NATIONAL W000 jp George Shultz receives a CJF human rights award from Max M. Fisher, CJF past president; Mandell L. Berman, CJF immediate past president; and Charles H. Goodman, new CJF president. The Costs Are High Federation leaders worry over the high stakes involved in Israel, the Middle East and at home. PHIL JACOBS Assistant Editor dent Chaim Herzog told a packed GA Thursday au- dience. "We are looking to settle one million new peo- ple, 25 percent of our popula- tion at a cost of $80 billion." To complicate the addition of the emigres, Israel's U.S. Ambassador Zalmon Shoval said the emigres represent a considerable security threat to the Jewish state's enemies. "The Arabs hope in their hearts that Israel is a tem- porary affair," he said. "But with a million people com- ing, perhaps two million, the Arabs are slowly grasping at what is happening, that we're not going anywhere, we're becoming stronger. However, if we don't have the funds or the aid to take care of all of these people, we could be facing the biggest disaster since World War II." Former Secretary of State George P. Shultz, who was given the inaugural George P. Shultz Human Rights Award at the GA for his work in freeing Soviet Jews, said in his Saturday keynote address that not only Israel, but the entire world, needed to brace itself economically for the flow of Russians, a flow he said would impact on Israel for generations. He also strong- ly suggested that the United States increase its quota of Russian emigres above its current 40,000 mark. Mr. Shultz said with levity that there were enough Rus- sian musicians now in Israel to form eight symphonies. But he was deadly serious when he told the audience that while receiving the emigres was a big part of Israel's future, the country Photo by Ro be rt A. Cum ins .11 ., he "cost" of resettling one million Soviet Jews over the next three years in Israel. The "costs" to Israel in terms of bodies and monies if war breaks out in the Per- sian Gulf. Also, the "costs" to Israel should war not break out and new alliances remain firm between the United States, Saudi Arabia and Syria. The "cost" of U.N. resolutions condemn- ing Israel. The continuing "costs" of the intifada. The "costs" to Israel should it decide not to revamp its economic system. And "what is at stake" should Israel not change its ways of electing its politi- cians. Words such as "the costs" and "what is at stake" were attached to almost every major speech, debate and discussion during last week's Council of Jewish Federations General Assem- bly in San Francisco. There was a pall, a feeling of urgency and a fear of the unknown that hung over this 59th assembly that no matter how many zeros and dollars were attached to the cause, it would not be nearly enough to cover what would be the bottom line of all of these "costs". If anything, the dominant issue of reset- tlement was unsettling and overwhelming. Indeed, GA seminars on issues such as intermarriage and AIDS, which have ex- acted their own "costs" in the Jewish community, pal- ed in comparison to the gen- eral feeling that American Jews, who have already been called on to give millions of dollars towards Soviet Jew- ish resettlement, have just seen the beginning. Terms such as resettlement and Operation Exodus were redefined as an evacuation, an evacuation that could go on for years or end tomorrow. "If we come to be judged by history, it will be during these times," Israel's presi- had other major issues it needed to resolve. He called on the Israeli government to get back to the peace table immediately. He also called on the state to reform its election process, and to pre- sent a clearer political pic- ture towards more internal and external stability. The former secretary of state also said the United States needs to establish closer relations with Israel, especially now, when that trust is in doubt. "It seems to me that we should be consulting with Israel about what is going on," he said. "It seems to be that if you listen to them, you might learn something. Israel is right in the center of our concerns, and we have to display trust." Mr. Shultz said there should be absolutely no con- nection between Iraq's pullout from Kuwait and the situation on the West Bank and Gaza Strip. He said the U.S. government must make sure Iraq does not have the capacity for waging chemical warfare. He also said the U.S. should be slow in removing its troops from the region. He then talked about Israel's need for electoral reform, saying that Israel needed a political system that allowed more decisiveness. He said Israel's economy was tied up in knots, needing more privatization and less bu- reaucracy. Mr. Schultz called for im- mediate and direct negotia- tions between Israel and the Palestinians. He cited Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir's April 1989 peace initiative, calling it a great potential step. Mr. Schultz, however, criticized Israel for "backpedaling" on the plan. But at the same time, he called for the Bush Ad- ministration to be more en- couraging to the State of Israel to continue some sort of negotiations. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 35 0