EDITORIAL Local Denials There are two types of denial being prac- ticed among Detroit's Christian clergy. One type is spotlighted in our Close-Up this week on Page 28. A group of well- meaning clergy, concerned about human rights throughout the world, have stepped to center stage several times this year to complain about Israel, its treatment of Pa- lestinians, and their belief that Israel is the stumbling block to a solution to the "Palestinian problem." Unfortunately, their criticism is one- sided and out of focus. As stated by Richard Lobenthal of the Anti-Defamation League, "These people don't think they are anti- Israel and they would be scandalized if you called them anti-Jewish." But what other labels apply when only the Israeli side of the dispute is open to inspection and criticism? A second type of denial re-surfaced this week with Ze'ev Chafets' book, Devil's Night: And Other True Tales of Detroit. Rev. Wendell Anthony, head of Detroit's Interfaith Council of Religious and Civic Leaders, packed the "Kelly & Company" television show with his supporters and lambasted Mr. Chafets, his book, his Jew- ishness and his homeland in Israel. It mat- tered little to Rev. Anthony or his sup- porters that only one among them had read Devil's Night. The only thing that matters to Mr. Chafets' critics is that he had the audacity to write a book critical of Detroit that has received national publicity. They have re- sponded, not to the criticism but against the critic. Rev. Anthony's attack leaves no doubt whom he believes the real devils are in Detroit. The Jewish Community Council and the American Jewish Committee have been working to explain Israel's positions in the Middle East to local clergy. They have for, years maintained ties with the Christian religious establishment and some leaders of the black community. More individual Jews, however, need to be involved in the process to reach a wider spectrum in the ever-changing power bases within the Christian and black communities. For the Jewish community not to raise its level of concern will mean another form of denial. Addressing The Problems One senses that Israel's problems with the United States, the United Nations and the world community are not going to go away in the near future. The current ad- ministration in Washington views Israel as a hindrance, more than a help, and has done little to create an atmosphere of em- pathy and understanding for the Jewish state regarding the Persian Gulf crisis and the UN resolutions condemning Israel's ac- tions. President Bush and Secretary of State Baker have expressed exasperation with Israel of late, but in fear of offending Wash- ington's new Arab coalition, have been mute about Israel's importance as a trusted, stable, democratic, strategic ally in the region. Further, the United States has failed to place Israel's distrust of the United Nations in historical context. How many Americans realize that for all of the resolu- tions passed by the U.N. over the years condemning Israeli actions, the Security Council has never convened to condemn the killing of a single Jew by Arab ter- rorists? How many Americans are aware that Israel has been permanently barred from membership of the Security Council, though the Arab states are members? For her part, Israel must be able to de- fend and explain her positions without ap- pearing arrogant and uncaring. And she has to find a way to quell Palestinian rock- throwing incidents without using live am- munition. In that sense, it matters not whose fault is the subsequent killing or whose case is more correct. If your side kills, you are to blame, in the eyes of the world, and provocation is not a factor. Israel has every reason to feel unfairly blamed. But that does not absolve her from the need to address her serious problems, in terms of safety and security as well as diplomacy. She owes it to no one more than her own citizens. LETTERS How Much Aid For Israel? Every time there is an inci- dent in the administered ter- ritories in the State of Israel we are being reminded that Israel annually received $3 billion worth of U.S. aid. Does it? $1.2 billion of civilian aid is actually returned to the United States to pay back $10 billion worth of loans taken out after the Camp David Ac- 6 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1990 cords were signed. The Americans were willing to turn this into a grant, but former Prime Minister Menachim Begin insisted that Israel pay its own way. Of the remaining $1.8 billion of military aid, 75 per- cent must be spent in the United States to purchase American-made military hardware. The most vocal op- ponents of any move by Con- gress to slash this aid would be the American defense and aerospace industries, and this would eliminate jobs for many Americans. The West Bank, which is referred to as occupied ter- ritories, was once part of the Turkish Empire passed on to the British, the Jordanians and the Israelis. Its final status is yet to be determin- ed, which is why the official Israeli term for these areas is "administered territories." It if Yx WERE§T*93 itaResrED jp cHAsit46 - Al ft Wi1fl 'THE ontER alit iN NIEj6REatioiD, niesE WE WOULDN'T BE MVIA16 - MODS of 14b131.fAS! Csttliatt is now under Israeli rule because it was conquered in the war of 1967. "Occupied territories" im- plies that control will soon be transferred to a previous owner. There exists no inter- nationally recognized docu- ment or treaty that renders explicit sole ownership of all of the West Bank to Palesti- nians whether they live in Nablus, Amman, London or Detroit. What guarantee do we have if there is ever a peaceful settlement that the Palestinian entity would be a democratic state that would be able to absorb refugees and would help these refugees to become productive and pro- sper? Does any advocate of a Palestinian state really ex- pect this? Abraham Pasternak Southfield Judge, Jury And Executioner Well, you can carve another notch in the news media's gun. Since the Oct. 8 Arab riot on the Temple Mount, they've once again put down the pen to pick up the sword, or more accurately, the noose. They've forsaken profes- sionalism to run with the lynch mob, to amplify the screaming for Israel's blood. They've given up all pretense of the press's respon- sibility for telling the truth to grab the cheap thrills of drag- ging Israel out in the street, sliding a rope around her neck and looking. for the tallest tree. In the classic tradition of blaming the victim, the media has used the recent Arab riot on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in order to crucify Israel. As judge, jury and hangman, they've declared Israel guilty of the unspeakable crime of defen- ding unarmed worshippers from a rampaging mob. The punishment that the media has selected for Israel is eternal harassment and/or persecution to the grave, whichever comes first. This is a fitting climax to the media's infatuation with those forces and countries desiring the destruction of Israel .. . Douglas J. Miller Miami Beach Israel's Purpose Is Not U.S. Pride Rabbi Norman Roman, in "Judging Israel when times are tough" (Oct. 19), is con- cerned with how the recent events in Jerusalem affect the American Jewish community. Does Rabbi Roman really think he speaks for the Jewish community when he says that "American Jews are not getting the same kind of pride from the Jewish state that they once had?" Certainly the State of Israel was not established for the purpose of providing nachas of pride to America's Jews. It was created as a refuge for hundreds of thousands of Jews escaping persecution. Ironically, Operation Exodus, which is currently seeing the absorption by Israel of tens of thousands of Jews over the past year, is fulfilling that very commitment of purpose, which indeed is an ongoing source of pride to all Jews worldwide. Rabbi Roman feels it is a mistake that Israel did not allow a U.N.-sanctioned corn- mission of inquiry to in- vestigate the recent tragedy in Jerusalem. Where was the U.N. condemnation when a Palestinian last year grab- bed the steering wheel of an Egged bus (en route from Jerusalem to Tel Continued on Page 10