I BACKGROUND Double Game Continued from preceding page FOR MEN 28637 Northwestern Highway • Southfield, MI 48034 • 356-8030 BOOKS We Buy and Sell Good Used Books LIBRARY BOOKSTORE 5454300 Open 7 Days Books Bought in Your Home Fidelity Bank Building 24901 Northwestern Hwy. Southfield 357.1056 48 FRIDIV, NOVEMBER 9, 1990 M. Sea*liner DAVID BURKE SALES & LEASING 851-7200 dized more than 20 years of Soviet-Iraqi friendship and wrecked Moscow's broader aspirations in the region. While the Soviet Union did indeed oppose the invasion, notes Dr. Sherr, the Iraqi action does have important political and economic spinoffs for Moscow. Economically, the destabilization of the Gulf has sent shock waves throughout the oil- consuming industrialized world, a phemonenon that could, in the long term, have the effect of enhancing the appeal of the Soviet Union's own huge, underdeveloped oil and gas reserves in Siberia. On the political level, the Soviet Union is urging Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait in order to deny the United States the opportunity of a military success which would lead to the imposition of a Pax Americana — and a major political defeat for Moscow — in a region so close to Soviet territory. Moscow, he says, would also benefit from Washing- ton's ignominy in the eyes of its allies, particularly Egypt and Saudi Arabia, if the Ira- qi provocation was removed and the United States, hav- ing deployed massive quan- tities of men and materiel, was forced to fold its tents and go home. "I don't think the Ameri- cans would be able to main- tain their credibility in the Arab world if they failed to act against Iraq now. You can't make military moves on such a vast scale and not go through with them." Having lost its East Euro- pean empire, he notes, the Soviet Union cannot afford to lose its influence in the Middle East. Nor does Dr. Sherr subscribe to the theory that the Soviet Union has aban- doned its competition with the United States in the re- gion in favor of superpower cooperation: "If Moscow succeeds in brokering a peaceful resolu- tion to the crisis, it will rep- resent an unqualified vic- tory for the Soviets, but if there is a military showdown," he adds, "they could lose everything." At the heart of the differ- ences between Moscow and Washington is the fact that while Western interests in the Gulf are derived from oil, the Soviet interests are de- rived from the proximity of the region to its own borders. Moscow might be outraged by the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, but it is not threatened by it. The threat to the Soviet Union is perceived in a powerful American military presence in what it considers to be its own backyard. Moreover, while instabili- ty in the Gulf threatens oil supplies, drives up gas prices and dislocates the economies of the West, this uncertainty could, conceivably, prove to be an economic windfall for the Soviet Union. If Israel plays its cards right, it could emerge as a beneficiary of all this hard- nosed Soviet pragmatism at the -very moment when rela- tions between Washington and Jerusalem enter the freezer. Moscow has already dem- onstrated its manifest good will toward Israel: This year alone, some 200,000 Soviet Jews are expected to emigrate, while restrictions on Jewish religious and cultural practice in the If Israel plays its cards right, it could emerge as a beneficiary of all this hard-nosed Soviet pragmatism. Soviet Union has undergone a significant liberalization. On a political level, Moscow has gone some con- siderable distance toward meeting Israeli demands for a resumption of full diplo- matic relations by agreeing to the establishment of con- sulates-general. In presenting the face of friendship to Jerusalem, the Soviet leader is hoping, again, for political and econ- omic rewards: He is anxious to cultivate relations with Israel because he believes that this may open the door to preferential trading ar- rangements with both the United States and the Soviet Union. On a political level, he is anxious not to be left out of future Middle East peace- making diplomacy, par- ticularly where it concerns his two other Middle East allies, Syria and the Palestine Liberation Organ- ization. Having built up a stock of credit in Israel, Mr. Gor- bachev's next task will be to convince the Israelis that peace with both Syria and the Palestinians is possible and that, most important of all, a level of Soviet media- tion is fundamental to the achievement of such desirable goals. LI