crisis fail. Calls for Patience Meanwhile, on the polit- ical left, as Jonathan Jacoby, president of Americans for Peace Now, said, "the peace camp is split." Perhaps the most unex- pected pro-war voice has been Michael Lerner's, the editor of Tikkun, who served a jail sentence for opposing the war in Vietnam. Mr. Lerner recommended an international conference to forge a comprehensive Mideast peace and to dismantle Iraq's offensive military capacity. If that fails, he said, the United States should unilaterally attack Iraq. While "trembling with disbelief" that he could favor an action that would cost lives, Mr. Lerner conceded that he is "not an absolute pacifist. There are moments when it is justified for an in- dividual or a country to act in self-defense . . . Given (Saddam Hussein's) military aggression, and his very credible threat to the State of Israel, this is a moment that justifies the use of force." Roger Horwitz, co-chair of New Jewish Agenda's Mid- dle East Task Force, dismissed Mr. Lerner's scenario as "bizarre." While opposing military action, New Jewish Agenda backs an international conference to address only Persian Gulf tensions. Of all Jewish organiza- tions, perhaps the New Jew- ish Agenda, the Jewish Peace Fellowship, the Shalom Center and Reform Judaism's Commission on Social Action, are most de- terminedly anti-war. Two weeks ago, the Com- mission on Social Action signed an anti-war state- ment it had drafted with 18 other religious groups. It charged that American offensive military action would "probably kill more Americans than are now hostages, ... destroy Kuwait in order to save it, and ... likely turn the oil fields into oil burners for months to come." The religious groups, which included such "peace churches" as the Friends and the Mennonites, urged that the crisis be settled by direct negotiations among Iraq, Kuwait and 28 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1990 Rabbi Marvin Hier: Bomb now. "organizations indigenous to the region." According to Rabbi Lynn Landsberg, the associate di- rector of Reform Judaism's Religious Action Center and a participant in the month- long negotiations over the interreligious statement, original drafts called for linkage between the Persian Gulf and the Israeli- Palestinian conflicts. "All of the groups had to bend to produce the final statement," she said. "We wanted a statement that was pragmatic and useful." The Jewish Peace Fellowship approves of force only if Saddam Hussein at- tacks Saudi Arabia or Jor- dan or mounts an invasion of Israel through Jordan. " The president's awful rhetoric has convinced some Jewish groups of the evil of Saddam," said the fellowship's president, Rabbi Philip Bentley of Jericho, N.Y. "But it is demeaning to our memory of the Shoah (the Holocaust) to call Saddam Hussein another Hitler. He's a lot of things, but he's no Hitler." And the Shalom Center favors "unremitting" use of economic sanctions. "Those who say that economic pressure cannot be long sus- tained," claimed a. Shalom Center position paper, "are simply saying that they do not have the patience to keep sustaining it — but are willing to sustain a long, destructive war." Arthur Waskow: Fears worsened anti-Semitism. Shalom's executive direc- tor Arthur Waskow urged a UN-mandated force to wage non-combative, "aggressive peace" to subdue Iraq. These include jamming all Iraqi civil and military radio signals until Saddam Hus- sein agrees to on-site UN in- spections to determine that Iraq is not developing nuclear, biological or chemical weapons. Mr. Waskow is especially troubled by the U.S. Jewish community's "mistaken view of what would be in Israel's best interests." Bombing Iraq, he said, would bring "death and mutilation not only to large numbers of Iraqi civilians, but also to Americans, Egyp- tians, Israelis. It also risks a massive disruption of the world's oil supply, leading to deep economic disasters in the United States, Europe, Israel, and Japan, and famines in the Third World.." And occupying Iraq, he said, "is likely to destabilize Arab governments most friendly to the United States." Down the Slippery Slope? Most Jewish organizations and spokesmen agree that Iraq must pull out of Kuwait and be rendered militarily impotent. What is in ques- tion are not these ends, but the means. Yet, a broader issue is also at stake: What kind of regional or world order would emerge after a Persian Gulf war? Several Jewish leaders dispute the conventional wisdom that the United States will be so indebted to certain Arab states for join- ing the multinational force that it would force Israel to agree to a settlement with Palestinians. Bolstering this perception were the United States' five successful delays, starting last Thurs- day, to a Security Council vote on a an international peace conference on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. After the Gulf crisis is set- tled, said Mr. Siegman of the American Jewish Congress, Arab nations "propped up" by American forces will con- sider the United States "a reliable superpower." Wash- ington will then have some rare leverage over Israel's enemies. "Israel cannot be expected to engage in a peace process with hostile neighbors offi- cially at war with it," said Mr. Siegman. "After the Persian Gulf crisis is resolved, the United States will be in a position to tell Arabs that they have an obligation to say to Israel, `You settle with the Palesti- nians and we will welcome you to the region.' " If Israel balks at peace under these conditions, said Mr. Siegman, "then peace may be imposed by the United States, the Soviet Union and the European community. It's clear that any peace not initiated by Israel will not be favorable to it." Ted Mann, chairman of Project Nishmah, which favors Israeli negotiations with Palestinians, said that if Iraq withdraws from Kuwait and all its weapons are not destroyed, then a United Nations peace- keeping force should remain along Iraqi borders for "a very, very long time. This would put the region in better shape than before" the Iraqi invasion. "The end result of this has to be that the nations of the world know that force will be used to deter aggression," said Mr. Mann, former pres- ident of the Conference of Presidents of Major Ameri- can Jewish Organizations. "This is crucial now that we're heading into a decade with great possibilities for civil war in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union." But there is a certain fear underlying all this talk of war and sieges and how Israel will fare when — or if — the smoke clears from the Gulf. There is a fear that war will linger, casualties will mount, the level of weaponry will escalate — and Jews will suffer and be scapegoats. There is a fear that some Arab nations will totter under the destabilizing effect of the conflict — and that Israel may enter Jordan to prevent it from falling into pro-Iraqi hands. There is a fear that President Bush's "new world order," which is being tested in the Gulf, may prove more elusive than he or any of his advisers had imagined. And, finally, there is a fear that the jungles of Vietnam may not be that far behind us, even in the wind-driven deserts of Arabia. As the Washington repre- sentative of a Jewish group said, "The difference bet- ween this and Vietnam is that we got into that war on the slippery slope of un- awareness. We lost sight of what we were doing, and why. "The similarity is that we see a way to get into a war, and we're not sure if we see a way to get out," he added. "When you don't see the light at the end of the tunnel, you could be enter- ing a cave." ❑