BERKLEY TOURS & TRAVEL INC. NEW YEARS DINNER THEATRE SPECIALS "ZIEGFELD" (MUSICAL EXTRAVAGANZA!) CLEVELAND, OHIO MARCH 9-10 $ 165 PDBL BUS • HOTEL • SHOW • DINNER • CONT BREAK. • BRUNCH • TOUR 1900, there were forty Jewish families in Plymouth, mostly Eastern European im- migrants who came to Plymouth to work in the area's mills. A history of the congrega- tion relates how these early Jewish settlers first worship- ped in private homes and hired a hall High Holy days. But in time they began to plan to build their own synagogue. By 1910, they had bought a property and obtained a mort- gage. And in 1912, the whole community joined in the celebration when the cor- nerstone was laid. A year later, they all stood out in the street and awaited the arrival of two horse-drawn carriages, from which two of their members alighted, each carefully carrying a Torah scroll. Their synagogue was finally ready to be consecrated. The synagogue today doesn't look much different from when it was first dedicated. It's a simple sanc- tuary with wooden pews and colored glass windows and a large but plain brass chandelier. The congregation which began with forty families now numbers 119. "It's doubled in the last fifteen years," says Steve Silverman, president. The recent growth of Plymouth and other South Shore communities, he ex- plains, has brought an in- crease in the Jewish popula- tion as well. Though they're still a tiny minority in this town of 41,000, Jewish residents are active in many aspects of life in Plymouth: in business, the professions and politics: Bruce Arens, one of the town's five selectmen, is a member of Beth Jacob. The congregation, which began as Orthodox but is now Reform, now has a communi- ty center building as well as its original synagogue. In 1979, members purchased the United Methodist Church three blocks from the synagogue and converted it into their community center, with classrooms, a large social hall and a kosher kitchen. Shortly after, the congrega- tion also acquired its own burial ground. Before this, members had to travel to other cities to bury their dead. But Rabbi Silverman brought earth from Israel for the consecration of Beth Jacob Cemetery, located right in Plymouth. With all its expansion and changes, this is a congrega- tion which takes pride. c(7 . < V * S3.1 t t • < ' 4' Vio • DEC. 31 "ANYTHING GOES"90 "WESTGATE," TOLEDO WIP P.P. BUS • DINNER • SHOW • DANCING • CHAMPAGNE & MORE! . . OR: DEC 31-1 (INCLUDING HOTEL) $129 DBL $ 1 53 RR DBL. "LAS VEGAS TYLE SHOW " "NARA'S" - N. S DAYTON $ 119 DBL PP ALL INCL.: BUS • 1 NITE HOTEL • GOURMET DINNER • BREAKFAST • PARTY • CHAMPAGNE • DANCING AND MUCH, MUCH MORE! (ORLANDO, JACKSONVILLE, ST. AUGUSTINE, FT. LAUDERDALE, HOLLY- WOOD, KEY WEST, CLEARWATER) . 9 3. LIDO SPA MIAMI BEACH, FLA. PHANTOM OF THE OPERA - TORONTO $189 P.P. DBL. From • R.T. BUS • EXCELLENT PHANTOM SEAT • 1 OR 2 NITES HOTEL • TOUR (2 NITE PKG. ONLY) WEEK-END PACKAGES THROUGH MARCH TICKETS ONLY & ROUND TRIP TRAIN . PACKAGES AVAILABLE SOME DATES ;Br: MARCH 4-19, 1991 $ 1299 5 • AIR • HOTEL • MEALS • DAILY ACTIVITIES • ENTERTAINMENT • HEALTH CLUB • MORE PRICE BASED ON VERY CHEAP AIRFARE! 1ST 25 ONLY!! BOOK EARLY!! "NEW YEAR'S EVE" DEC. 30.1 or 31.1 $ 219 DBL 4411 1 Summer Camping For 13 — 17 years old. COL FCrtri 01 ADVENTURE TRIP ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER'S . CI3 TEEN TRAVEL CAMP BUS • HOTEL • SHOW • DINNER • BREAK. • TOUR $ 89 DBL FEB. 23-MARCH 7 BUS • HOTELS • 1 DAY CRUISE • MEALS • EP- COT OR DISNEY WORLD • EXCITING TOURS & MORE! 4P7 qt/ liAlit t -i *CE 191 - . "ANDY WILLIAMS SHOW" CLEVELAND, OHIO $1 ft P.P. FEB. 23-24 Only 147 DBL. 2. ORLANDO, WEST PALM BEACH, ST. AUGUSTINE A arde . BOOK YOUR GROUP NOW! FEB. 20-MARCH 8 $ 1 09 9 DBL BUS • HOTELS • TOURS • MEALS • EPCOT OR DISNEY WORLD • DINNER THEATRES & MUCH MORE'