eemingly in the middle of no- where stands a yellow door. Looking like the entrance one might find on any home, the door sits outside, with barbed wire on either side and heavy, pale stones in front. And behind — a garden of Jerusalem, with flowers of exquisite red, fresh orange and royal blue. Like this mustard- colored door, which overlooks the Old City, Israel is surrounded on all sides by miles of fierce barbed wire, separating the country from its Arab neighbors. But past that wire is a magical world of perfumes made from biblical for- mulas, the last testaments of children murdered at Auschwitz, health resorts where lingering illnesses vanish, dusty paths where Avraham walked, spy sto- ries with tragic endings, terrible mountains where travelers disappeared, and the graves of dead poets who dreamed of love. American Jews these days have a hard time see- ing these little treasures of Israel, or even the more renowned ones like the Kotel and the Dead Sea. Virtually no one is coming to Israel. Hotels are empty and streets are bare. Stores once bustling with camera- laden visitors close early, and tour buses sit for weeks on dark lots. The source of the decay is supposedly Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's threat to destroy Israel. Jewish groups one by one cancel their tours, leaving Israelis disappointed and angry. "How can you not come when we most need you?" one Ministry of Tourism of- ficial asked of American Jews. "You've abandoned us." Israelis have received gas masks, and families have been advised to make ready a room safe from noxious fumes Saddam Hussein might drop on the country. These precautions include purchasing plastic to safeguard the windows and tape to plug electric sockets. But Israelis are much more worried about what will happen if visitors con- tinue to shun the country. Already, many of their friends and family have lost jobs as a result of the drop in tourism. Tourism officials and angry Israelis aside, busi- ness remains as usual. Ben Yehudah Street is filled at night with the smell of hot falafel, Time cigarettes and Turkish coffee thick with sugar. The stores are open, offering American jeans and kibbutznikim sandals with two straps across the top, sunflower seeds and peanuts, hair conditioner that smells of almonds and delicate jewelry filled with glittering stones. S Elizabeth Applebaum just returned from a two-week assignment in Israel. Tourists may not be corn- ing, but Israel remains a tourist's dream. And its greatest sites are not even the ubiquitous stops on every visitor's agenda, but the secrets that whisper from under the rocks and the trees, that hide bet- ween ancient stones where history is piled atop histo- ry, that come out at night in the fields overflowing with rich sage and fennel. A look at some of Israel's secret treasures. ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM Assistant Editor 24 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1990 On this journey to Israel's unknown treasures, begin in Jersalem's Old City, where a museum in the Cardo shows new discoveries in the area. Among the finds: six homes from 37 B.C.E.-70 C.E. showing exquisite mosaic floors and a