G U L F CRIS THE SPLIT OVER THE GULF ARTHUR J. MAGIDA Special to The Jewish News A lmost every day over the last week has taken the world on a military and diplomatic see- saw. On Sunday, for example, chances of a Persian Gulf war briefly waned and a dip- lomatic break-through was rumored. But on Monday, Saddam Hussein challenged the world anew by declaring again that Kuwait was Iraq's 19th province. From Baghdad came word that it would not relinquish one inch of the tiny nation con- quered on Aug. 2. As the world wearies of be- ing repeatedly escorted to the brink, Americans are in- creasingly questioning the need for American boys to die in faraway Arab deserts. The Jewish community is no different. In recent weeks, Jewish critics of the White House have demand- ed more time for anti-Iraq economic sanctions to work. Others have urged creative, non-military steps to weaken Saddam Hussein's military capabilities. But as anti-war sen- timents mount, some Jews have become the nation's most outspoken advocates for a Gulf war. The most hawkish even demand an immediate attack against Saddam Hussein. This hawk-dove dichotomy is set against a backdrop of increasingly strained U.S.-Israeli relations. Israel senses that events over which it has absolutely no control are sweeping the Middle East. The United States, Israel's oldest — and still its closest — ally, is distancing itself from the Jewish state as it pursues dubious alliances with Arab states sworn to Israel's destruction. 26 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1990 Some of these anxieties were smoothed over during Tuesday's meeting between President Bush and Israeli President Yitzhak Shamir. Mr. Bush assured his visitor that the United States would not agree to any settlement with Iraq that would com- promise Israel's security. Reportedly, the Israeli left the White House "a happy man." Since the Gulf crisis started, both American Jews and Israel have been in a quandary. They can't be perceived as clamoring for the United States to go to war, yet Israel's survival might require Saddam Hus- sein's military obliteration. These contradictory inter- ests have been popping up in statements from Israeli offi- cials for months. In August, Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir said, "Israel isn't pushing the U.S. to do anything. Who are we to push the only superpower in the world today?" Yet about the same time, Defense Minister Moshe Arens said that if Saddam Hussein remained in power with his arsenal intact, "then there will be room for worry from us, the whole re- gion and the whole world." In October, a high Israeli military official first cau- tioned that Israel would not advise the Bush administra- tion on its policy toward Iraq, then added that a polit- ical settlement "is the most dangerous option." And recently, Ariel Sha- ron, Israel's Housing Min- ister, told visiting American Jews, "For Israel, for the Middle East and for the world, it would have been much better if the United States had not stepped into the Persian Gulf — if the end of the crisis will be that Saddam Hussein stays in power." Like other Americans, U.S. Jews are divided over a Persian Gulf war. But they have an extra worry: The safety of Israel. Mr. Sharon is often con- sidered an outspoken maver- ick on such matters. But "this time," said a senior Israel official, he "is saying what's on all our minds. Maybe its not wise to say it, but it's the truth." Israel: The Great Leveler For almost every Ameri- can Jew, regardless of their political stripes, it is im- possible to eliminate Israel from the Gulf equation. Iraq's threat toward Israel, in fact, seems to be the great leveler in American Jews' attitudes toward the Gulf crisis. Largely because of that, it is near-impossible to predict just where U.S. Jews will line up regarding American policy in the Gulf. Much of the pro-war talk goes against the expected po- litical grain, especially against contemporary lib- eral instincts that cringe at armed conflict. Yet, many Jewish liberals favor military action as the only way to ensure that Saddam Hussein will no longer threaten regional and global stability. Instrumental to some lib- eral Jews' departure from their positions regarding Vietnam is seeing no con- vincing parallels between the Vietcong, clad in black pajamas and walking single file down the Ho Chi Minh Trail, and the specter of Saddam Hussein armed with chemical and biological weapons and ballistic mis- siles. In the current crisis, said Kenneth Lasson, the chair- man of the Baltimore Jewish Council's Israel-Middle East Committee who opposed the war in Vietnam, "there's a much more easily discerned goal and principle. In maybe fairly simplistic terms, we are now dealing with good versus evil. It is much easier to see Saddam Hussein as a reincarnation of Hitler than to see the Vietcong as a threat to the West." And historian Michael Walzer of the Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton, N.J., said, "Even when I was fully engaged in opposing the war in Viet- nam, I didn't extrapolate that to every situation. I still thought the United States had acted properly in Korea, a situation which closely parallels this one." The question, for now, seems to be whether the Jewish center will hold. That center was articu- lated last month when the Council of Jewish Federa- tions' General Assembly (GA) in San Francisco unanimously endorsed the administration's policy in the Gulf. The resolution did not detail American objec- tives in the Gulf, how they should be achieved, or how Israel figured in the Gulf equation. Not one of the 700 GA delegates dissented. Not one proposed a single amendment. Specifics and opposition were avoided, said one high- level Jewish communal offi- cial, because delegates implicitly understood "that we would be entering an arena that some would perceive as becoming a `Jewish issue.' We wanted to parallel the low-profile that Israel has been asked to play. We couldn't imagine anyone standing up and say- ing, 'I'm for bombing. Does anyone second the mo- tion?' " Such overt belligerence, especially as the National Council of Churches adopted a strong anti-war resolution the same week as the GA, might have isolated Jews as clamoring for war. To some, it might have confirmed syndicated columnist Patrick Buchanan's claim that only Israel and its "amen corner" in the United States seek war with Iraq. Rabbi James Rudin, the American Jewish Com- mittee's interreligious af- fairs director, anticipates more protests against a Per- sian Gulf war, particularly from Protestant denomina- tions and black churches. If this occurs, said Arthur Waskow, executive director of the Philadelphia-based Shalom Center and a former leader of the anti-Vietnam War movement, "and the only community that sup- ports a war is the Jews, and even the white middle-class opposes the war that its children are fighting, then the Jewish community will be in a very different place. "In 1965, when the anti- war movement essentially began," said Mr. Waskow, "America was a place with very high morale. We had just made some major strides