U.S. Walks The Line In U.N. Negotiations A Security Council measure underscores the difficulty of keeping both Israel and the Arabs happy. IRA RIFKIN and JAMES D. BESSER Special to The Jewish News he ever-fraying tightrope walked by the United States on the Persian Gulf crisis was brought sharply into focus by the intense diplomatic maneuvering over the pro- posed United Nations Security Council resolution urging an international con- ference on Israel and the oc- cupied territories. Initially, the conventional wisdom in Washington sug- gested that the administra- tion would accept such a resolution, or at least not veto the measure in deference to the fragile co- alition of Arab nations aligned with the U.S. against Iraq. To veto the proposal outright, the pun- dits concluded, would em- barrass the coalition by associating its Arab mem- bers with a U.S. stand in support of Israel. Worrisome reports to that effect circulated early last week among American Jew- ish leaders, who viewed the possibility with horror and as another sign of the de- teriorated relationship bet- ween Washington and Jerusalem. Indeed, a U.S. decision to abstain from ve- toing any measure that, in effect, forces an interna- tional conference upon Israel would mark a new low point in relations between the United States and the Jew- ish state. It would also remove all doubt of Washington's will- ingness — President Bush's public comments notwith- standing — to link set- tlement of the Israeli- Palestinian question with a peaceful resolution of the Gulf crisis, should it be forc- ed to make that choice by po- litical developments at home. Saddam Hussein has sought to establish that linkage almost from the T Will linkage be perceived between Gulf tensions and a Mideast peace conference? beginning of the four-month- old Gulf crisis. American Jewish and Israeli officials fear Washington could be forced to take such a position by the erosion in public and congressional support for its hard-line stance toward Iraq. By late last week, however, the administra- tion's position on the Securi- ty Council resolution began to shift. President Bush became convinced that U.S. acquiescence to the proposal as originally written would be widely viewed as a con- cession to Iraq — something he has also said he would not do — particularly coming so soon after Saddam Hussein's decision to free all Western hostages held by Iraq. The sigh of relief emanating from the offices of American Jewish organ- izations was almost audible. "From the beginning, it was clear that this was a mischievous resolution, that it would undermine Council president proposing such a conference in lieu of an actual Security Council vote on the measure. Such statements are con- sidered less binding than a resolution bearing the ap- proval of council members. As originally written, the Security Council resolution, officially proposed by the panel's four "nonaligned" members — Malaysia, Yemen, Colombia and Cuba — criticizes Israel for its handling of the Oct. 8 Tem- ple Mount incident, during which at least 17 Palestin- ians died at the hands of Israeli security forces. The resolution also seeks to ex- tend some form of U.N. pro- tection to Palestinians living in the territories. Most troublesome from the pro-Israel standpoint, however, was language call- ing for an international peace conference at "an ap- propriate," but unspecified, future date. The conference would be "properly polit- ical," have "the participa- tion of the parties con- cerned" and "would facilitate the achievement of a comprehensive settlement and lasting peace in the Middle East." Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, in remarks that reflected Israel's long- standing mistrust of a U.N. that once equated Zionism with racism, immediately re- jected any such move. Jerusalem interprets all calls for international set- tlement of the Palestinian , situation as undue pressure intended to force com- promises that might en- danger Israel's security. "Free and democratic states continue to cater to the pressures and threats of a group of dictatorial governments" led by the Palestine Liberation Organ- ization, Mr. Shamir said in New York on Monday, the day prior to his meeting in Washington with President Bush. "Enemies of freedom, Security Council negotia- tions. "We made it clear in nu- merous contacts with the administration that a U.S. abstention would be equivalent to an affirmative vote," said Seymour Reich, chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organiza- tions. "The idea was to keep the pressure on, and to keep making it clear that the en- tire process of fighting over this resolution is demeaning to the United States," added Malcolm Hoenlein, the Pres- idents' Conference executive director. A somewhat different opi- nion was offered during the week by Edgar M. Bronf- man, the Canadian Jewish leader who heads the World Jewish Congress. Writing in The New York Times, Mr. Bronfman said that whatever the outcome of the Security Council debate, shifting global alli- ances make an international conference on the Middle East inevitable. In view of this, he wrote, "Israel should make every effort to reach some agree- ment with the Palestinians" whatever chances there might be for a solution to the Middle East situation," said Jess Hordes, Washington di- rector for the Anti- Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. Once the U.S. point of view changed, Washington's tac- tic became to delay any Security Council action while seeking to negotiate a change in the wording of the resolution so it would read in a way that all parties could live with — at least for the moment. That strategy appeared to be working by the middle of democracy and basic human rig hts cannot be prophets of this week, although the out- progress . . . Nor can the come remained inconclusive U.N. open a new chapter as at press time. long as dictatorships like There were reports that Libya and Iraq can sit in the Syria, Egypt and Sau di Security Council, while Arabia — the Arab world's Israel is the one U.N. mem- three major powers current- ber excluded" from the ly aligned with the U.S. — council. had agreed to soften the An outpouring of pro- resolution. Israel lobbying on the part of The reports said that the American Jewish organiza- three powers would settle for tions accompanied the a statement by the Security As expected, Shamir had harsh words for a U.N.-brokered settlement of the Palestinian issue. in advance of any settlement forced upon it by an interna- tional conference to which it may not be a party. "Israel cannot hold back such a tide; it should not try," Mr. Bronfman said. "While the U.S. tolerates no direct link between the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Gulf crisis, to assert that Israel is somehow not a piece of the overall regional security mosaic is naive: The low profile Israel has kept during the Gulf crisis has not kept the world from perceiv- ing the underlying connec- tions." ❑ Ira Rifkin is assistant editor of the Baltimore Jewish Times. James D. Besser is Washing- ton correspondent for The Jew- ish News. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 29