EDUCATION Kids With A Cause Students at Hillel Day School spend their lunch time helping Soviet Jews. ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM Assistant Editor he lizard's eyes bulge out and his slimy green fingers hold on for dear life. "He's mine," a boy says, proudly holding up the creature in his small fist. The boy is on his way to science class: "Brought him from home." Three boys, wearing dark jackets and high-top tennis shoes, throw books in their overcrowded lockers. If only they could bottle that look: Teen-age Cool. New Kids on the Block, eat your hearts out. Giggling non-stop, a gaggle of girls — their hair all pulled atop their heads (if T Madonna does it, you know it's got to be s0000 hot) — watch the boys around them. The girls carry pink and violet lunch boxes. Devra Wanetik, running down the hall of Hillel Day School, sees none of this. She zooms past the Cool Trio, pushes into the Madonna wanna-bes and doesn't even notice the lizard. That's because Devra, a sixth-grader, has to tell her friend the greatest news in the whole world. "Our Soviet family is get- ting out!" she screams with delight. Devra is one of some 60 second- through sixth- grade students who regular- ly participate in a Soviet Jewry education class at Hillel. The class is optional, offered as an alternative to lunch time and recess. But if such a program sounds like a recipe for failure, think again. On a typical day in Judy Grant Granader's Soviet Jewry class for fifth-graders, the room is packed. In fact, the course is so popular — most participants are girls — that all available desks have been filled. A handful of students stand against the back wall. The fourth-grade Soviet Jewry class is a similar story. At first, one class was held for the 9-year-olds. It became so crowded that a se- cond fourth-grade Soviet Jewry class was created. The big news of the day is that the classes' adopted refusenik family —Valery, Ludmilla and Vladimir Zelichenok of Siberia — have received permission to emigrate. The first Exodus, when Jews were led out of Egypt, was one miracle, Mrs. Granader tells the students. "Now it's another Exodus. Again we are seeing a God- made miracle with all the Soviet Jews being allowed to leave." With the Zelichenoks' release, the students adopt another Soviet Jewish fami- ly: Roman and Svetlana Sorkin and their children Igor, Renata and Khanna, who were refused permission to emigrate because of their alleged access to "state secrets." Fourth-grade students munch on bologna sand- wiches and apples and pop- corn. One fourth-grader, hearing of the Zelichenoks' release, announces, "My great uncle just got out of Russia, too. He's 91." Another student is wor- ried. "But what happens when they get to Israel? What if there's a war?" Leah Weiss, a fellow stu- dent sitting in the front row, offers reassurance. "People in Israel know how to handle it," she says. Israelis have learned to live with the kinds of things that terrify Americans, like the constant threat of war, she says. Leah is a longtime Soviet Jewry activist. She has written letters to the Zelichenoks and other refuseniks, even sending small toys to the families' children. When she hears that the Zelichenoks will emigrate, she is delighted. "I feel good "I feel good because I'm just a kid but I could do something, even if it was just a little." — Leah Weiss Olga Flomin: "In Moscow, you stand in line hours to get ice cream." 102 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1990 Lavie Golenberg with a letter to his "adopted" refusenik. because I'm just a kid but I could do something, even if it was just a little," she says. Mrs. Granader, who has been teaching the class for five years, speaks to the students about the challenges of Israel absorb- ing hundreds of thousands of new Soviet Jewish immi- grants. She reminds them how difficult it can be for the refuseniks to leave, despite Soviet leader Mikhail Gor- bachev's decision to allow increased emigration. Student Olga Flomin, sipp- ing from a carton of Tang, understands this difficulty. She and her family left the