F or decodes, when the windows of Detroit Jews were aglow with Hannukah lights, the windows of Jews in Minsk were dark. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 CI 0 0 0 0 _._ year, you can help bring This Igi IP IP IP the miracle of Hannukah to Jewish families in our sister city. P. IIP Y our family can ensure that a Jewish family in Minsk receives a menorah, candles and a dreidel by enclosing a check with the coupon below. Your family's generous support will be conveyed to the Minsk Jewish community. This program was made possible by The Jewish News and the Soviet Jewry Committee of the Jewish Community Council I want to give a Jewish family in Minsk something my family has had all of our lives the joy of the Miracle of Hanukkah. I have enclosed a check for: YES $5 $10 $15 $18 (Chaff) Other Your gift of $15 will cover the cost of sending one menorah package to a family in Minsk. Name Address Phone 12 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1990 Mail To: Soviet Jewry Committee of The Jewish Community Council 21550 W. 12 Mile Road, Room 1 Southfield, Michigan 48076 Pleose moil by December 1