PURELY COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus History In The Making And Preserving M ichigan Jewish. His- tory Journal will surely attract na- tionwide attention when its 30th anniversary edition is published toward the end of this month. Many Jewish communities throughout the land have historical societies and there are many with journals as their publishing organs. Few if any have reached the record of publishing uninterrupted- ly for 30 years. Therefore, the special importance of the cur- rently awaited Michigan Jewish History Journal. Published by the Michigan Jewish Historical Society — Gilbert Borman has just been elected as its president — the journal emphasizes state- wide Michigan Jewish com- munities in special features with emphasis on the occur- rences in this century. The editor of the journal, Judith Cantor, advises us that the anniversary issue will deal with such important anniver- saries as the 95th year of the Hebrew Free Loan Society. Dealing with the tradition as important as Gemilut Hassadim, already grants the anniversary's recording of the Detroit activities, special significance. For many, the listing of pioneering in the Hebrew Free Loan is a reminder of a district service to the needy. Memories of prominent per- sonalities will be read in the anniversary journal. For example, there were the pioneering founders of the Pontiac Jewish community and its synagogue, Joseph and Rachel Barnett. They and their family provide a fascinating Michigan story. The basic importance of the anniversary issue, which will make it a historically valued text for the permanent American Jewish archives, is Judith Cantor its publishing of a major por- tion of a most valued book, the history of the Philomathic Debating Society researched and compiled by Prof. Ralph Raimi of Rochester (N.Y.) University. Philomathic was organized in 1898 and functioned until 1950. Its members were students of Central High School. Detroit, being a com- pact Jewish community, near- ly all Jewish students were in Central. There was a discrimination against Jewish students seek- ing admission to the existing Central debating society, and the Jews formed their own, the Philomathic. Prof. Raimi indicates in his Philomathic story the title derives from "love of words." This is an indication of the compulsion of that time to in- clude Latin in high school curricula, thereby assurring better knowledge of English. Prof. Raimi, a native Detroiter and member of a prominent family here, made every available contact to compile a complete and ac- curate Philomathic history. There are experiences about scores of the most prominent in our community. The 200 names of Philomathic members incor- porated in the book are reproduced in the Michigan Jewish History Journal. They will surely be subjects of discussion by families related to them and in the en- thusiasm executed by the Philomathic name now so well publicized. Morton Zieve, who was chairman of the Philomathic 50th anniversary banquet in 1948, and Reuben Levine are among the authoritative sources about the debating society who are boasting about having been Philomathians. To Michigan Jewish History Journal editor Judith Cantor goes deep appreciation for the current edition of the historical society's magazine with the enriching contents, especially the Philomathic story. She has earned gratitude for leadership in striving for the establishment of a functioning Michigan Ar- chives. Jabotinsky's Prophecy In Retrospect V ladimir Jabotinsky is a name that will re- main distinguished in Zionist and Jewish history. He was unyielding in his demands for justice, and his disputes with Chaim Weiz- mann and other leaders led to his founding of the Revi- sionist Zionist Party from which developed the Herut of Israel and the premiership of Menachem Begin. Mr. Jabotinsky was the militant Zionist who ad- vocated formation of the Jewish Army to fight for Jewish independence. He was a noted orator. He was a brilliant writer and author of important works. Now we are treated to the reprinting of what Mr. Jabotinsky wrote before he died in 1940 which was published posthumously THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (US PS 275-520) is published every Friday with additional supplements in February, March, May, August, October and November at 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan. Second class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and addi- tional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 27676 Southfield, Road, Franklin Michigan 48034 $29 per year $37 per year out of state 75' single copy Vol. XCVIII No. 12 2 Nov. 16, 1990 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1990 under the title "The War and the Jew." It is an important memo for pre-war archives. It needs explaining. It was written before Kristalnacht in the horrible days which led to the Holocaust. Therefore, whatever he wrote was either anticipatory or condemning of failures to aid Zionism to help Jews escape the terrors by settling in what was then Palestine or failures to rescue Jews. These intentions were vital and needed recording. That's what Vladimir Jabotinsky did as published by Altalena Press. It is cir- culated by the Aronoff Foun- dation, Bloomfield Hills, Mich. The Jabotinsky views in- clude the demands for justice. The famous leader also in- cludes tributes to Polish Jewry and analyses of aims unfulfilled. The Holocaust story was left for others to write; yet the book has some special values as a preliminary to the record of Nazi atrocities. The tributes to Mr. Jabotin- sky in a volume by Menachem Begin, came from Dov Shulansky of the Knesset; Pierre Van Paassen and Col. John Henry Patter- son, British Commander. All were personalities of impor- tance in pre-war years and afterward in Jewish and non- Jewish ranks. Considering the publication of a book that has an interest displayed by Michigan distributors, encourages in- troducing it. At the same time it recalls Mr. Jabotinsky, as a prophet in Zionism. In 1898 Theodor Herzl predicted the emerging of the Jewish State in fifty years. Forty years later, Mr. Jabotinsky predicted it would be in a decade. In 1938 Jabotinsky received a letter from a South African Jewish stu- dent who contemplated Vladimir Jabotinsky is a name that will remain distinguished in Zionist and Jewish history. suicide because of the manifestation of anti- Semitism at his university. Mr. Jabotinsky's reply is a classic in Jewish literary annals. It attained two ob- jectives. It rejected any thought of suicide. It in- spired hope in the Zionist ideal. It predicted Israel's rebirth in a decade .. . Here is the text of this historic document: "Suicide is worse than cowardice; it is surrender. Try and analyze any great or small Schweinerei in history or in life: you will always detect that its root was or is somebody's sur- render. Surrender is the dirtiest trick in creation; and suicide, being the sym- bol of all surrenders, is like a call for universal betrayal. "In the case of your generation, it would also be a silly bargain. Your generation is destined to see miracles and collective- ly, perform miracles . . . Don't get downhearted because of butcheries go- ing on; everything, all forms of life and death, are now converging towards one end, a Jewish state, and a great exodus to Palestine. I think, on a very conservative estimate, that the next 10 years will see the Jewish state of Palestine not only pro- claimed but a reality; pro- bably less than 10. It would be unspeakably cheap and foolish to forego all this because there are Schweinereien at your university. "What to do? Forgive me, but this question, always in my practice, really means: Can't you suggest a way in which I, . . . should at once become in general with a special mission of my own? We need privates, doing Vladimir Jabotinsky drab commonplace jobs, and your age (whatever your gifts) is a private's age. Go to HQ and ask for drab errands to run. We all did it. "Mon ami, I should be thrilled every hour of my wake and dream, if I had the luck of being 20 today, on the threshold of a redeemed Israel and, pro- bably, a redeemed world to boot, no matter what but- cheries it may cost!" Thus, the dissenter at World Zionist Congresses, Continued on Page 40