient convenience. Others because of better equipment and facilities. And others out of basic neglect or disinterest. The coming weeks will be critical in de- cot, maraitrioNs, JoiN 91a, termining Sinai's future. Will patient ad- missions continue their costly slide? Will a suitor offer to retain Sinai's identity and strengths, or vow to dismember it? Is there any more belt-tightening that can be done without strangling the institution? Physicians who value Sinai — for its role as a quality health care provider to the Jewish and non-Jewish communities and a medical training ground — will cast the deciding votes. They must go out of their way to help fill the relatively modest number of beds required — perhaps 20-25 more on average per day — that gives the hospital the infusion of funds and time it needs to pro-actively plan its future. The Tragic Intifada The Palestinian intifada has just entered its fourth year and the toll has been tragic for both sides: Twenty-one Israelis killed and 4,000 wounded; 936 Palestinians killed, 315 by compatriots who accused them of "collaboration"; 10,000 arrested and 58 expelled. Perhaps even more tragic is that the in- tifada has accomplished little, despite the original promise it held for Palestinians. And it has recently taken what could be a fatal turn for the worse. Many Palestinians hoped that the in- tifada would be similar to the American civil rights movement of the 1960s: Its shock troops would be a people trying to assert their "rights" with "non-violence," a people who had long been passive finally beginning to arouse themselves. Surely, Palestinians' boycott of Israeli goods and their efforts to be self-sufficient paralleled blacks' non-violence of three decades ago. But from the beginning, the intifada significantly differed from what had transpired in the United States. Rocks and Molotov cocktails tossed by Palestin- ians at Israeli soldiers and settlers do not equal sit-ins at lunch counters or Freedom Riders risking their lives on Greyhound buses. As Palestinians became more frustrated this last year, the intifada appeared to spin out of control. Now, almost weekly, Palestinians fatally stab Israelis. What passes as the "intifada" is now driven by repressed fury, not by whatever strategy and discipline might have initially fueled the uprising. Even worse is that these frustrations 6 A ND? FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1990 AND JAPAN IS rOow stRoOGPIAK) OF ASIA. WItAr AM i rbigrip.i& -ro t --LoN - niEritge p, LETTERS 1- have produced a new militancy among Israelis and Palestinians. The latter's bid for self-sufficiency and independence has devolved into a new hero worship. Palesti- nians hail Saddam Hussein as the "new Saladin" who will obliterate Israel for them. And as 42 percent of Israelis say they are more hawkish than when the re- bellion started, two-thirds want Palestin- ians barred from Israel. In the last three years, much of the world has lost sympathy with the intifada — and with Israel. Symptomatic of this is the sympathy frequently evinced for linkage between the Israeli-Palestinian and the Persian Gulf crises. The world community, quite rightly, wants an end to both of these. But linkage is not the way. Tacitly or explicitly, it would reward Saddam Hussein for his ag- gression against Kuwait. What is needed between Israelis and Pa- lestinians are solid and sincere gestures of peace and good will. What both parties desperately need is the courage to depart from the suspicions and enmities that have led them to this terrible impasse. The longer the perilous status quo con- tinues, the sharper will be the edge of the sword on which Israelis and Palestinians both live, side-by-side, in hate and fear. Neither should let Persian Gulf events delay some kind of rapprochement. If anything, tensions in the Gulf should signal to Israelis and Palestinians that there is a desperate need for progress, if only to help defuse the volatile powder keg which has ensnared their entire region. Dry Bones GERMA is WM 11-16 SIRoNC ,P 1Aki OF EUROF '1COVE BRED INT1IF . CAIE6oRiES OF Fieitrit46 Agn -S6tAiiISM, R55041iN6 TAE AUgliwift CONVENT - iffiVE, MD NtUrrHE BIG QuEssram Ae6 S-r- ARTIKG --(z) LoOK C.( <6 A BLUR. City Menorah Is Appreciated Two years ago, as new residents of Walled Lake, we contacted the city regarding their holiday decorations which were displayed at this time of the year on the lawns of the city offices and library, directly across the street from our home. Mr. Ralph Smith, superin- tendent of the D.RW., told us that in the future, he would request additional funding for a Chanukah menorah. On Dec. 5, upon our arrival home, we were greeted by the sight of a beautifully lit large menorah on the city's lawn. This is certainly a welcome addition to the other holiday decor. Thank you, Walled Lake. Though Chanukah is a fairly minor holiday, it is a celebra- tion worth recognition, especially as it comes at this time of the calendar year. Marcia and Donald Davis Walled Lake Synagogue Events Helped Immigrants On Nov. 28, a group of new Americans visited Adat Shalom Synagogue to meet with Rabbi Efry Spectre. Rab- bi Efry Spectre spoke about ritual customs of the Jewish people and displayed some ob- jects from his own collection. At the following meetings on Dec. 5 and Dec. 12, Rabbi Spectre told about Jewish music, its history, trends and features. He traced the history of the rich heritage of Jewish music — liturgical, European folk, and Israeli .. . I was once told by former Russian Jews that when they had come to the United States about 10 years ago, they did not experience so much attention, assistance and care as do the present newcomers. And it is really the fact. It so happened that on Wednesday nights, when we were to go to Adat Shalom Synagogue; there were in- teresting and important pro- grams organized for the new- comers by various organiza- tions, and we had to make decisions, which sometimes were not easy at all. I would like to express my gratitude to Rabbi Spectre for the evenings spent at Adat Shalom and the organizers of these meetings. Lev Paransky Oak Park Kahane Story Was Improper Your handling and treat- ment in reporting the assasination of Rabbi M. Kahane was unbecoming and improper from the editor of The Detroit Jewish News. Brachah Zachariash Southfield Response To Asylees Is OK I read with interest your story titled "Political Asylum: No Easy Out" (Dec. 14). I had been expecting to hear about some Soviet Jews seeking asylum and had even been asked about it by some people. It seems to me that the response (outlined in the story) of the local Jewish ser- vice agencies has been proper. There are many people in this community, including my wife, who have relatives Continued on Page 10