family member suddenly became seriously ill with lit- tle or no chance of recovery. The task force also paid at- tention to the way language is used to describe people with handicaps. Members began referring to "a person with a disability," instead of "a disabled person." Nearly three years were spent conducting extensive interviews with people with handicaps, as well as their parents, children, siblings and other family members. At the same time, represen- tatives from agencies throughout the Detroit area, both Jewish and non- sectarian, made presenta- tions describing the services their organizations offer to people with disabilities. The task force agreed there is no need to re-invent many of the programs that already exist in non-sectarian set- tings; rather the need is to help Jewish people connect with these programs. How- ever, parents of children with disabilities expressed a desire for Jewish scout troops and other recreational programs for their children and others who observe Shabbat. Common complaints were lack of adequate transporta- tion, little understanding of how to utilize existing resources, and a sense of frustration and isolation. Many believe the schools, synagogues and agencies of the Detroit Jewish communi- ty are not interested in the participation of all members. Persons with visual or hear- ing impairments complain of a lack of large print prayer books, hearing enhancement devices, and synagogue ser- vices that include com- munication alternatives like signing and oral interpreta- Helen Miller and Tom Dziurda dance at a Jewish Vocational Service party. tion. People with physical disabilities say they cannot enter many Jewish com- munal buildings due to stairs, curbs and other barriers. And, despite the efforts of JARC, Kadima, and other programs for people with developmental disabilities and mental illness, many families found the Jewish community-at-large insen- sitive to their needs. On the positive side, the task force found that ex- cellent resources already ex- ist. The problem, they say, is more a lack of information than lack of resources. To alleviate this problem, the Jewish Information Ser- vices has hired a new director, Carol Kaczander, who will be responsible for developing a "disabilities database." Because many people need more than a simple referral when tragedy strikes, Mrs. Kaczander will also serve as a resource to Federation agen- cies and as an ombudsman to the clients. According to Nora Barron, "We found people need more than just an empathetic ear. They need someone who can help, tell them whom to call, and then follow up." The task force report in- cludes a number of recom- mendations, including a com- prehensive printed directory of community services; ex- panded case-management, guardianship and respite care programs within Jewish Family Service; support groups for parents and sibl- ings; more services and pro- grams for people with visual and hearing impairments; and expanded educational, social, and recreational oppor- tunities for Jewish children with all types of handicaps, including learning disa- bilities. It was also suggested that an experimental environment be established to allow people without handicaps to ex- perience the barriers and limitations faced by those with disabilities. Other recommendations in- cluded increased advocacy to promote legislation and government funding of pro- grams and services, a speakers' bureau to increase community awareness, pro- grams to promote greater ac- cessibility to Jewish com- munity facilities and expand- ed transportation resources. Many of these suggestions can be implemented without major allocations of funds, the task force report says. "There is a long list of needs, but many can be dealt with easily," said Mrs. Bar- ron. "It's more a matter of at- titude and what you believe you can do." Larry Ziffer, director of planning for the Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit, agrees. He is encouraged that many of the agencies are already doing much of what was recommended. "In many cases, it's a mat- ter of rearranging dollars that are already out there," said Mr. Ziffer, who says it is premature to put a price tag on the total program. Plans are under way for a town meeting to be held in 1991 to increase community awareness. Although the report was ex- tensive and the recommenda- tions far-reaching, task force members and agency ex- ecutives alike hope that this is only the beginning. "I'd like this community to never have out of their minds that there is a population, of which they are a part, that needs these changes," said Mr. Wachler. ❑ THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 57